How does Texture Transform Aspect Ratio for boxes work?
folio addendum
"Grandiose GPU accelerated ray casting collision detection" coming to a town near you, I'm just making a penis-based example patch
@joreg @dominik i guess little patcher is growing up
@dominik: i think the haircut is a bit off
Joreg is that you?
anyone available for urgent 4-5 days support for mapping content prodction this weekend until thursday ,write
@bjoern. lets see if we can find a hot patch to fix your boredem
@wirmachenbunt I'm currently bored to death, so I seem to qualify. if no one else calls... :)
@dominikiKoller: Awesome!!
wir suchen einen pro patcher für die ersten zwei august wochen in HH. hat jemand langeweile ?
Amazing performance video by Sila Sveta
Forget about that last question, sry.
Is box2d still working in recent builds of vvvv?
tnx joreg
@dottore i'm not aware of any but according to it should be a one-liner dynamic plugin
is there a node to retrieve the pc name from windows settings?
Thats going to be stuck in my head now!
hot patch, live patchin' halleluja, don't reboot it, just #patch #vvvv
@sinus: problem with raymarching is that general purpose code costs a huge performance. unfortunately you have to code with these.
@microdee: will you post the DF?
Should the English fall in a barrel of boobs, they would still come out sucking their thumbs. 52% of them deserve it to be honest.
found in the wild: nice article involving the #vvvv #community and #digital #art:
A miracle
and what does it need to make england score ? :)
Yesterday ze germans couldn't have scored in a brothel with £500 on them. Vive la france ma couille.
sounds cool @joreg I think I will come
tonight: #creativecode stammtisch #berlin anyone? @CreativeCodeBLN
@joreg thanks, sounds great. I'm in!
@knaif did you see? openvr-osvr
anyone tested the new oculus rift with vvvv?
Nobody never gets to heaven and nobody gets no land.
@joreg, juchuh
the far future
the future :)
its good... but old! also often confused with -0.5 *2...
@DMX what about the good old *2-1 ?
@DXM compare Map (Value) and MapRange (Value)
hey guyz, how could i could go from -1 to 1 with LFO?
@joreg: gitkraken hellyeah! I'm using it for a while now ;)
vvvvhat happened in june? glad you asked: vvvvhat-happened-in-june-2016 #vvvv
livecoding for #vr: #rumpus
gitkraken anyone?
If you ever found Louis Rossmann's videos useful, he's uploaded what probably is his last video:
interested in a short journey to undiscovered areas? ticket-price is your phantasie. (music_visual) that would be cool as plugin!
Hi there ! I'm in Paris for four days, anyone around for a beer ?
Open Call: NODE/TADAEX Exchange Program. Deadline 30.6. Apply now!
@alexqbit : ffmpeg is pretty easy to use from within vvvv with ShellExecute, where are you stuck?
breaking news : NTFS compression speeds up DDS playback
vvvv + lauchpad pro + Volca Beats
@velcrome when and where? :)
@skyliner, if i understood right velcrome is doing sth sth... will see
vvvv @ fusion festival?
what about exec ffmpeg contribution ? i want to use ffmpeg converter !
shoutbox sommerloch
the 8th continent just popped up this night
i would prefer to be visited by some fire salamander, Harz Mountains would be a good choice, the sausages are also pretty good#my2ct
Move NODE 17 to the Faroe Islands to increase the number of Cory's Shearwater birds turning up at the symposium. #justsaying
ssd raid 0 is better
Has anybody tried ntfs compression to speed up DDS from ssd? SSL certificate has expired sez Firefox...
@guest as far as I know, yes
is kinect2 still limited to one device per machine?
tune in for a vveekend vvorkshop about VAudio at 19:30 CEST
is it me, or is the livestream not working?
@tonfilm - Coolness, that's what I thought, but realized I had never read anything about it.
@mediadog "HLSL expressions never short-circuit an evaluation because they are vector operations."
NZ company seeking NZ python coders on fun job. Please see link for further details. Contact info inside pdf
In shader code, will "(a<b) && (a>c)" always evaluate both sides of the &&, or is there a test and branch in there?
timeliner node does not save data after reload app
long time no serious vvvv. looking forward to a evening of patching
vvvvound this neat #vvvv project on fb:
vveekened vvorkshop about vpm is streaming now
the insert(string) node needs some bin action. It can only act once on a string that needs 12 of the same corrections corrections
@manuel : maybe some C#/ffmpeg magic ?
any idea to make a frames preview of a video in dx11 ?
That I knew ;) see you tomorrow!
me at the dome at 21:00
Any vvvv people at MIRA Berlin tomorrow?
Sydney patchers up for beer or event from newsblog ?
@guest ah! suppose it's cos cube map rendering is done through renderer(dx11 cube texture) node now. press f1 for example
Thanks evvvvil, but not bubble noise. The bubble effect took a grid, turned it spherical and gave it cubemapped transparencies
@vicvart: Look at HTMLtexture (DX11) contribution or vvvv.js htmltexture-(dx11)
bubblenoise (dx11.texturefx) in dx11 pack, or SIMPLEX (dx11.texturefx) gets similar results (instance noodles pack)
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