@everyoneishappy Great Thing!
New noodles: instance-noodles
@manuel: website-updates-2
Anybody got Experience with Axis-IP-Cameras. They claim to have WDM Drivers.
thanks joreg, that one is surely better.
or probly easier for a start: MouseStates (Mouse Join)
Hi marlonossiliere! try MouseEvents (Mouse Join) and SendMouse (System)
Hi buddies! I can transform udp X and Y values into a mouse input?
@manuel i'll try to address everything in a blogpost (have to find out the details myself first)
@joreg Did we lose the legacy shaders then (the ones not in contributions)
@manuel: short: yes, i've been meaning to write an orbituary...
legacy.vvvv.org is dead ?
@joreg: next time leave some bugs
vvvvedding Wedding Dress Projection Mapping http://youtu.be/hX-MrqFsA68 vvvv_jp
cool video about generative art and polar equasions in processing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaarVR1AOvs
Anyone with a DK2 near Annecy/Lyon/Geneva? would need it around a day for testing (can drive to you also) ?
@manuel: well, it is not that good. i mean ok, it is the best..so far..but..
@joreg: people are speechless
@micro: gooood
@joreg: that means everything works just as expected so far
500++ downloads and 0 comments. is that a good sign? vvvv45beta34.2 still among the hottest. #vvvv
another fabolous spread https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RHg0f5Nq4c
New dx11 release will happen next week (lot of fix/improvements). People who wrote dx11 plugins please read : https://github.com/mrvux/dx11-vvvv/issues/229
Möööp... "You are a dev in the USA (including Puerto Rico) or Canada where the Development Edition will first be available."
Retweet @HoloLens : Be one of the first to transform your world with the #HoloLens Dev Edition. Apply now: http://bit.ly/1PrxIsB
nice joreg, specially for the DX9ToDX11 (EX9.Texture) fix!
out just now: the best #vvvv you've patched so far: vvvv45beta34.2
good news for vvvv? https://github.com/maximrouf/VuforiaStandaloneBuild
Spreading dancers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Q0GwCoj0ng
Spreading Dance.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Q0GwCoj0ng
Where is 3PointsToPlan? Thanks!
@skyliner again just bright objects against dark background - no dark overlay. But did appear to have proper depth of focus.
magic leap is it scam? @joanie_AntiVJ what do you think?
@elio made a patch to read the light sensor data. but no one ever build a surface with the hardware...
@antokhio: that's super awesome!
looks interesting http://bridge.net/
@skyliner LOL
@matka: might be this guy
thought it was the latest v4p campaign :) https://vimeo.com/142252161
auto calibration with emembedded sensors / fibres? has anyone done that? http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download;jsessionid=A101E5FC70286B99C6F4AA077C4E59C5?doi=
sunep there is this realy wired performance of my partner on 25. https://www.facebook.com/events/1641388952787112/
on my way to Berlin, who/what not to miss between now and next wednesday? send
any feedback about http://www.muvinteractive.com/ ?
@tonfilm nice and clear, thx!
Your welcome M!
thanks T
mrboni check out http://www.frogandbone.com/
Anyone have an email address for evvvvil?
Just freaking out about vvvv-patchbox before even downloading !! #uasy #ftw
ever got confused by polar and cartsian nodes? here is more: polar-spherical-and-geographic-coordinates
sure, gimme 5 minutes!
Anyone know a idea to make a quick quiz controlling by 9 ipads?
@timepernagel, thank you!
berlin ppl: meet&greet tomorrow (friday) at c-base 19:00 msg me or just come ovvvver
For whom it may concern: Kinect Studio on is released on Github: https://github.com/angelaHillier/Kinect-Studio-Sample AND https://github.com/angelaHillier/KSUtil
anyone at animago AWARD ?
Looking for Kinect fire particle patch to play around with. Fromhell patch did not work out (black render window).
would be cool if the vvvv windows apear in task view..
visualprogramming in 3d: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjY35I2uxII
@solid: the DX11 pack comes with a node called MeasureText that will get you the total extent of a text..start from there..
@solid: the link was only for rect really..
Ty @joreg. You brought some thoughts, but still no idea how to wrap it in circle (using translate node?)
@Solid_dan see: automatic-word-wraps
Hi! Is it possible to put text in geometry boundaries? (like quad or poly)
http://glowforge.com 14 days - 50%
I will be in Berlin from 19th to 29th this months anything I shouldn't miss out on in those days?
@everyoneishappy thanks a lot!
@Solid_dan Becuase there are no UVs. Can use UV_Coords (DX11.GeomFX) from instance-noodles to add them if you want.
@sunep I made a thread in forum, thanks
@drehwurm: probably, but I think you need to be more specific about what you need to get a clear answer
Is there a way to render lot's of text into tables in Renderer?
some music vvisuals https://vimeo.com/141719245
@u7: apple laptops peaked at node13
this should be in graphics links section: http://graphics.cs.williams.edu/data/meshes.xml
Why dx11 mataballs doesn't work with phong or constant?
They mean the freakin metro apps i guess. marketing morons
@u7angel: "run UP TO TWO apps side by side on a screen at a time". TWO?! http://www.microsoftstore.com/store/msusa/en_US/pdp/productID.325716000#faq
@LCA http://www.neongrau.eu/ feat. @intolightfeed
maybe less apple laptops at next node https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVfOe5mFbAE
I'm looking for hardware constructor companies like http://www.mkt-ag.de arround germany, austria and switzerland... any tips? thx!
@ventolinmono Processing has no node based visual programming...
Oh, Processing3 has real time, contribution manager, debug and span mode: https://vimeo.com/140600280 Did I said it's multiplatform? :P
@elektromeier they only work in x86, i just added them here: missing in 64bit builds
hmm its there but not working...
seems like: \addonpack\lib\nodes\plugins\vuxbins\GeometryNodes.dll) is missing. in current beta
Am I the only one who has missed this: http://www.minnowboard.org/meet-minnowboard-max/
i know what you did in september: vvvvhat-happened-in-september-2015 #vvvv
@lasal: tesela super geil!
Thanks @h99, and thanks @joreg for the upcoming fix!
@mediadog sharedtextureinfo-texture-handle-bug
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