@bjoern, crazy stuff, funny they use kinects :)
"Dr Greeble's spawn filter" - result of live shader coding session on Twitch. https://www.shadertoy.com/view/7lsSz8
vvvv meetup is live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkInLnC944w
reminder: 12th #vvvv online meetup tonight, 8pm CET: 12.-worldwide-vvvv-meetup
https://youtu.be/omqlZepW69g sonic pi live @ tami
Job: Lehrkraft mit Kentnissen in Python, Machine Learning und Grundlagen der Informationstechnologie gesucht: https://bit.ly/2TtgOoJ
reminder: starting at 2pm CET today: online-workshop-shiny-generative-graphics-with-vvvv
Let's appreciate the most important feature being the flat UI redesign. Even though blueprints still remain ugly ...
let us worry about the serious issues: https://hard-drive.net/experts-worry-unreal-engine-5-will-deplete-the-worlds-supply-of-triangles/
UE5 Early Access https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1ZnM7CH-v4
SDF editor https://youtu.be/Z1qj9xgqdps
reminder: tomorrow, tuesday May 25, 8pm CET: #vvvv online meetup: 11.-worldwide-vvvv-meetup
also a nice way to hide jitter
I really dig the alpha fade on texture previews in 2021.4
http://manual.notch.one/0.9.23/en/topic/nodes-post-fx-image-processing-nvidia-virtual-background This would be nice to have in the toolkit...
And now it's opertaional. It's just a concept, bugs expected
sorry, one moment it's broken
concept of genrative telegram bot: t.me/arktkbot
Reminder: Machine Learning for Interaction Designers webinar by sebescudie this Friday: https://thenodeinstitute.org/event/machine-learning-for-interaction-designers/
Live now: The 10th #vvvv online meetup: https://youtu.be/ShUefLRL_H0
thank you @joreg
@karistouf: yep, just join us in the chat: https://betadocs.vvvv.org/chat.html
@joreg : if you are around is it possible to tchat quickly ? i need a real HELP !!!
blocked. i had to copy paste the subpatch to get ride of it. Some bugs surely due that is a Loaded on the fly patch ID.thankyou
@karistouf: CTRL+T ?
the reset shortut alt right doenst do it
@joreg, i know but i dint see any "revert to normal way " shortcut...
@karistouf you can find all shortcuts for vvvv beta listed here: https://betadocs.vvvv.org/using-vvvv/the-user-interface/ui-reference.html
HAEM.... on beta, how to get ride of of the Always on the top option ?
kickass shader @evvvvil
"Reclaim the streets" - Winning shader live coded live at revision 2021 shader showdown semi final. https://www.shadertoy.com/view/fdSGWw
sorry 3080 10G vs 3090 24go ?
RTX 3090 24go or 3090 10go ar really doing difference ith textures and VVVV beta ?
and beta42 previews now include VL 2021.3.2: downloads/previews
bugfix release vvvv gamma 2021.3.2 is out: https://thegraybook.vvvv.org/changelog/2021.3.html
@soundreactor looks really odd. could this be some strict antivirus or firewall settings?
@soundreactor must be your network settings, nothing we can do here. can you try the download from another computer? on your phone?
@tonfilm the only way i can get it by copying the offline links and opening them directly https://youtu.be/R2KZuKaJ3Zs
@soundreactor works fine here and the beta41 files are on the server, maybe check your firewall: https://teamcity.vvvv.org/buildConfiguration/vvvv45_beta_X64/33799?buildTab=artifacts
@joreg its the beta41 too. tried just now. even downloaded a new installer directly from the download page x64 "cannot connect
@soundreactor which version are you talking about? we're aware of this problem for beta39 and beta39.1 but latest beta41 works.
offline installer download links not working tried in US and CH. the installer exe cant connect.
Final reminder: April 1st is the last day you can redeem the 20% earlybird discount for vvvv gamma licenses: vvvv-gamma-end-of-earlybird-pricing
https://youtu.be/na7EMenl2lY?t=1115 unity is catching up
Slug is dope
@dominikKoller: thanks, always good to hear!
Hey just seeing the progress on VL with Stride and the language in general - WOW guys this is serious stuff! So cool
touchdesigner's new font library looks nice https://sluglibrary.com/
"Trigochiselled shaft descent" - Result of Tuesday's live shader coding session on Twitch. https://www.shadertoy.com/view/NdfGDl
@joreg It was a temporary glitch. Now I can see it well. Thank you.
Live now: The 9th #vvvv online meetup: Join us to show what you're working on or just see what others are doing: 9.-worldwide-meetup
ciao lunanane
Patches will not read and evaluate unless their window is open. Am i missing something or my install/machine is broken.
back to the future
Whoa, contribs page looks OK, but comments on individual contribs stops at summer 2018.
Yeah only top two shouts are current, then skips to August 2018!
what happend to the website. shoutbox and news from 2015 , time machine :)
@lightzim was this a temporary glitch or does this problem persist for you?
website is now a timemachine going 11 years back in time?
I am visited in Contributions page, but it says that Access denied. What should I do?
Any nvvvvts?
Kairos webinar postponed to 30th march. details here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/event/timeline-your-data-using-vl-kairos/
@synth: there are excel nodes in mp.essentials https://vvvvpm.github.io/#mp.essentials
Anyone have a working MS excel solution for V4 and willing to share it? Tried all contributions but no luck.
@datjens: last time i heard from him was 1-2 years ago, but unfortunately not v4 related :-/
Free graphics and game math book: https://gamemath.com/book/intro.html
kairos webinar in less then a week. see you there!! timeline-your-data-using-vl.kairos
@datjens, not in a really long time.
hey, somebody heard something of Kalle?
@evvvvil Awesome!
md.ecosystem link on staff contrib picks page is broken
"pencilvester's orthodoodle" orthographic raymarching gets all the birds chirpsing. https://www.shadertoy.com/view/wlyfWK
Kairos webinar! don't miss it ;) https://bit.ly/3quag3D
@schlonzo Thank you.
use different filenames :P counter is your friend
How do I record a sequence of images without having them overwriting one another? I
Aha! Right-click on an image to get the source link
@bjoern re: same.energy OMFG I am in heaven https://same.energy/search?i=nCNJb https://same.energy/search?i=kJdIh
@luper vc redist 2013
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