hi sanche i posted an bruch grow patch...
hey sanch is it your garden?
a highscore is under construction !!!
hi max ! I'm glad you like the Chevvvvy !
Roll (Transform) rocks...
Hi everyone! "Roll (Transform)" is up. Enjoy! http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=UserPagesven
i'll also think about our garden ....
no , i haven't time now, i ll work on it this evening
hey sanch, made any progress as gardener? i think i need some further information and tips...
"If it ain't Chronic don't blaze it up, and if it ain't a Chevy don't raise it up"....
joo. bin auch mal da!
oh alle anwesend also
im on it to...
im on it... maybe ive a first solution....
thank electromeier the problem is now the branches
i cant see it sniff... ;) but sometimes i can see the wishlists of devs...
kalle: you can see. the others not. right?
@iorec: ndm05 -->public site???
wooo! a lot of new user in this time!
@korriander: very useful mdoule! but i recommend you reading http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki/tiki-index.php?page=Modules especially about naming conventions
@sanche: niiiice! but i would have named it "Renderer (DX9 Stereoscopic)" -- the node keeps smaller then
My first module !!!see my user page renderer dtereoscopic (dx9)
@korriander the path to your xfile is not found but good work
it works!!! we have a connection...
ok max je regarde ça
sanche: J'ai commonce une page pour expliquer comment traduire le vvvviki: howto translate the vvvviki?.
thnx sanch! will fix that... but the cam is the topic now...
site don't work? grrrrrrr... didn0t even made the camera work...
Merci Sanche
envoi moi ton patch david.dess(at)caramail.com je te regarde ça tout de suite
ce n'est malheureusement pas la solution à mon problème :(
sorry just the link on view user page
onoxo your website don't work!
il faut que dans le renderer node tu mete 1 pour depth buffer et aussi 1 pour l'objet xfile(load) calcule normale
@ sanche, tu as deja utilisé des objets de 3ds max? J'ai un problème de Zbuffer, il y des faces de derriere qui passent devant
c'est toujours comme ca :)
courage , c dur au debut mais aprés...
bonjour elektromeier :)
ma mèche s'enflamme à force de me creuser la tête sur vvvv
@max: yes they are a lot of french boy who are interesting in the project, i talk a lot of vvvv in other forum
attention de pas exploser! :)
bon jour la meche...comment ca va?
hi everybody, I'm a french newbie
hey sanche, french boys are interesting??? uh-huh.
sali kiilo!
@kalle: the attachments posted in the forums always work for me. is this a browser related problem or a tiki problem in generall. i use the firefox...
How start a french section on the wiki , a lot of french boy are interesting
did someone record some patches to dv camera??? can't make it :(
Yeah.. -thnx2jorec!
for every point or vertice?
place object on the outer surface of a spheric please
how to link attaches :to post! .zip| .jpg doesn´t work
it's an old software?
sanch the wave is awsome remind me of XSI prom box!! lol
or for 2D use the PointsToVector node
@flex subtract the points = difference vector. use Normalize to get the length ...
i want to measure distance between points- can someone tell me how?
yes! :) and i was tarzan...
no sorry. im interested in this too. would be cool to let grow a whole jungle...
yes !!! an idea?
oh sorry didn read your post very well... you look for something like a plant growing algorythm?
im not very technican too and dont know much bout trigonometry ;) but for those strange attractor pics theres a node in vvvv
yes!!! thx elktromeier see the forum i have made a post if u have a solution..
when you deactivate "autosize backbuffer" in the renderer properties it nearly looks perfekt in windowmode too
yes this is the problem (the srteaks)
it looks better when i switch to fullscreen.. when the renderer is windowed some streaks are visible
yes the patch does look simple but i t looks very good. maybee because the texturescaling is distributed over a bunch of quads?
it's really simple i tried some experimentation and ...
hey sanche really special blur effect im examining your patch right now to see how it works
@kalle cool!!! i have upload a new patch see my user page texture effect like wave, blur ...
Fibonacci (Spreads) is up. http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki/tiki-index.php?page=kalle+-+Modules\Spreads
aber ist ja kein nachteil...
mhh aber klappt soweit ganz gut bei mir deine thumbnails. ausser dass sie ned aufpoppen.
jep. habe ich auf meinen modulseiten so gemacht. allerdnigs funzt dieses wiki noch nicht so....
übrigens kann man im tikiwiki so automatisiert thumbnails von pics machen. und wenn man draufklickt zoomen die in nem poup auf?
@elemeier: coole modoole!! wenn kein helpfile dabei ist, ist v4p praktischer. aber du hast ja immer eins dabei...
I´ve upped some new modules. more modules and better pagestructure will follow soon. http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=elektromeier+-+modules
IDs: 32 33 34 35 hab irgendwann mal meinen modulordner von elektromeiers in elektromeier unbenannt, wenn ich jetzt die neuen mods raudlade gibts getto
hi elemeier, tell me the id's of the files to delete....
ask kalle ;)
hi... i like to upload new versions of my modules. is it possible to delete the old files? can i use the same upload names to overwrite them???
8-) oh thx didnt saw that
kiilo: SpellValue(String) should be your friend for converting value->char
ja. shorsh. die links. das is ein bekanntes viki-problem, an dem aber angeblich gearbeitet wird. irgendwann sollten die links also dann funktioniern
i want to see that PACman patch here :o) (see Screenshots of the Days) congratulations
haven't been to ff/m since a while...
hey joreg, enjoying your time? ;)
there was no connection to the spheres, it was just a blink-mode.
i mean the links in the gallery which sends you to the projects. i didn´t do them. i thinks they´re from joreg. i don´t know. if somebody knows how to fix it, feel free. i tryed to replace them with html links, but it didn´t work either.
wifi means "wireless fidelity", right? means be happy with wlan"?
dschor... how do you send data to your sphere?
blabla , not ((blabla), you know??)
hey dschorsch, the links to your user pages fuzz. for the images take html-links, not wiki links
hi sanche, dont´n know what wifi means. please help me.
hi dschor... you use wifi for your beautiful installation?
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