Happy Pi-day everyone, remember, today is even Pi-ish than a normal pi day 3/14/15 especially at 9:26:53 tonight (or this morning)
Big news! #node15 #workshop booking starts today! node15-workshop-booking-now
architecture x vvvvisual x artnet https://youtu.be/TWePc2YdOTQ
@lanvideosource, no brain connectivity workshop at Node15?!
@tobyk vvvv.js + vvvv websocket node might be an option websocket-(network-server)
steal them workshops! steal them while they are hot! muhaha
@catweasel: logging in as the built-in Administrator account could be a solution? http://www.eightforums.com/tutorials/9650-built-administrator-account-enable-disable-windows-8-a.html
@stix, standalone install so needs to do it every time with no user interaction! Trying to start adhoc network on start in win8.1
vvvv #monome #surfacepro #producing #touch http://www.symbioticcube.com/gridninja-multi-touch-monome-emulator-monome-host-vvvv/
@tobyk venode maybe !?!
run vvvv as admin maybe?
Is there anyway to shellexecute as admin?
@tobyk: depends on scenario. contact me if you need help :)
Just stumbled upon "Konsul Gnadenwalze" on http://www.symbioticcube.com/, listening to IV. Really heavy stuff, @tekcor! And great name btw.
Any ideas for how to connect a crowd of phones/tablets to vvvv?
Apple insider on newest macbook https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHZ8ek-6ccc
Hi guys, does anyone know how to find those nano computers? http://adsoftheworld.com/media/ambient/ca_like_ad
dongles? Über was unterhaltet ihr euch da? (weiss schon, was ein dongle ist; für´s cubase brauch ich auch einen) Trotzdem: hää?
dongles? Über was unterhaltet ihr euch da? (weiss schon, was ein dongle ist; für´s cubase brauch ich auch einen) Trotzdem: hää?
I´ll stop clicking then staring at my inbox instead! Thx... ^^
@cznickesz if we'd know exactly, we'd let you know. but still: soon!
@chile, 24-carat will be 18.000€ no problem.
Fingers hurt from manually updating vvvv15-Website for two weeks now... any hints, when workshop-booking will be online?
join me to generative 3d printing ws in köln http://www.stadt-koeln.de/leben-in-koeln/freizeit-natur-sport/veranstaltungskalender/zentralbibliothek-makerspace-generative-3d-geometrie
Not sure about Dongle thing, seems a bit light to me, 24krt perhaps match better my Veyron
vvvv finally differentiates between rich and super-rich users. chapeau
really dont like dongles, but this 18-k gold dongle i must have! if i only had the money...
@xxxlalala: maybe this one: venode
@joreg: nice that it is not necessary to wear a beard while learning vvvv!!! :-))
there was a web "framework" with css html js for many controlls like color picker stocp play etc. anybody remember the name ?
@udo: beards dropped to 34% plus one mentioning: "would grow a beard if i could", so..
@joreg:321? With a beard? ;-)
@u7 my verdict rather is laziness. today we have 321. it seems everyone just needs a personal kick in the bum.
@joreg, i'm afraid the community is that small.
blaukick (kt)..in rot, grün, gelb und manchmal sogar in blau ;-)) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhgARAWL8mQ
@metrowave: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b74MYv8ldXc
@TwoBeAss is Buffer node of some help?
@TwoBeAss: to my understanding of HDEHost it is possible to write a breakpoint plugin but that unfortunately would block vvvv too
thanks joreg... would be great to have a node like MainLoop without affecting the vvvv gui and the possibility to set frames to 0.
@TwoBeAss i am afraid not. as a workaround you could queue-up spreads for some frames and then inspect the queue..
Is there a way to debug patches by access single frames? Need to access each frame after another to inspect spreads...
299 responses to the survvvvey! now if everyone who took it only finds one more to take it...you do the math http://goo.gl/forms/u4MH5YrFSs #vvvv
Timeliner curve editing, how to do it: https://twitter.com/iangeek/status/569810168969601024
i think i alredy used it once, but i might be just confusing constructing my own mesh with getting stuff out of a buffer
you mean like vertexbuffer dx9 node Stix? I would use a compute shader... you're saying there is a dx11 node that does this?
i think i went blind, i cant find a way how to get vertices positions from geometry buffer, can someone point me to the right node?
@microdee wonder how they did it? https://github.com/mono/CppSharp
https://mono-ue.github.io/ C# in Unreal Engine 4 huzzah
@drehwurm: yes, with the Reset pin
@drehwurm: for the node the reset pin, else setpatch
Is there a way to Reset a Toggle?
unity 5 now free as in free beer for every entity earning less than 100k$/year. yay!
@sunep - I'm dating myself, but I've used that! Once spent hours playing with video to Kraftwerk "Autobahn"...
Hmmm, streaming for vvvv? http://limelight-stream.com/
Machines for graphics looked much cooler in the olden days Early CGI - Tomorrow's World - BRITLAB - BBC: http://youtu.be/gSpXMH9xJy0
here is how #vvvv brings custom datatypes to #visualprogramming 50-custom-datatypes
Speaking of AR, interesting SLAM: http://vision.in.tum.de/research/lsdslam port-able to vvvv?
This is ... unreal
The first person to port this stufff to vvvv50 at node wins a free egg: https://mono-ue.github.io/
https://www.unrealengine.com/blog/ue4-is-free (lil john voice impression) ohhhhhhhkaaaaayyyyyyy
vvvvisuals : http://jetztkultur.de/b-seite/artists/clone/
Using real-time audiovisual vvvv http://youtu.be/XoLEHCV-DPo
@metrowave killer timing, Ur a lifesaver!
usa los nodos de GUI dx9
thanks @joreg and @metro
Alguien sabe como armar una GUI en 4V?
@casino: in Chrome go to settings and deselect 'enable phishing and malware protection' then downloads work fine.
"questions" ;-/
@joreg: jes, ja the strange qestions..
@casino: sorry about that. we're working on it. please see: vvvv.org-has-issues-with-google-safe-browsing-websites-list maybe try IE meanwhile..
can't download vvvv in either chrome or firefox, says it is a malicious file and blocks it. same for my mate...
@udo: 285. 35% of which wear a beard!
@joreg: what a beautyful day..how many surveys do you count by now?
@joreg: good on you, wasn't aware of that. I just wish he was coming, such a cool guy.
inspiration#236..its not in vvvv, but: who cares(!) http://www.dbsierra.com/Work/Oscillate/
what a day for taking the #vvvv survvvvey: http://goo.gl/forms/u4MH5YrFSs
@evvvvil: interesting: repeatedly contacted west months ago to invite him to do a workshop. didn't hear back. @west you know my mail
@everyoneishappy: yes, yo shall be informed when booking is available.
He has to be there. He needs to attend all the cool Workshops, and make some more tuts!
crowd funding / free ticket... come on guys. I wouldn't be here talking to you if it wasn't for WEST.
WEST, the legendary WEST, who did all the tutorials, won't be coming to NODE, he is too broke, can we do something about this guys?
vvvv is so good when I need to prototype something for c#, saves a lot of time
@everyoneishappy, what was that cylinder(dx11) download link that you posted which had working UV for texture? thankx
We get an email when workshop booking for NODE opens right?
@mino: wowowow! What good news!
metaio for vvvv! metaio
that could work with http://manycam.com/
Okay, well how about streaming altered video from webcam to skype?
ok then better start with some other nodes..you picked one in particular that is/was of rather special interest...
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