I wish i could (like everyone else), but work and budget are important ,need to tell the boss when im off!
If you can stay the whole week I recommend doing so, all packed with workshops
when is info for workshops coming up? cant wait too long for plane booking ,many from out of germany ,keep in mind(node15)
shadowplay works for me with vvvv fullscreen with "desktop mode" dx9&11 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HGj2CC7zaE
elektromeier: hi man. A very interesting answer (smile)..i am thinking about. Mayyyiiibeee there is a prejudice in my mind..
@screamer, @defetto: apps have to be whitelisted for shadoplay by nvidia. -> meh
@udo2013: would be happy to see you at my 3d print-workshop at node ;)
Any plugin for MYO on vvvv?? coundt make this one workinghttps://github.com/stereolux/Myo-VVVV
U3 has 19 presets, but no custom input res
@ethermammoth maybe AVerMedia ExtremeCap U3? worked quite good. but i don't know about the resolutions.
same here, couldn't get shadowplay to work with vvvv
@dimix manuel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1cU9GEFP78
can someone recommend a screengrabber dvi -> usb that supports custom input resolutions?
@manuel,noir:after trying dxtory,fraps etc. my choice-bandicam
@manuel dxtory http://exkode.com/dxtory-features-en.html
@manuel: just tried shadowplay, but dosen't seems to work. i press alt+f9 but nothing happens
3d_druck als neuer trend für visuals?? Wie bescheuert ist das? Beschäftigt euch mit vertex_noise. Ihr kommt zu gleichen resultaten
anyone tried these ? (not fraps) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDKK0L5ewOs
@ethermammoth: Thankx man! :)
Soo, I took the survey earlier and: Framed*2.0 and vvvv? Yes? Pretty Please??!
..claire b again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAYAuJ9dIlE -a performance, an inspiration..
hello. do you know Claire Bardainne? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QplO8Ug-hTE ..seen on arte
only 199 answers to the survvvvey so far. if you know someone who hasn't taken it yet please kick her to it: http://goo.gl/forms/tBKGt5B35F #vvvv
deskriptiv http://youtu.be/9HI8FerKr6Q
@I_am_from_chile : seems interesting! i'll give it a try, thnx for sharing.
anyone^... http://www.embrio.io/
fuck yeah! @evvvvil
"kill vvvv" should come out-of-the-box hehe
My LEAP MOTION HACK 02 made in vvvv DX11. Audio responsive extrude shader. Music by SAGA, volume UP mozerfukerz! http://vimeo.com/118583343
@h99 good point. added it to basichelp.v4p
There should be a link to the girlpower folder in the basic help.v4p. And what about the leaf menu as well?
Hope some VVVVer wins some award https://segd.org/awards-entry
here is how #vvvv brings generics to #visualprogramming 50-generics
New Raspberry Pi 2 with Windows 10: http://bit.ly/1EzX6YJ
ah forgot to mention all along: new \girlpowers in #vvvv 45beta33.7: Transformations\Drag & Graphics\DX9\Geometry\Dynamic Meshes
someone remember the link to the gpu-patching thread from a year or so ago ?
she should get dedicated node like DeNiro
girlpower this http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-queen-of-code/
just seen this, will be there as it's only 20 minutes away from my house luckily enough. you going Gareth?
Hadasi would like to invite everyone to TonFilm's v50 talk Sat, 5pm @ RCA Kensington, The Stevens Building
dxt slow as hell, but I like that quality alot :;]
@antokhio there's some benefits from hap over dxt1/5 image sequence (extra compression+data locality)
not sure what you mean.. new thread ?
@antokhio, so we had years ago a similar tech, only not applied to video?
hehehe are you questioning the benefits of visual programming over text? ;)
@defetto: learning HLSL can save you 90 bucks ;)
@anto Hap Alpha should be DXT5?
hap = dxt1 dds seq
@antokhio, hap: how does this relate to the question about a possible hap release ?
U can export dds pretty much in real time from vvvv. Size is same anyways
U can export dds pretty much in real time from vvvv. Size is same anyways
@antokhio yes but you can export it from osx and windows apps without another conversion step...
node15 status: 48 mostly #vvvv related workshops by 58 hosts in 5 days.
In the end Hap works same as file texture pooled
@tonfilm + catweasel: Mr. Vux is in London tomorrow night. There's a place at The Pill Box, Bethnal Green
+1 hap
@ggml: it would be vvvvery useful...
@joreg> oh thanks did not bump into that page
is there a public hap implementation planned for 45 ?
@stix: a similar intro can be found here: shader#custom effects feel free to add the link to ex9.furtherreading
http://www.catalinzima.com/xna/tutorials/crash-course-in-hlsl/ very helpfull, should be added somewhere to docummentation imho
less than a week to apply for CCL in Melbourne: apply-now-choreographic-coding-lab-(ccl)-in-melbourne ... please share!
@Dorosp this Sat or Sunday I think, not at all last minute ;)
i want to install in my mac osx, im from latin america :B
@tonfilm: In one of the universities? I can ask at Herts (20 mins train ride from kings-Cross towards the north). Dates?
@UK people, thing is that we could do the last 50 talk while i am in london, but we need a date and a venue next weekend. ideas?
interactive climbing wall project made with arduino+vvvv: https://vimeo.com/114546500
@guest "no guarantees"? @devvvvs: ??? @vvvvers wtf?
@guest: obviously :)
Last night in Mons Belgium #mons2015 http://youtu.be/kHBmqm3KMfs
@guest: Definitely interested for a vvvv50 uk demo.
@guest: yes!!
@guest vvvv50 yes!
@guest: yep
@motzi +1
2D gesture recognition in VVVV: http://youtu.be/lLw5qM835_8
Would anyone in the UK be interested in a vvvv50 demo? No gurantees
anyone can tell me from where i can download OpenCV plugin.. i m downloading from this link "vvvv.tutorials.mapping.3d" but cant open
i ws referring 2 the girlpower/io/arduino/1_arduino_dataAsString.v4p,probably i ws running another patch tht held up the com port.
@shaahkar can point out the "core" patches you're referring to so that we can probly fix them?
I got it working :) thanks anyway
@sebescudie,I ve been able to run sme usr contributed patches but not the core patches which have rs232(devices) node,it shows red
reading through the survvvvey answers... someone complains "there is no shader #hlsl tutorial" please check: tutorial of effects and shaders
24h into the 2015 survvvvey the-2015-survvvvey and we got 98 responses. so far, so #vvvv
@shaahkar : do you have a virtual COMport driver?
not able to access rs232(devices), I have 32bit 33.7 beta. what I a missing here ? Help please ..
k tnx
@robe: the power adapter and Xbox Kinect v2 are here from UK: http://tinyurl.com/kceg88o
Free online Ableton classes for the DJ/VJs out there: https://www.coursera.org/course/abletonlive
kinect v2 not available in italy/Europe??
@aivenhoe check the map, it seems so: map
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