Anyone, any clues why my CV nodes doesn't have any input or output pins?
@jzzxh: wishlist-hap-codec-support
Had any one play with HAP??
NODE15 location visitation:
Realtime Software! Realtime Forum
@defetto here is some related math:
I mean the actual math..
Where can I learn how colorasalphaadd and colorasalphablend work?
@skyliner i started that already. maybe you want to join?
anyone know how to get live video out of canon DSLR into vvvv?
Has anyone used one of these ViDock for using full size PCIe Nvidia cards with a laptop?
yes be nice to have a way of doing it. Doesn't come up too often though.
couldn't there be a "clone and replace" function that solved the save as problem?
@xd_nitro thats annoying indeed. nut no easy way around it..
when I 'save As' a module, all other instances of that module also 'save as'. Is there way to prevent this?
@matka - ah ok thanks. :)
Please Help - DXT1 Detection --> dxt1-detection-non-specific-player-ex9
vvvv meetup in Prague? Guess there some around at #signalfestival
@xd_nitro text-(ex9.geometry)-problem
sorry Text (EX9.Geometry)
mesh (EX9.Geometry) not working for me in 33.3. Can someone else check please?
I know I see some vvvv action in here: @ Mobile World Center Barcelona wish I could go!
How can I do a frame delay in boygroup?
works here, if you have a bug-patch upload it to the forums please...
does fft(vaudio) work? have connected an active audio signal to it and there's no output
ever thought about getting the "Prototyping Interfaces" book? Take this chance and support #node15 @prot_int #vvvv some MRE action
Are DX9 shaders not in 33.3 addonpack?
thinking about it @purf - somebody driving from germany?
for everybody in Berlin: very cool live visual performance from kopffarben.
So, anyone going to Aarhus? (I just signed up)
its getting hot:
You can sign up for our mapping workshop in Aarhus untill Wednesday - media-architecture-biennale-2014
nice renderings:
nice found sebl looks nice!
Thanks @joreg and @tekcor. I will have a look.
@blausand use a renderer temp target then a fullscreen quad or preview for output
@blausand: you have to create a separate temptarget with your desired resolution and display that texture with a FullscreenQuad
How do i constrain the rendered resolution in the DX11 Renderer lower than the window size?
@yhy : neeeed!
I made vvvv keyholders!!!
@ravazquez: tutorial of effects and shaders
I recommend a book. cheap ebay book search topic: dx9 / dx11 / hlsl
Where should I start learning shaders? link created..attempt nr.2: and more boring particle_sculpture from udo2013 VISUALIZING MUSIC and beatyful:: (flow)
sorry here:
help us with NODE15 on and get your super early bird weekpass
thanks guys
thanks for pushing it forward everyone!
( (( \ =\ __\_ `-\ (____))( \---- AWESOME! (____)) _ (____)) (__))__/----
big up vux
and to add to nice b33.3 vvvv-dx11-beta33x-update #vvvv
tnx joreg
out now: performance boost release beta33.3 vvvv45beta33.3 #vvvv
Hurray Node15
ah ok, the none advanced one... duh!
Is there any way to supress errors to the error pin in shellexecute?
woot woot!
patcherpeople make some noise: #node15 #vvvv
i heard something big will announced soooon...
Teegi: a Tangible EEG Interface built with VVVV and OpenViBE
shit(!)...using perlin etc: - excuse me please - sometimes i´m getting a little bit lunatic with vvvv ;-))
..and one with more direction (perspectives controlled with midi-sliders) - internal clock (dx9 videofeedback)
two new visuals::playing with particles II - improving organic flowing with perlin + new audio_modulation...
moved chat to forum small-and-sturdy-pc-cases-built-for-travelling
i like the look of this one, the handles making it easy to carry and protecting it from knocks
@u7 - do you have a case or bag for it?
@Gareth - dramatic exaggeration? Looks cool but want micro ATX really for extra slots
anyone real-life experience /w node304 vs shuttle?
The node 304 is awesome. It can go in luggage hold without damage.
@mrboni, me using fractal node 304 with geforce780, corei7, 3 ssds, H80i watercooling. its small enough to take as cabin luggage who is building this with me?
oooh leather. that looks pretty serious. think it's a bit too wide for cabin though
I am going tobuy soon one of these not sure about cabin luggage
anyone recommend a uATX pc case that's pretty tough, can go on a plane as cabin luggage, and ideally a bag to carry it in?
everyone: now is a good time to test latest alpha: downloads/alphas #vvvv release planned soon
My last dance performance:
Heya guys, long time no see. Any online workshops coming out for the poor frakkers like me ? :)
Live coding in VR with Firefox: - I want VR vvvv!!!
@metrowave: the "old" is new "new"! any vvvvser in budapest? :)
Maybe interesting
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