spam invasion again!
@joreg updated: new-bugs-in-beta-33.3#comment-177410
for those who hate to install all msvc's one-by-one:
@joreg: still same trouble when doing fade in video-filestream-trouble-shots-feedbacks
@evvvvil I guess it's on git, but here is an simple workaround:
@evvvvil indeed Cylinder behave strangely with texture.
Where is the download of the Winamp Module by Vux? Not here: vux modules winamp
new dynamic plugin coding reference dynamic plugins reference #vvvv
Interesting talk
ATLAS - Interactive Dance Performance
how come only box and sphere take filetexture in dx11? Cylinder missing uv or I'm missing something?
a little sale here for their camera:
is there any knowledge about writing with v to an electric typewriter? rs232?
@seb: anyway thank you :)
It's just the "= (String)" node. But using Sift is actually faster than creating =/OR/Select :)
@ sebe : whats the EQ string? Now I am just solving the webserverinput, but EQ string sounds nice :) due to licence,still on 28.1
@dvj : check "Keyboard matching keys" patch in Girlpower's IO section. Use the same logic with EQ (String) :)
found it, after an hour..;) sift makes that!
can smbdy help me with find string in string spread? need to get slice index out..mine idea is silly ;( thanks for advice ;)
@metrowave : looks interesting, ty!
WebGL anyone?
@mino: was just thinking the same. :) been using it for some time and have to say in unity context it's really nice.
porting to vvvv possible?
@Elias: still had some problems, so posted on the forum and hoping for help. Thanks!
@Elias: I'll test the patch on another network. Slow network may be the problem. If not, I'll post. Merci
@Elias: I'll test the patch on another network. Slow network may be the problem. If not, I'll post. Merci
@Xini: pls file a proper report in the forum with patch showing the issue
pixel pioneers
Using HTMLTexture-URL I can't anymore get the HTML from Facebook worked some months ago, any issue? Page viewing works...
try if contrl-d works on nodes pls
I'm seeing enough odd things and exceptions when quitting that it smells like mem corruption somewhere.
seen one too. made AvoidNil(switch insode) turn red. i'm still trying to hunt this down
@ele that could explain some of the problems I have had lately
theres some weird, nasty framedelay bugs going on in b33.3. so weird that i havent been able to reproduce it in a simple patch
@joreg great thanks
@levi: if this is dx11 read install guide here: directx11-nodes-alpha
data table remake: vvvv.datatable
just updated machine to 33.3. all assimp nodes not working. setup looks allright.any ideas?
Just posted node15 in Hacker news. Please vote up!
201 users in Linkedin vvvv users group! Thank you for join it, I hope it can help hiring people. Add vvvv as skill in you profile!
<---> this link will not open__choose this:
..a little bit better video_quality :: artist hates social_media made quality losses
@metrowave: thanks! i will never get those hours back :P
sequence for two @
Working: render DDS directly from AFX:
@aivenhoe yes, just one directory per node
Directory pin of Dir (File Advanced) does not allow spreads as input? #cernopendata
slower vvvvisual :
faster vvvvisuaaaal :
my first-really compsed-particle visual-using dottores gpu_library as a base_quality declined from upload_enjoy
@xd: "/allowmultiple" in args file
ah ok. I have to rename vvvv.exe.config file too :)
if I rename vvvv.exe to any other name it doesn't launch. It should right?
vvvvisuaaaal :
anybody knows if its possible to use multiple leap motion controllers at one machine ??
thanks joreg, great tangible interaction stuff with projection!
tracker people check out #bullseye via @mkalten
@mrboni: so many plans..
thanks joreg. plans to make whole address searchable?
ah, tty peace..
@mrboni: finder allows you to search for single IDs (not a whole address) using # + space + followed by the ID
how do you track down a node by it's node address? Ie found using the tty?
Hey so much instancing going on I uploaded some instancing tesselation displacement examples intanced-tesselation-and-displacement
@everyoneishappy: Static does it?declare a global variable static & set it in vs, then grab it in gs. compiles, not sure it works..
@ravazquez documentation-topics-graphics-DX11 useful links
Thanks @Noir and @evvvvil. The link is not working for some reason but you pointed me in the right direction.
You might need to pass it from VS to GS. Otherwise can use SV_PrimitiveID
do you mean sv_instanceid?
struggling to pass or use sv_vertexid in geometry shader? Is it a semantic specific to vertex shader? @ravazquez follow Noir link!
outracks fuse invites here: (disclaimer: uses my personal referrer)
@ravazquez dx11 useful links?
Where should I start if I want to get into DX11 shaders in vvvv?
@pechart: not mine. just stumbled upon it.
joreg, great stuff (toucheverything)! Is it from you?
@joreg after all these useless 3d paint demos someone figured out the best usecase for LEAP: picking beercans.
is posible to run the gui in another thread so renderer doesnt freezzes/sumbles when live patching?
A friend of mine developed this nice robot. Maybe someone might join the competition.
@tekcor great work :-)
Released AVActivist finaly! Get it for free
@joreg: easy! :P
toucheverything patch anyone? #leap
@mrboni Yeah dude, pretty weak shit, there is only one evil guy with 4 vs, let's be clear on that ;) @joreg ok man didn't know thkx
@evvvvil you can send email to any user via their userpage. and i am available on howto use irc? 24/7
are you telling me someone else already had
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