@CeeYaa whats exactly not working there?
its color ;)
@u7: for bw-pics a blur-unsharp combi should work, no?
does vvvv has an erode / dilate filter ? can't find it
@joreg,there're two Mandarin translation for Installation page,can you remove the fourth one?cheers
Downloads alpha - not working!?
@cat Maybe StreamOut_Rebind.v4p in dx11 girlpower
jo be a bit nice to the devs the latest versions are so smooth and bugfree like never before. maybe your projects got bigger?
is there any HW solution for feeding 12 cameras into vvvv for mixing?
whats the dx11 example using cylinders as wireframes?
@joreg: I'll do some tests with older versions, feels like it's become more of an issue with latest release.
@lecloneur: if you're talking about other bugs then the IO one as always please tell us in the forum (screenshots alone don't help)
@gareth: not sure it got more but yes IO problem is still the same.
@mrboni: a processing app of a few lines of code. Anotherway is to launch a firefox profile in fullscreen with "about:bank" as url ;-)
Indeed,vvvv gui is worst than ever,totally crazy.Sorry dev but the community might help you a bit on this one, ask us or read us?
I haven't been using 4v much lately, but recently it seems that the refresh is terrible! IO box content constantly gone
in osx btw
anyone know a way to blank an ext display connected to a macbook pro? either native shortcut or other app
@tekcor: it's on preorder in the ms store http://www.microsoftstore.com/store/msde/de_DE/pdp/productID.299209200 they talked about sending out beta boxes in july..
is it possible to buy kinect 2 somewhere?
@joreg - Woohoo CEF3! Thx MESO!
also timeliner 0.13 codenamed "almost there" now available for testing on irc
in case you missed fridays news: htmltexture-node-using-cef-3-now
Dear users, we've been having database problems and had to roll back our system by 5 hours. We're very sorry about this.
@joreg Ahh, so close! Flights already booked. Im around till mid Aug :)
@geometrica Barcelona os queda lejos?
Download content from Contributions are missing...
@AndyC come a day earlier: http://www.meetup.com/opentechschool-berlin/events/190207362/
Does anybody know how to find a vvvv workshop in/near freiburg (breisgau) or the region of south-germany (not bavaria)???
I'm going to be in Berlin from the 5th July for a while, anyone round for beers?
looking for vvvvj around madrid...
For a conference in Berlin in Sep we're looking for a live digital art performance while guests have dinner. tom.mueller@triad.de
@joreg: sounds awesome!
Who else will be at LPM? we play tomorrow 8 o clock. and saturday 7 pm AVActivist showcase http://liveperformersmeeting.net/2014-eindhoven/artists/leavingtheplanet/performances/avactivst-av-production-and-performance-software-presentation/ http://liveperformersmeeting.net/2014-eindhoven/artists/LTP/performances/leaving-the-planet/
@digitalwannabe, @fusion: have loads of vvvvun over there! I got stuck doin vvvvisuals for a dance piece in Salzburg this year :P
latest timelinerNG 0.10 up for testing on IRC: fixes some undo issues and now saves/loads all settings
oh and sorry @guest, no rooms at fusion at all ;)
@grandchild/u7angel: cool, we're here since sunday, but only active at night ;) @skyliner: give me a call when you're here!
@sunsui - what Artnet controllers did you use? Great work!
@digitalwannabe see you tomorrow
@digitalwannabe when will you be setting up? wednesday night?
@digitalwannabe cool, i'll come by and say hi and be obnoxious about node alignment ;)
will visit u at querfeld
got xtra room for another patcher at Fusion? ;)
any patchers at fusion festival? we're @querfeld setting up a laser installation /w mirrrrors....come by + say hi :)
High level depth-cam .Net SDK: http://www.metricam.net/
vvvv's prospective topics: Robotics ;)
¡Muy buen trabajo @vjc4, gracias!
vvvv spanish tutorials online! vvvv-spanish-tutorials
@stix - tmp is hosting a friendly #gergha screening in his garden. check pm
someone in dresden tonight? i am here with theater and have one evening free, so we can have a beer and share vj stories :3
timelinerNG 0.9 now available for testing on irc: now all menues via rightclick
write me on skype eno
Anybody got projector sources in Moscow? Need a quote for a 2015 production. Thanks! Eno
seems a bit round about, but I guess it works! ta
@cat dx9>dx11>AsImage (dx11)
AsImage i think
is there any way to dx9 texture to CVimage pack?
@joreg: right, so I'll tell the Landeskademie, that they made a wrong translation :-)
@vj_raul compare: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV
Don't get me wrong, I don't really care. But I thought you'll like to know ..
Hey developers, just for the info: http://lehrerfortbildung-bw.de/kompetenzen/gestaltung/farbe/systeme/pc/hsl/ So lightness should be luminanz ...? Or is it HSB then?
Hi guys. If anyone could help with correctly layering transparent 2D objects over 3D meshes I'd be very grateful. Thank you!
eglod: use the contact info in the patch, I can help.
thanks for the tip m4d, didn't know about that. really awesome for texturing
I can not find the point cloud in Kinect Hitboxes DX11. Please could I get some advice from some one, I will be very grateful. eglod
possible timelinerNG alpha-release candidate now available on irc (see topic)
Quixel Suite now in open beta. no registration needed. :) http://quixel.se
more NG timeliner testing on irc now. v0.4 with string track.
infinite procedurally generated universe: http://www.no-mans-sky.com/about/
see howto use irc? for how/where to find us on irc
@joreg I'm up for it, but seems I'm alone in there? Or too dumb to work out how..
more timeliner pre-alpha testing in irc now
just posted open call for workshop participants in Slovakia into dates, check it out!
@lorenz cool stuff :)
@lorenz, vvvvery nice, especially the smoke hologram ;)
yeah, what catweasel said! \o/
@Lorenz, smoke Holograms, is ace :D
Two little VVVV experiments :) www.lorenzpotthast.de/leap-particles www.lorenzpotthast.de/smoke-holograms
released! AntTweakBar
@blausand. ausnahmsweise mal tieferer preis in der schweiz 1 CHF = 1$
@m4d Kinect2: wiedermal zum Kurs 1€=1$. Sind schon nett, unsere Freunde aus Übersee.
@mino: Great work!
@all: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/kinectforwindows/Purchase/developer-sku.aspx kinect2 for windows preorder has begun :)
@mino: sweet!
@mino : \o/
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