@mrboni: we honestly don't know - still waiting for a reply
@devvvvs - how are the ticket sales for the resonate VL class? Should I be worried about missing out if I don't get one asap?
Are there S & R nodes that build a spread with more S nodes rather than LTP?
really nice http://richzhang.github.io/colorization/
PS: Will be at 4pm CET ;)
@md super cool, looking forward to see the orion update on the leap pack ;)
cool stuff md
just to confuse you more guys: https://github.com/microdee/md.ecosystem/tree/master/packs
now xamarin free. let's start making iOS/Android app with vvvv
@Noir I have been waiting this for so damn long !
here is the latest on #vl next generation #visualprogramming https://vvvv.org/blog/vl-winter-update #vvvv
fun with fog https://vimeo.com/160738366
@graphicuserinterface: can you be more specific about that? maybe start a forumthread with all details: vvvversion, error msg..
anyone else getting hang on vvvv start? .net problem?
vvvv and #projectionmapping introduction @GrayAreaOrg https://vvvv.org/blog/vvvv-workshop-at-gray-area-san-francisco
THX! alot
hey people, is there anything like queue EX9 in EX11? thanks
@sebescudie may be my oldish try btw i lost the path vvvv.org/blog/sonogram
stumbled upon a patch that generates audio spectrograms few months ago but can't find it back ... anyone?
quite some #vvvv and #vl at this years #res16 https://vvvv.org/blog/resonate-vvvv-vl @resonate_io
@mediadog I also felt the connection... Deep man!
@sunep Thanks, you must have telepathed it to me...
Aha! Rasterizer set to NoCullSimple! But of course! (;})
@mediadog Rasterizer (DX11.Renderstate) set to NoCullSimple
I know this should be obvious, but how to make DX11 quads visible from both sides?
@udo2013 Very lovely! Plus I've been a longtime fan of bluetech (sines & singularities!)
@mediadog(2):if you like to see the snakes in a more friendly context (swimming): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7njOp7Ky4c
@mediadog: that´s right! but without this functions my "snakes" would dance like spagetti.. ;-)
anyone tried this ? https://developers.google.com/cardboard/jump/rendering-ods-content.pdf
@udo2013: Undulicious!
..the sensual pleasure of sinus_functions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2QnU0Qs0AM
Hi ! Antybody use PAR LED with VVVV and ENNTEC PRO MK2?
@joreg Awreet! I need to travel that way, may have to line up those dates!
Lillian Schwartz The Artist and the Computer: https://youtu.be/diLa2lig3dw
KBLX all the way, looking forward to the vvvvorkshop!!
@joreg, listen to KALX while driving around the Bay...
I wish! Pay my respects to the team and enjoy the Bay!
@Desax are you there?
@joreg:that's GREAT news!
"gray area festival" sounds like a NODE spin-off to me. :)
my favorite color #gray https://vvvv.org/blog/vvvv-workshop-at-gray-area #vvvv @GrayAreaorg
where can i find the download to the character skinning workshop from evil und mcrodee ?
@joreg: i helped for the London date of the festival, and it's very interesting, lot of good things to see ;)
@motzi: Danke! ;-)
VR film festival kaleidoscope in köln/berlin featuring the #vvvv powered "In the Eyes of the Animal" http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Virtual-Reality-Filmfest-Kaleidoscope-kommt-nach-Koeln-und-Berlin-3135070.html
nice one zeos!
@drehwurm: thanks for the hint. done!
Suggestion: in VVVV (Server) Helppatch. Please mention how to Expose IO Boxes.
Any easy way to stream what comes out of my renderer to http?
SetIO Values not spreadable?
music on browser API https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Experiments
@xxxlalala you'll need to find someone to write the plugin: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1376/NET-TWAIN-image-scanner
for the headbangers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCvj1UJ5CxI
is there a node for flatbed scanners ?
I have a lot of geometry in the scene, whether it is possible to process only what is in the frame to reduce the memory load?
Writer (DX11.Texture 2d NRT Advanced) should be able to do this... you can use the camera logic from the DX9 module
Is there anything like https://vvvv.org/documentation/writer-(ex9.texture-grid) in dx11, or how to export high res for print in dx11? nothing on forum..
inspect your 3D models including animation http://www.open3mod.com/
Is there any website that provides gesture files (gdb) for kinect 2?
hi. does anybody know something about controlled video-feedback? i was experimentating. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JGukNtZqb0 new structures rise.
lol skyliner, yes, and its just the beginning !
@tekcor: this is madness!
@tekcor: Big up!
Interesting to coders who hate compiling: http://extempore.moso.com.au/
@sebescudie @microdee Leap desperately needs a new camera so you don't have to hold your hands right up in front of your "face".
hi there. need a place to stay for 2 persons during light&building in frankfurt. have a budget. patrick.jost@elektromeier.net
@sebescudie: I'll be awed when leap motion demonstrate their stuff with these poses: https://youtu.be/3yvaFuX09xY?t=1m12s and no other bullshit
leap motion orion : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnlCGw-0R8g
Holographic Interface Study with vvvv.js http://www.symbioticcube.com
in case you visit http://www.international-confex.com/ in London: look out for an interactive table-soccer :)
thxs joreg, just done
anyone? http://www.immersivefest.com/ note: they have a call for works!
any spout users encountered this? https://vvvv.org/forum/fromsharedtexture-%28dx11%29-bug?full=1
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