@newemka this is at least half year old, isnt it ? still very nice though :)
node felt like a hole in time. endless stream of events gave the impression of more than a single week.
Feels a bit surreal to be back home... So nice to meet you all in person. Big thanks to the #node15 team!
i leave this here: https://developer.nvidia.com/physx-flex
back home now, thanks for an amazing week, top of the pop organization and atmosphere!
New tutorials, West?
Thank you all for the amazing spirit lifting wonderful time!!
what helps against my post-node depression: https://vimeo.com/nodeforum/videos thanks to everyone making this such a pleasant week.
@elektro: would you mind duplicating it in the alpha forum and remove it in the beta?
@bjoern: not yet
@joreg: not testqa?
oops allready created the topic in the beta forum...
@joreg you should just make a new years eve night program out of next keynode, could fit then
VL forum category coming up shortly. for now just put it in alpha please.
new forum category?
new forum category?
can we allready start questions in the forum about VL?
Best node ever, thank you guys!
Waaah! I accidently douchebotted the shoutbox! How the hell did this happen?
@StiX: we ran out of time to include survvvvey results in the keynode. so still to come. @sportinger: yes, will get back to you.
Being an on and off vvvv-user for ages now, I must say, that node 15 made clear, that I really have to use it way more often!
Any Media Systems people that could help MESO maintain an exhibition in Munich, Germany?
danke joreg! MSG bekommen ? :)
what about the survvvvey?
sportinger du suchst skyliner
ich suche den Phillip der mir sagte dass er viel in der shoutbox abhängt. Ich hab die emailadresse wohl falsch geschrieben :/
So sad of not being at Node ... ! A bit Jalous :)
I feel the same way @skyliner
Divided visual autists <3
Back to UK... how sad ;(
just wow
THX for that week... a neeby officially hooked;)
great week ! vvvv to the highest level ever. Big Up !
wow, it was great to finally have you all here at NODE, I could have never imagined how great this week was going to be. <3
thanks all for the great time, workshops and evverything
thanks for the great time @node15 so much input going on
Had a blast at Node15! Wonderful to see old friends and meet new people! Thanks all!
Such a wonderful week @ node15. Thanks to the team! Impressive work.
node is getting better and better. thanks everybody for so much input and the perfect orga!
thanks to everybody for the inspiring week! and thanks to the node team to make this possible!
Amazing Week!!
best node eva
back to Strasbourg after such a great week of learning,sharing and meeting, thx to all for the big moment !!
Whoop thanks all =)
nice one catweasel
node15 was great. thank you
Anyone still around and fancy meeting for dinner later?
@mrboni I did but the room had quite a bit of ambient sound so not sure how usable it will be, I'll check it out next week...
re thegraybook: fcourse images still to come..
to anyone interested in the VLpack: sorry for the delay still. we'll make it available through the alpha downloads coming week.
<3 the whole experience, thanks #node15 and whole #vvvv team! cant wait to put everything i learned to use :3
have any Nodelers a workshop.buffer to share? folding papers, bullet and motors :)
thanks all Nodelers. It was a great time, see u soon ! :)
WHERES THE May-Pac fight seeing at NODE ??
do you know if any of the vl workshops were recorded / filmed?
WHERES THE May-Pac fight seeing at NODE ??
@u7angel, the same goes for for Kinect+Oculus workshops, thanks you guys for the hard work!
after visiting two VL workshops i can only say: chapeau boys!
The gitbook lacks images. Update soon?
anyone with 3D printing knowhow can help me prepare an object for printing in the hackspace. VVVV+zbrush based mesh
@beyon I did the VL workshop today, very cool! Using VL without a tutorial is VERY hard at the moment,that will change tho
<vvvvleaks>it can be found but I don't want to tell the world how without knowing if devvvvs want that build being public</vvvvleaks>
@beyon ?
it's hinted in the shoutbox for the curious but maybe it's better to wait for a proper release
Hi beyon where did you get vl? Where can I download?
using VL interface without instructions make me feel a bit handicapped!
Give us this 50, pleasseeee! I have bday tomorrow
@gregsn - and the dl link? :)
everything going well at #node15. then... nuget.. sigh
first steps of our vl docu: http://vvvv.gitbooks.io/the-gray-book/content/
Hello! Can I do multi things in a same patch? doing something and then some later doing something and then doing something etc.
somone in hackerspace at #NODE15 who can help me to do a nice cutout of player from bckg with kinect 2? cant align textures properly:/
Is there a stream for the Symposium?
How to DX11 ColorAsAlphaBlend?
Where can i download vvvv 50 alpha??
ps. in hlsl: "//material color"??? found a lot of "col´s" in the code.
hi.i am experimentating with mr.vux´s mandelbulb_node.does anybody know how to change the terrible flesh_like color?
Great keynode, thanks a lot!
i like your teamcity server :D but don't know where to put the 3 zips ;)
... can't wait to try out vl ;)
vvvvantastic keynode! looking forward to see FritzFurtz becomig the next evvvvil
unforgettable. 1k thx to showmaster joreg and, of course, to #rrrrosi! #node15 @blausand
my japanese tutorial videos is here! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqjkdWFcBMk8gVdbGuSqwi4q1ihr7LcaW
Yeeah! VL rules. Looking forward to doing the new stuff! #node15
mega geniale nerdshow !!! thanx to all v4 devvvvs
yeah 23 likes °°^^°°
sound check works but the videooutput is ur nerdoffice
Yes, made it.
evvvvil u r great
great wish to be there :-(
new live stream link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSBx4L1LVrk
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