@tonfilm - top!! will it also be recorded or just streamed?
for everyone at home there will be the #vvvv #keynote #livestream vvvv-keynode-(megashow)-worldwide-stream
Maybe recording workshops with bandicam would be an option? http://tinyurl.com/cjox5wa there is a free version with watermark.
i always love the newbie screenshots of the 1st two days of node festivals...
Happy Node everyone! I'm still too poor to join :D
audio-reactive graphics made w/vvvv: https://vimeo.com/126097935
entracne of the turm venue
for tonigth performances at node you have to get a ticket at the entrance until 4 pm. also for artists who will get the ticket free
just cancelled ws realtime physics in 3D on Tuesday morning due to my arrival time at Frankfurt ... if someone is interested
@catweasel … they start at 10!!!
Looking forward to joining the Node crew on Thursday which is also Vux's bday yeah!
@StiX: Ask your ticketing questions here: ping@node-forum.org
any vvvvisitors of NODE at the jugendherberg?
Workshops start at 8am???!!! Whaaaat!!!??
Hey #node15 Is it ok to have ticket in electronic form?
first hacker in hack space :)
warm weather in Frankfurt :)
someone driving from stuttgart to node tomorrow morning? skype:meierhansmobil
ah thanks and sorry I should read things
@tekcor and node15 website you cannot login
@tekcor login data for framed submissions are mentioned here: node15-x-framed-call-for-submissions
just login as NODE15Artist
no need to register as explained here: node15-x-framed-call-for-submissions
and Framed page. I want to submit something for framed but both pages i miss 'register'
Sorry but how can I login to NODE webpage as a workshop host^^
just cancelled a bunch of workshops on theweekend ifinterested.Anyone leaving from berlin sunday,monday wants to share a helicopter?
Going \/\/\/\/ #nowseriously So if anyone has a seat to frankfurt from/through cologne, let me know <3 node15
i am leaving to frankfurt right now! if anybody wants to meet today/tommorow let me know :3 first time flying hah
So im going to miss tocotronic live in cologne for node... now joreg will have to open the keynode with his guitar :)
someone was asking for an occulus rift for node. could bring one but cant remember who asked for.
@drehwurm please ask the host of the workshops if it is ok to record.
will it be ok to bring my videocam to record some of the workshops at node?
will it be ok to bring my videocam to record some of the workshops at node?
too lazy to learn stuff yourself? let your computer do the thinking with the new Machine Learning Pack
Anyone has seats to frankfurt from/through cologne?
Anyone from Hamburg in need of a ride to node? Have free seats on monday morning.
and still five at our workshop: http://node15.vvvv.org/program/workshop/3d-printing-vvvv-and-openscad
a single seat free in the vvvv.audio http://node15.vvvv.org/program/workshop/vvvvaudio workshop at #node15 #vvvv
we need your input: 3d-print-workshop-at-node-what-kind-of-stuff-you-want-to-print
just updated metaio plugin. support CAD model tracking! see you at #node15
there isnt any AvoidNIL or NIL i n the lastest version
ok , i was doing it wrong , i get it now , thanks i didnt think about the helppatch
@LineKernel have you checked its helppatch?
is the mapping pin of the node map value working ? or am i just doing it wrong ?
m9dfukc please try ping@node-forum.org
Mrboni In my opinion, contrast/curve controls are equivalent to a compressor. Blur/sharpen is more or less equivalent to eq/filters
mrboni, I'd say curves
@mrboni whats in yr opinion an equivalent? spatial fr'y or wavelength? FFT?
mrboni colorramp lets you remap individual channels
anyone know of a process equivalent to image as a parametric eq would be to audio?
Fixed, thnks!! see noders by streaming!
Having some problems to publish a date on blog, type & Title always wrong?
is it possible to transfer my node ticket to somebody else? Unfortunately I won't make it.
if somebody needs a ride to frankfurt this sunday along my route, i have free seats. singen, sindelfingen, karlsruhe,frankfurt
just updated #vvvv #audio to V8 with many new goodies... please test till #node15! thanks: vvvv.audio-pack-alpha
Please help me on Bug: "Zip (String) doesn't update if spread count changed". Thanx a lot, Marf
please note the new deadline for the #node15 #framed call for submissions: node15-x-framed-call-for-submissions #vvvv
>boplbopl: great stuff.
hey! Here are some personal experiments with vvvv https://vimeo.com/125489633
six days to #node15 reminder: remaining workshop seats: node15-worshops-remaining-seats #vvvv
Guys I will be travelling to Node next week, and I would love to buy a OculusDK2... anybody can sell me one ? I paid new price for it
A little patch, not really worth going in contributions : http://www.svdk.fr/realtime-montage-experiment/
@remony: Patch on the Beach, SideCAR, Whisky Damper
teemo: Skype returns 6 results on the same name, be more specific
teemo better start a thread in the forum and attach an example patch with the problem
Can someone add me to skype please camy-kumar something has happened to my project half of it isnt showing but code is there????!!
haha lasal, pin tonics we will have!
pinacollada is almost too obvious
@remony: grey russian, PIN tonic, NODEjito ;)
does anyone know which visual studio libraries i need for running the oculus rift in vvvv?
hello ppl, we are brainstorming @NODE15 drink names. Any ideas besides "Wrapped in Coke" and "PiNODE Grigio"?
@twobeass: seems closest: telnet
need a telnet connection... somebody already patched that ??
Will be cohosting vvvvjs and emeshe workshops :) everybody make sure to go there its so _epic_ what will be presented in those both
Ah, thought you were doing one at node, sorry! Love TessaltionDisplacement too :)
NamDang: Try ApplyTransform and use all the transforms(* Trans.) that affect the pos. of the Quad. (Transform, View, Projection)
Hi thanks. yeah sorry but that hex is minor you can use any texture :) it is not a node workshop btw!
@Tekcor,good documentation, and before node! Must be a first!(missing Hex.tfx from contribs btw)
Slides and Course Materials to my workshop 'generative 3D printing inspired by life' https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/16rFnEOHLfsGGkcjJAUVFdsmqVowdBrGNp7VeQkqLFsQ/edit?usp=sharing
like instead of XY as input, i wanna get output
hi guys, can someone help me finding a way to get the current position of the quad node?
@joreg have just replied, thankx a lot man! sorry didn't check that email account for few days. @gareth everybody lovvvves a cdc!
@evvvvil got ma mail?
@evvvvil: Nice.. CDC that is.
oooo? What's this? INTERSECT(DX11 Geometry mesh) aka DX11 Ray Casting COLLISION DETECTION shader, has landed! http://i.imgur.com/5CaelyD.jpg
Adrien M / Claire B do not stop to do nice things: https://vimeo.com/124395296
getting a lot of these vvvv interface not updating bugs in newest vvvv version, anyone else? pinnames etc going missing
Whoop, for ather Resonate or NODE... FIBER2015!! http://2015.fiberfestival.nl/
@keftaparty: glad to hear! btw: coming to node?
Anyone interested for booking an apartment in 5 elements hostel? there 2 left..(8 people)
found a solution for the triplehead... thanks anyway for support !
@keftaparty: i have some here, but i'm in hannover..
@AndyC: that is awesome!
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