Are there any vvvv users in new zealand?
anybody interested in the #latestandgreatest #vvvv 45beta33.7? vvvv45beta33.7 now with #photoshop support
ohh no, just realised that node is during the shanghai auto show runtime :'(
vvvvisual :
dx11 particles 101 particle-madness
@udo - are you using dx9 particles? If so you'll have a much easier time colouring them etc if you use dx11 compute shaders
has anyone used this paint as a screen goo alternative?
test::using modfied PhongDirectional for multicolored 3d particles hlsl code (bottom): gpu-particles-how-to-color-particles-individualy-in-pixelshader
@blausand: big time:
Klarna Data Wall - real-time data visualization of corporate data for the new Klarna HQ using #vvvv klarna-data-wall
Can someone let me know how to download vvvv for Mac(Yosemite)? Please...
3d dynamic field_texture no longer working. Please read (new article today) how-to-repair-broken-3ddynamicfieldtexture-(hlsl-code)#comment-182746 thank you
Are there any diaspora users among vvvv, btw?
I want TECO!
I want vi!
i want emacs keybindings on c#/hlsl editor.
Has anyone been using Komodo? what do you think?
nvm #lastThread -_- & :)
dont be a poof purf, lol.
nvm #lastThread -_- & :)
Suggestion: Node courses and events on DVD, seriously for those of us who cant travel that far it would be purchased.
into numbers anyone? vvvv-in-numbers-2014 #vvvv
ah, too late...
should hopefully retrieve the XML of the patch
@stix: select all, copy and paste in text editor. save as v4p then
ok it was a crash later, invalid pointer, managed to save it i hope
hey guys i cannot save or close a patch, any ideas? everything else works but i rly want to have it saved
@NiegatoNiamiau : you can read best practices when using bootcamp
existe la version para mac?
tnx joreg
@Noir not publicly @kiilo definitely potentially
just saw the talk ~ lovely features ~ but will it cross platforms?
@devvvvs Have planned to release a 'pre alpha' of beta50 before Node ?
Ah... Someone was faster. :-)
The video of the #vvvv 50 talk is online:
Can't wait to try 50!
Thanks Soriak!
@soriak great!
scope session is online :)
just added a more obvious #flattr button to some of the most popular #vvvv contributions contributions
Writing a really simple thesis of how vvvv is interesting for Fine Artists and Designers, in Japanese. A really easy one.
@yhy you should be. its awesome news
@xxxlalala Thanks! I'm in a fidget :-)
@yhy the people who organzied the evening where recording as far as i can tell. maybe it will be online in a few days.
Did somebody record the ScopeSession talk? I can't find in
Reportage from ScopeSession?Too curious...
But if anyone going can bring a cam just in case I'm sure there will be beers at node for you :)
Scope are pretty good at posting talks.
yes please record and televise it!
what graphicuserinterface said! @joreg: thanks, will keep an eye on that.
can somebody somehow record the node talk tonigth please? ( ! )
@yoctopory: you men right? What do you need - direct file transfer or what else is it good for?
@m4d we're not sure. if they record it it should show up here:
@tonfilm: since i can't make it to berlin will there be a stream? :)
We are scheduled for 21.30h tonight, see you later: vvvv50-introduction-talk-scope-sessions#comment-181448
Actually trying to post a SOAP-request from vvvv, but failed...
Looking at hexagon grid on Sphere, found polytopes from VUX but download link is broken... alternate solutions?
soap has no effect on vvvv imo
Anybody has any experience in using vvvv & SOAP ?
specifically interested in whether it's possible to encode an existing mesh as a binary / texture
@microdee - have any example patches using GeometryFromBinary and GeometryFromTexture?
@guest sqlite-nodes-not-working
@guest: odd. it works for me though when i drag addonpack\lib\nodes\plugins\SQLLiteNodes.dll on a patch. will investigate
Mäh. Sqlite nodes missing in current x64 beta :(
must watch for vvvvers this idea is dope
Happy new year Nitro! Would be lovely to meet you one day
@xxxlalala it's a blending thing - try Blend (EX9.RenderState Advanced) - at first totally missed what you said
when i have 4 black quads (dx9 or dx11) with with 0.25 alpha its grey. why not black ?
who hasn't yet, who needs some more: 40% off for #vvvv dongles until jannuary 11th one-off-holiday-dongle-discount
Happy new year Mr boner
On the off chance, doors anyone have our know of a cheap room available in Berlin for the next 2 or 3 weeks?
Get some #vvvv sneak peek live and in color at Panke in Berlin next thursday: vvvv50-introduction-talk-scope-sessions
@matka, I can't take credit -- not my project! But it was cool and thought I should share
Pixelsmith impressive
Projecting onto soft surfaces
TouchOSC Android not dead: 8-)
anyone in detroit (for naias)?
looking for some helping hands the next couple of weeks for a project in athens. if anyone's around ping me pliz.
Pixel is a dance show for 11 dancers in a virtual and living visual environment.
happy new year!
..a happy new year to everyone!
Are you in Australia? Working with dance or choreography? Apply for Choreographic Coding Lab here:
H OM E OMOR PH ISM_Dome A/V Performance -
happy new year !
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