Let's have a different point of view on that http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/11/microsoft-is-going-to-pretend-to-release-visual-studio-for-mac/ Also it seems that nothing can be found on MSDN, or just broken links
Hope this finally helps to evaporate the vvvv on mac myth http://www.theverge.com/2016/11/14/13621116/microsoft-visual-studio-coming-to-mac
automata-ui now spreadable and more convenient
@joreg redownloading v4 fixed it. (classic unzip problem)?
@joreg that looks promising :) gonna have to dig that, thanks for sharing!
@joreg: OOH WOOOW! THAT IS BEAUTIFUL!!! it makes all other timelines ashamed of themselves
a new osc timeliner on the horizon: http://i-score.org/ looks quite elaborate.. anyone with a review?
@levi please start a forum thread describing the steps that lead to the crash provide the error message you get (if any)
trying to edit dynamic plugins on fresh W10 install crashes v4. any ideas?
i finally don t need so much for this kind of work: https://vimeo.com/189643972 enjoy :)
ah yes... i forgot CONS... thxs joreg ;) too much far away from v4 last years...
@karistouf there are different options, see: spread operations#combining spreads
Hi ! a stupid question but how to merge 2 spread of 3d vector ?
@videolith and gegenlicht: best start a forumthread for such things instead of sending emails..
Done, feel free to contribute it, if you consider it useful for others as well.
@gegenlicht I can send it to bryan.mischling@ge... if you want. i don't ant to contribute unless having checked it before.
@videolith yeaa, would be great to have solution for this. I think a it would also be good as a contribution @microdee sweeeeet
I heard you guys were missing #vveekendvvorkshops let me fix that ;) vveekend-vvorkshops-returns-with-d.o.p.e.-and-md.ecosystem
how to access multiple uv{s in cllada file? allready tried texcoord0, 1, etc and seams to grab only the first..
@buongiorgio wow without the AE Futurelab Spaxels this time! Interesting..
@gegenlicht forgot
i made a patch for this in my early days. you can choose a vvvvindow and as soon as you move it, its on the main screen. want it?
Need a program that streams windows desktop as rtsp over local lan and is not VLC. Help please. Thank you!
whats currently the best way to reset a "lost" patch windows position? https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/beta-34-feature-request-move-windows-with-windows-arrow-keys/13059/8 ?
hi ! is there any spout enabling in 34_2 or is it actually only alpha ?
have you seen it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOd4-T_p5fA
@AntiVJ did you use vvvv for this work? https://vimeo.com/146567009
Sorry! https://vimeo.com/190617788
Horse and vvvv!https://vimeo.com/190617788
We're looking for 2-4 KINECT2 for the dance production "Im Zeughaus". Can you help? See https://vimeo.com/blausand/zeughaus
Invitation to Hackathon, Prahttps://discourse.vvvv.org/t/invitation-to-hack-the-brain-hackathon-prague/14266?u=derbergue
@Joreg Great thanks!
@Gareth it seems so: map
Any #vvvv'ers in #Vancouver?
@cat, to me it happens when the Render window have different dimensions from what you set the backbufer to: https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/renderer-ex9-freeze-when-back-buffer-is-different-from-render-window-dimensions/14127
Havent used dx9 for ages, just tried setting back buffer, and it stops rendering, anybody else seen this?
Great Idea for pixel mapping calibration... https://vimeo.com/179493839
modded inf files in your Geforce? WIndows Update is gonna break your system
nice dataviz in the article as well.
Hello does anyone know how to make this work? intel-realsense-plugin copying the new dlls doesn't seem to work :(
Finally Microsoft have something very cool and outsmarted apple
http://facetracknoir.sourceforge.net/ anyone tried this ?
@metrowave This and the Book. IMO 2 great devices; awesome design too. A tiny bit expensivino, though.
@h99, you beat me to it:) http://tinyurl.com/zjeewh9 the touch stuff would be useful in vvvv
natan: i love it!
MS Surface Studio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzMLA8YIgG0
glad you all like it..
yeah .new forum rocks!
@marlonossiliere: or vpm vpm ;)
@marlonossiliere: Scripting with NSIS
enjoying the new forum :) respect to the one who did the transfer!
Hi fellas, anyone know how to create a .exe file for install vvvv and all components?
Big WOW for pushing the #FORUM to be bleeding edge! Thanks for so much #semanticWeb, and for surviving meta data. #MakeRSSnotMail
The new forum is very nice on mobil!
The new forum is up and running. Please just hit the forum link in the main nav bar and let us know if you find any glitches!
PS: This should've been posted by me :)
apparent changes.
Good morning all. In the next little while there will be some updates to the forum. Please do not post until you see the very
love it :) http://tinyurl.com/z67caeo - brought to you by lichterloh - thx - VVVVchristmas is starting soon
for those who play poker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRgCvCTG_XQ
u have to multiply by scale 1,1,-1 i think, you can inverse viewproj on wire box to see the cam
Anyone lucky in fixing rulr matrix export pipeline?(broken in last releases)
first time since my start in 2003 i use DeNiro for a project :)
start vvvv patch containing kinect2 nodes, start kinect2 studio, play your xef, use "connect" to replace kinect stream with xef,
Im sure someone shared a contrib of a way of playing kinect2 xef files within v4 (while ago). Ring any bells? nuffin if search 4 xef
wave-in and wave-out for vvvv-myo!
Node based Spotify playlist generation anyone? http://smarterplaylists.playlistmachinery.com/
Is there a reason for two Delaunay nodes?
@synth since a year beta34.2 what makes you unsure?
What is the latest production ready/capable vvvv version? Thank you!
Computers Are People, Too! 1982 Fairlight bit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXbrzI-8wck
someone in ADE?
Copycat challenge of the day. Don't look at the code! https://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/374249
@mino same company has ToF depth camera with network connection: http://product.inrevium.com/tof.html - thanks for link!
@tonfilm and 1000fps projector now on sale http://www.teldevice.co.jp/pro_info/2016/press_161019.html
Dynamic projection mapping onto deforming non-rigid surface https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bh1MHuA5jU
...forgot to say it was made in Touch Designer... Shit! Did I post on the wrong website?
The Sicilian Cloud's Naked City(360 video). Whoever gets the reference earns 3 Zorn points. Made out of boredom. https://youtu.be/aG6ysFPC3Xw
got 5min and want to test something new? please join us on IRC howto use irc? and read the topic
Wow, Modal VR is Nolan Bushnell back in the game! I want one - but looks pricey...
@rrrr the golden times of Ars Electronica! Thanks for sharing, this is great
The famous Virtual Reality Symposium https://vimeo.com/14888138
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