i try to do a module wich fades in newly slices when spreadcount rises an fades them out when spreadcount gets lower..
hey ele, sometimes you don´t find a tree in the forest, i know this very well...
hey thx kalle your solution its even simpler... wieso bin ich da nicht selbst drauf gekommen ...
hi joreg, where is the given RS232bluepill-patch? for a 'second|try'... (month later)/thnx.
damn you, it is 4:38 am... bloody no sleep software
help!!! how do i do background substraction in this thing?????
its quasi in da making
huhu everybody, i miss da ndm pikdschah gälleri.
yea, its fun, last night i played around till 5 o'clock, seeing a lot of very organic shapes ...
ok thx i play around with them and try to understand some basics...
it offers a wide variety of new shapes, try: LinearSpread > Cross > Join(Complex) > some arbitrary functions > vector(join) > translate ...
and what the practical apllication for them?
mhh im a complete math lamer... :) so you can say real number are one dimensional and complex number a tqo dimensional???
the set of all complex numbers is not a line, like the real numbers, its a plane ... i know i have to add a little introduction ... soon.
a + b*i, where i is the imaginary unit, the square root of -1 and a,b are real numbers, very similar to a 2d vector and a complex function is like 2d transformation. go here for more: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ComplexNumber.html
tf, what are complex numbers?
new modules at my page: http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=tonfilm-ComplexNumbers
thanks onoxo, have you a movie with "dotz" or "don't clean"? I love your work :)
sorry...here it is Link
my diploma project documentation - still vvvvork in progress link
nice one la.meche!
the trailer of my first gig with a vvvv part here:http://www.la-meche.com/vj/detur.htm
added link to estonji video here: http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=MUSIC+VIDEO+E.STONJI
new module--> Quantize (Value) click this http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=kalle+-+Modules%5CValue , not the one in "last changes"
The cybernetic parrot sausage http://www.zprod.org/zLab/sausageMovFrame.html
hoi ben bisch uffem dach?
Oh schade - habe ich das wohl verpasst im Atelier Frankfurt. Zu viel arbeit halt :(
would be nice to try something like this in vvvv
vvvvery cool software http://www.ixi-software.net/content/software.html
i have add the pipet experiment pics http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=UserPageonoxo
can i some how encode ascii characters in string ioboxes?
finally online. the PACMATCH - documentation http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=PACMATCH
nice pics onoxo !
will add more soon... yo!
i have add some( 4) pics to my Upages http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=UserPageonoxo
hi kalle, zepi sanch and me will be there !
hey this lemur stuff looks GREAT ~ costs? ;-)
TODAY in Frankfurt/main/Germany you may see the LEMUR controlling device. info about the event here: http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=TempLemur info about LEMUR here: http://www.jazzmutant.com/
hi nos. dl works now... ill have a look at the fahrplanreader again... btw it seems that our xpembedded man is in holidays...
it would be nice if i could delete the files I uploaded be myself :-)
howto delete files in the userproject galleries? Isnt it possible to overwrite files with the samae name?
(re: beta expiration) : thanks joreg.hopefully some new projects for the gallery soon...
the beta will say it is expired on may 1st which on the one hand is bad because we'll probably not have the new version finished by that day. on the other hand it doesn't really matter. an expired vvvv is still fully functional.
hi:this software looks great.considering using it for a small installation,but wondering: does this current beta version actually expire?
hi i am shams i need help regarding CAPI
and here you can move the 4-dimensional cube thru our space: http://cips02.physik.uni-bonn.de/ScienceSite/hypercubus/animator/main.html with an eye trick you can see the animation 3-dimensional
thats the right link: http://cips02.physik.uni-bonn.de/ScienceSite/hypercubus/dreh.html
thats really interesting, a rotating 4-dimensional hypercube intersects our 3-dimensional space:http://cips02.physik.uni-bonn.de/ScienceSite/index.html
ok, tested on my pixelshader 1.4 card, just try the RGB +/- without the clamp() function, works for me !
Sould be the RGBluma, I thought I'd deleted the other ( I think the channels are named backwards by the way, just a heads up!)
there are two .fx files, which is in use ?
+ didnt seem to work when i tried just now! I'm coding by trial and error, wish I could remember more of my maths lessons, but they were a long time ago!!! Quaternions make me go giddy, I feel so stupid sometimes,,,!
@catweasel, + should also work, but no contrast with the pow() command...
Just found out if you've not got a ps2 card and want to use my mixer or the lumakey module you can can edit the fx file to read 1_4, and its works except no + with RGB only -
Renderer (Flash) -> GDITexture -> Quad -> Renderer (DX9)
Hi all / How to display DX9 and Flash on the same render / Does it possible ?? thx
pixelshader 2
did you have a look at the helppatch of the Triangle node?
hi, i've got a problem with creating a simple triangle / it does not appear in the renderBox
ggrrr zepi i phone to verina!!
wish i had a pixelshader 2.0 card ...
@: sanch. (french accent) "sere is a bug!"
Mixer 7_3 is on my page, with the lumakey improvments, it actually works now! Let me know if it breaks....
no, sorry, you can try to store the pages at your harddisk ...
is there a compiled version of documentation(manual+faq+ref pages) somewhere for offline browsing ?
@catweasel: I've the 7.2 (it's on your page now). Thx a million.... Sorry for having bothering. Big up to you (and vvvv team o.c.)
Try again, I uploaded an updated version but it seems I didnt update the link! should be 7_2 just unzip to a directory and it should work!(Be aware that some faders need to be not 0 to see anything!
Are you here ???? Sorry, i've a tiny with a patch of yours (mixer7). I miss some subpatches.... And you appear to be online...!
CATWEASEL ???? !!!! help please !!!
sorry joreg. In a patch s.o. (catweasel if you hear me) refers to a button1 and slider1 patches located in ...../girlpower/shaders/ (apparently old vvvv version). i can't find 'em nowhere...
what do you mean? shaders used by girlpowerpatches can be found directly in the girlpower directory
hello all! anyone knows about a shaders subdirectory in girlpower in vvvv ?
Thats it! Transparent Laptop Screen... http://www.flickr.com/photos/w00kie/sets/180637/
An artnet to midi patch is on my user page for anybody interested in testing it out for me!
thx @ k
blasphemy ! ;)
THE jeff mills ?
is the old vvvvorum still available?
thx oschatz, UNICODE is the solution, not ANSI. la.meche
because notepad sometimes adds an UTF-8 encoding BOM in you file. use ANSI-encoding or Wordpad or UltraEdit
Why after I edit a v4p file with the notepad I can't read the file with VVVV :(. la.meche
ah ok, for shading ... next vvvversion should have a module for that.
yeah but i have problems with normals
sanch, is the dynamic mesh screenshot from you ? looks good ...
ggrrr i forgot to login...
tanks , i have already see this things, see you soon!
sanch, look at this link ;) http://uuhome.de/ossenbrueggen/henri/B_4kpl.jpg
That was easy, theres a new version with switching on my page now....
You could edit the FX file, its fairly simple, replace the < with a > ! Switchable might be more of a problem!
btw, is there a way to invert the keying?
catweasel, works great on my radeon9600!!!
I've uploaded a new fx channel strip to my page, let me know if it works Ok for you...RGBLuma.zip (4.20 Kb)
scrollbox (vvvv) uploaded. tell me, if you like it or not!
@fleg: Hi, It's fixed. Thanks for reporting.
same for tikibugs & vvvvbugs.
hey niddastr, the user questions forum seems to be bugy - i can´t create a new topic. (ie & firefox, winxp) --- javascript msg: zeile 320, zeichen 1, objekt erwartet.
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