hi some more fun and research ;D. https://vimeo.com/colorsound/htcvivepaintingmapping
CTRL+SHIFT+L in VL!!! This is huge!
@vux: could a directx 11.2 features - hardware support for virtual textures- be implemented in theory? like this https://developer.nvidia.com/sites/default/files/akamai/gameworks/events/gdc14/GDC_14_Real%20Virtual%20Texturing%20-%20Taking%20Advantage%20of%20Direc...
Small 1.0.1 fix for dx11 directx11-nodes
@colorsound Cool! I'm trying something similar with controller attached to camcorder to make combined real/virtual videos.
latest #vvvv #audio comes with #VL patch example, open "VL Test.v4p" in #girlpower vvvv.audio-pack-alpha
@eno, @lev: https://youtu.be/iH6a1iYQ0GA ;)
@u7 and all - ok done! NSYNK just completed the bounty. #communitydriven #vvvv
Just donated ! Let's go vvvv community !
wirmachenbunt just gave the HAP funding a spin towards the goal. common ppl, every little counts http://demolition-studios.net/donations/hap4vvvv/
Need help with a project? @miro and me have loads of patching time in the next 2 - 3 months!
The proof of concept versión in vvvv with HTC Mapping ;D https://www.dropbox.com/s/n7ujd2255yh1e1v/RealT_Mapping_Test__Colorsound_vvvv.mp4?dl=0 I,ll try to post something cooler soon.
@nzo.nzo: sounds interesting, write me a mail or start a forum topic.
Someone would be interested to develop with me a PoTree point cloud importer?
watch out for nvidia shadowplay/share enabled by default in at least the drivers for 1060. vvvv no likey
equivalent to GLSL mod in HLSL? fe. fmod gives different results.
@sebescudie I have used Panasonics variant called Digital link, works fine
Anyone ever used that ? https://hdbaset.org/
we're back
hello. maintenance reboot at 2 o clock. will be back after 2 minutes or so.
devvvvs can you add damping and input scaling back to the camera (transform orbit)?
@bo27: Missed me by four days... ! Lemme know if you make it up the West Coast to Vancouver
d.o.p.e. now also runs in beta(50+) and supports instancing (incl. noodles), see 3D girlpower!
Hello! Anyone around San Francisco today-wednesday? Let's meet!
@arm we don't know more than this: heinrich maybe contact Xini
where is Heinrich_Beta?
@microdee, wonderful ¡¡
yup that's already done https://youtu.be/xp9sIMtGzXM
Will it support both joint and blendshape animations?
not yet! I still have to finish some nodes which output some additional info and it'll be good to go
did microdee's new fbx loader get released anywhere?
Hi Guys, just reminder for lattepanda,teensy ... from Europe and a vvvolk. Your demand our desire ;D http://corzotech.com/en/3-electronics
@dominikKoller have a look at the #lattepanda instead..
@rmueller thanks. Damnit. RaspPi + boygrouping would be heaven.
@dominikKoller No :(
does vvvv run on the Raspberry Pi with that Windows 10 IoT on it?
vpm got a massive update get it here: https://github.com/vvvvpm/vpm/releases/latest and a shiny new #vpdb GUI https://vvvvpm.github.io/ to fetch available packs ;)
here some good advice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_Jq38JKN3A
Procedural city on the Nile:"Don't be shy, girl, step into my pad". Made in vvvv & hlsl. Taming the noise, bro. https://vimeo.com/199894645
Thanks @Joreg
@AndyC type 3dconnexion in the nodebrowser (needs addonpack)
Hello! Is there a node somewhere for a 3d Conexions 3dMouse. I'm sure I've seen one but cant find it.
@ysap select (Value)
hey, how could i treat spreads like this --> 1 2 3 4 becomes 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 THX
here is the next #vvvv #vl video tutorial https://vimeo.com/200604809
@antokhio, tonfilm: super nice hack! didn't know before, but HTC Vive will offer a tracking-only device soon too.
Realtime Projection Mapping with HTC Vive as tracker: https://youtu.be/2gkidC6hTlY
ahhhhh okay, it says 16384 for each dimension
@ysap the limit is in your graphiccard. for dx9 see the Caps output of Device (EX9 Auto)) where it reports: MaxTextureHeight/Width
tried DDS, PNG and JPG
trying to load a 28000px x 1620px texture, its giving me black output. Is there a limitation in VVVV?
Introducing: The Store introducing-the-store #vvvv
@joreg - thanks!
@elliotwoods, i reopened that topic..
also i'd be very much up for rewriting this openly with all the features if there's paid days #taxreturn
VL is perfect for this type of deep OO logic. Great to hear! p.s. I can't reply in forum (no button)
@xd_nitro: got it. see \girlpower\VL\Animation\MultiTouch for a little #vl example of doing this #vvvv
will do Joreg. @cat - poss but can't move to 50 anyway.
zoom-pan-rotate-touchgestures @XD_nitro, could VL do what you need?
@xd_nitro: from looking at that patch i don't really understand what it is doing: can you start a forumthread and specify your needs?
oh it's a contribution not forum. doh! multitouch-stack-revived
hey y'all - anyone up for doing some sponsored work on multitouch-stack-revived?
@all please update your VVVV.OpenVR pack, important bugfix: vvvv.openvr #htc #vive #oculus #rift #vr
@joreg i'm not sure where to start with the requests, everything i know is wrong and yoghurt
only 5 requests but already 20 proposals for #node17 workshops. keep'em coming: node17-call-for-workshops #vvvv #vl #visualprogramming
the 2016 numbers are out: vvvv-in-numbers-2016 thanks everyone for contributing #vvvv
thanks for the numbers!
Anyone around LA area? Let's meet for beer+vvvv+business(optional)
Last in a series of #liveAR shows https://youtu.be/75qzxi5LG-0?t=18m10s , proudly made with #vvvv
can´t find "revert to saved" in VL :( often end up forced to restart whole vvvv when breaking something..
@joreg - Thank-you
@beryl see what you mean. nothing promised. meanwhile you find the same info in \lib\nodes and \addonpack\lib\nodes\ nodelist.xml
This makes searching for keywords (with crtl F) on the page only partly helpfull as many results do not appear.
The help section is partially obscured here:vvvv.org/documentation/node-reference.
@beryl please be more specific: what exactly are you looking for and where?
Please Please Please make the help on node reference page fully viewable and searchable!!!
boygroup: https://youtu.be/suxu1bmPm2g
@tmp -> ##vvvv por favor
Cinimod Studio is looking for a full-time VVVV developer: http://cinimodstudio.com/vvvv-developer/
all ready!
hello, there has to be a maintenance reboot. will reboot in 2mins. back in about 5 mins.
thanks deVLopers
here is how we patch a particle system in #vl https://vimeo.com/198615170 #vvvv #visualprogramming
the tunnel_node in dx9 has a transform_input. but not reacting. on any kind of transform input and not in all 3 modes???
anyone using this tool? how to use for vvvv? https://github.com/christopherbatty/SDFGen
analysis_part of my actual patches i will soon upload as contribution. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DkkqYEBZlI&t=7s&ab_channel=udokaiser
@joreg: thanks for the video! keep 'em coming :)
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