Nice little VR research vignettes
@noir is another contender
@bo satis&fy?
hi guys, could you recommend any rental service in Berlin to rent PCs with modern GTX cards?
hello, sound good any plan for an implementation in vvvv?
no flocky, but 360 video and still hypernoise caving, broh.
Once again berlin proves that "da geht immer was". :) Will be there, atleast this evening
Aggressive edgy flocking & noisy-as-fuck raymarching responding to noise rap. Made drunk. 360 vid coming.
Im in Berlin visiting. This looks like käse? should i have a look? Anything else to see this week?
@third paradise you can always go to home/contributions and edit->delete things
sorry for the three times
I've updated the #vvvv #vr #workshop contents: rapid-prototyping-for-vr-with-vvvv-retune-festival #retune #festival #berlin #oculus #oculusrift #vive #htcvive
When using M$VS for code editing: Is there a way to persist an attached vvvv process over several compilations of a C#-node? Thx
@h99 in VL this is available, see ToString (Format) integer-and-primitive-types-in-vl
@h99, spellvalue? For he other examples you'd have to do them manually or write a plugin
Is there a node using Standard Numeric Format Strings, in particular from int to hex conversion? small family computer will release in japan perhaps this one can remember its settings
Hi guys, has anyone tried with v4 ?
@rrrr perhaps duration, even though it hasn't really been maintained for some time:
@ARTEKLAB yeah thx, but hmm it's not quite a good timeline tool
Anything like Vezér available for Windows these days?
brightsign is ok
Anyone worked with BrightSign hard/software? Was it a positive experience?
VIP Visual Patch: pure vvvv & DMX: another way to get index
Anyone interested in a 10-15 days Job starting now? It will be a simple touchscreen interface, trip to turkey included...
@guest try QuaternionToEuler skeleton-(microsoft-kinect)-dx11-vux-joint-orientation
@quaddro please see using addons then start a forum thread if you still have problems
still fighting with contributions in subfolders. if i link root directly to the subfolder evvvvrything's fine. else not. ideas?
@guest should be a 5 minute action: clone the dynamic plugin template, copy the code into it, adapt template code, done.
would be nice to have a node for this:
very, very nice, @everyoneishappy! Is this all realtime vvvv stuff? Those strands look great!
that's a good look, kyle! :) unfortunately i'm not in germany right now.
At Messe Berlin for the next couple of days:
@smflanagan i can point you in the right direction if you want - contact me on skype
hey does anyone know if this node was shared anywhere? text-geometry-advanced
@evvvvil done, would be great to see you again, tonight im only pretending to be present till i finally can have a sleep bro.
@videolith: add me on skype broh: evvvvil
@videolith: Yo bro, I'm in london, you can see me pretending to be impressed by the middle-class doing capoeira on Portobello Road.
Hey guys! Im in London for design week the next few Days, who wants to Head up for a Beer? Cheers
Need help creating my science project. Want to track a ping pong ball and make an interactive table... can anyone help me???
vvvv #openvr contribution version 2 released. #vr #HTCvive #vive #oculusrift #oculus #steamvr vvvv.openvr
I MAKE THE 3D GRAPHICS WITH THE VVVV!!! OMG LOL WTF JAJAJA, bro bro FTW. You watch, you like you share, ok? kiss
A Study of Generative Algorithms: generative #algorithm #programming
sorry.. i mean can someone make photos of a mapping i did in frankfurt. phone is fine
Hi, is someone on automechanica an can make some simple photos for me that i did, but wasnt there for setup?
And Here we go ;D corzotech-store
reminder: #vl workshop this sunday at #arselectronica16 vvvv-and-vl-at-ars-electronica-2016 #vvvv #visualprogramming
@joreg node17 please:
on short notice: for the people who enjoy the ars nightline tonight: some serious v4 action will go down at 21:15 on the mainstage.
@joreg I would love to present it at #node17
@Gareth.Griffiths Nothing in the calendar yet. @microdee this is the first time I have ever been compared to #Apple, thanks I guess
@md: Just like #Apple then
@sunep: "dear people with headphones! fuck you. sincerely, Sunep"
@sunep that looks so #node17
@sunep: WTF when are you next performing?? Need to see that big!!
Sunny day in Denmark, sit inside at patch:
On short notice: #vl workshop on Sept 11th at #arselectronica16 vvvv-and-vl-at-ars-electronica-2016 thanks @ArsElectronica
status report on the making-of #vl our #visualprogramming language for #dotnet vl-midsummer-nights-dream #vvvv
New threaded DX11 texture saving nodes (thanks sebl + schnellebuntebilde!) readback-dx11
kinect fun by M$: Life-Size Telepresence in a Projected Augmented Reality Environment
SOS latest alpha spoutdx11: 00:02:56 ERR : FATAL ERROR: in document in line 49, between position 5 and 89 -- Missing equality sign.
Small 0.7.1 directx update, since there was little annoying last minute bug. Please download again.
Cant get flash webpage working in Html texture. Anyone a idea?
@sinus: download latest alpha and use the built-in spout sender node, works!
do beta34.2x86 and spout2.005 send/receive dx11 work? vvvv patches from leadedge github give me empty windows..
hi guys, anyone knows how to change a DIR folder with a mouse button directly from render?
creative code stammtich tonight in berlin:
@vux we have one. When do you need it ? please send me a mail
@vux when you find it check Ultimate Booster Experience
Anyone in Frankfurt with a HTC Vive? Would need for a couple of days?
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