@joreg what's your email or skype? I'm "evvvvil" on skype, with 4 v obviously. ;) or evvvvil0@gmail.com
@joreg nice touch Joreg. I was actually gonna make a pdf & send to see if we can do this together, take a visual approach too...
@evvvvil just so we don't work on the same stuff. here is what i have planned to write an intro about: dynamic plugins overview?
@joreg, thankx ok I will do, cheers
@evvvvil the documentation pages are a wiki everyone can edit. we wanted to do something in that area soon also but please go ahead.
who is in charge of documentation pages by the way guys? could I jump in and write some dynamic plugin dev documentation?
@katzenfresser: what are you after bro? I learnt quite a lot developing evvvvil tweet engine...
@katzenfresser: what are you after bro? I learnt quite a lot developing evvvvil tweet engine...
documentation on DynamicPlugins? dynamic plugin tutorials rather empty sections here... thx
hell yeah :)
https://mobile.twitter.com/shanselman/status/532558786486370304 definitely #monosoft
vvvv macyeah
@korriander: thanks! i've seen your MQTT implementation, seems to be pretty awesome! i'll check out in detail when i'll have time!
@hrovac we have two of them here in the office and i've also one at home. great device.
i wonder if they are making some money with this tool. http://niall-moody.itch.io/a-diary-of-whispered-truths
@microdee nice to see that there is some websocket in the making !
12 hours left: who hasn't yet, who wants again? last-call-support-node15 current rank #6 looking good but still... #vvvv #node15 #startnext
anyone know what reg expression to use to separate string with arbitrary multicharacter intersperse?
@io @antokhio the cloud thingy is already here shadertoys
NEW: Friends of V4 and InernetofThings checkout the new MQTT Sender&Receiver Nodes based on @M2Mqtt. mqtt-sender-receiver
NEW: HTTP REST Node with basic HTTP Authentication based on @RestSharp. restful-http-node
volumetric cloud generator .. where can I find it?
Thankx a lot guys, it means a lot as it was a lot of work but totally worth it. Please report bugs or features requests on page.
@evvvvil proper stuff. watching the tutorial recommended even for non-tweet-heads.
@evvvvil - Outstanding! Thank you sir!
evvvvil , word ! nice release. the video is in style :)
Download "Evvvvil Tweet Engine" Twitter API plugin for vvvv here: evvvvil-tweet-engine And watch the tutorial video, also on youtube
Twitter in vvvv. Check out my new "Evvvvil Tweet Engine" which brings the Twitter REST API to vvvv. WICKED! https://vimeo.com/111038984
thanks a lot ain will give it a try
some selfpromotion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPEficN190k
here is a small example on texture and tesselation https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bx0eTH23nyUITU5lOUY5NWVXNzQ/view?usp=sharing
yes surely through shaders! i guess sampling texture in VS and passing further to HS
i guess you passed the data trough the shaders? triyng that one
if i only remember... cant find. i think i have to just do it again
@ain, how did you parsed the sb to the tesselator? nice result
that is my test grid-and-circle
@defetto, yes, tried some months ago, will try to find the patch
in the cubesphere shader theres the anotation to put that, cant make it work thou
texture controlled grid tessellation anyone?
@sinus: dafaq?
full moon.... http://vimeo.com/111102945
@newemka: cool. adapters were >150€ not too long ago.. now if there'd only be a good alternative to vidock.(vidocks psu solution sucks)
@newemka: wow! and it's £32 only!
External GPU http://youtu.be/bP_8EYQ-2RA
the pro levels: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Dp8RzC-cGg&t=5m53s
hey twitter, #vvvv introduces something never seen before - colors! #OOP #visualprogramming 50-colors
i think it would be wonderfull to have radio button in patching interface :3 devvvvs plssss
some vvvv stuff in China https://vimeo.com/110871340
@udo2013 Can you please id that song?
..and this same set but very different in appearance, colour + music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04uGZrz1EW0
hi woei_found your little b_spline library_flowing like water_look like plants+and friendly aliens :: https://vimeo.com/110551213 _thx !
@mediadog: u were right, we reset the time and it works again, just lost 3 hours on that
@mediadog: u sure it's that? having troubles getting k2 working even with sdk tools atm...
ARRG! Microsoft has timebombed the K2 SDK 1407 so it now does not work as of Nov. 1st! DX11 pack K2 now broken!
computer based origami https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0efAq4gOwVI#t=134
If someone happens to be in #cologne next weekend, we're at #museumsnacht http://blausand.net/2014-10-31/-negua-
VVVVisual : https://vimeo.com/110545849
@udo I feel old at 36 with him too ;)
@idwyr - try elliotwoods. He spends a good bit of time there
Any tips on visiting Seoul? (vvvv/new media exibitions/interesting spots)?
btw 3d printed bateries with graphene http://www.3ders.org/articles/20141024-graphene-3d-lab-unveils-first-3d-printed-graphene-battery.html There are also DIY instcruction how to produce graphene
since vvvvjs can run any shadertoy code I will get the nvidia tk1 and see what i can do with it here with raytracing etc
Checkout this 3D printer in full HP!
@tekcor that's cool...future of online 3D gaming is WebGL: http://tinyurl.com/legzlu2
webgl on the jetson tk1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kgv9jNUUyw
..gerade drehwurm´s sohn - tutorial angesehen wowww kein wunder dass ich mich manchmal dumm fühle - bin 58 ;-((
SharpDevelop 5 is out and it's great. http://community.sharpdevelop.net/blogs/christophwille/archive/2014/10/28/sharpdevelop-5-0-final.aspx thankyouverymuch! @SharpDevelop
would be nice if SubDir has a mask pin
VVVV rocks!
@drehwurm...sehr cool :)
@ampop: vvvvery cool
vvvvimba-gige-camera-plugin have fun!
nice tuts :-)
@drehwurm & son: supa, don't forget to add them hier: tutorials
very proud. my 12 year old son, made a v4 tutorial in german... sicher hängt er mich bald ab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCUxpUdC9eE
Hi Guys, how to get a combined camere feed(DShow9) in Contour(FreeFrame)
audioreactive big_tree_like sculpture with gpu_3d particle system (modulating emitter_pos.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxfaFErlUQ0
Thank you for PolygonMask!
do you guys have Droste working with the latest vvvv? ive corrected the shader and still no output
nice sine wave and particle. http://vimeo.com/65475425
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClAIcSiDiKY new installation made by auroraMeccanica ...vvvv stars :)
@westbam, thats great :)
Can the DX11 people start working on this? http://vimeo.com/109169719 :D
@jzzxh I've got vux working on it (hopefully) as we speak... Fingers crossed...
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