@mrboni it works but if you need good performances have a look at dxtory
Corrupt link-message in Patch ... srcViewPin or dstViewPin is nil! (?)
anyone used https://obsproject.com to capture vvvv? Get window capture mode to work?
Anyone knows how to get geo-coordinates from photographs?
hope they bought a vvvv license: http://www.carbonated.tv/news/china-recording-of-the-sun-being-shown-on-large-screens-in-beijing-because-of-smog-was-a-hoax
Thats good! Dont need shared texure for this... Thanks!
@catweasl: most of the time it should be fine. but shared texture memory is problematic
are there still issues with optimus?
Spam attack on wiki and business pages carefull!
@msberger any experience in comparison to tripleHead2go?
@io - yes, basically these devices work and do what they claim to do ... for Details better open a thread in the forum !?
Need to name your next gen cutting edge patch? http://tinyurl.com/pqg857l
Anybody tried this ?
screenswhot without topic cannot be commented @shit
hi any quick way to send a video via network from quartzcomposer or max msp to vvvv?
If you guys holding iPad or tablet by hands in gigs + shows, this is a cool + cheap option Get Micro Suction, http://tinyurl.com/phppr4h
good luck @ dullence and welcome
@sagishi: gentle remind, can you give me a coomit bit on vvvvjs organization pliz?
Hi guys, Im new here.. wish me luck ;) greet
@joreg: Reminds me of: Every Line is part of an enough sized Circle!
@joreg: totally rad!
short video from our experiment at Schmiede 2013: http://vimeo.com/84340182
@westbam just so you know you can also always edit your shouts here home/contributions
And another tutorial done.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaDbe3IJO-k
dds-converter with option for ATI cards and drag drop folders. sorry for spam
isnt the point that he is handcrafting it ?
one month + 30 people x 1000$... it´s not really good paid btw
@lasal: and he wants a whopping $30000 to do it! you need to show them how it's really done in a day or two not months!
@metrowave: i don´t understand why they cut it by hand! ;)
L1A Makerspace new non commerical and open for all makerspace/fablab/workshop near frankfurt in darmstadt. www.l1a.de
@lasal: you got competition :) http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1408920262/the-feedback-fractal-project?ref=discovery
new version dds-converter
vvvvjs is definitely worth spreading!
@sagishi: I just submitted in the news, but the link was approved and moved to home page almost immediatly :)
vvvvjs BOOM! Amazing.
@sagishi: amazing! I will introduce it in my book
Release 0.2 on VVVVjs Lab is amazing! Just added some flow.
thx fibo, just got the traffic warning from my hosting provider :)
come on guys VVVVjs is on HS, push it up ! https://news.ycombinator.com/news (and give me karma points :)
ahah joreg, thank you I didn't noticed that link
yes from austria its 1h flight :) i play the upcoming double LP album and have finished my av producer software. with DX11 its crazy
@tekcor: Belgrad, Germany? really?:) unrender-session-belgrade-17.-jan
and @fibo maybe you http://osrc.dfm.io/fibo
@sagishi: just submitted VVVVjs lab to Hacker news :)
@devvvvs: maybe you like it https://bitdeli.com
next auto industry app (and shameless self promo) https://vimeo.com/83676645
@sagishi Great stuff :) Good see a few canvas bits in there - looking forward to testing!
@sagishi: that's great news! Looking forward to play.
@sagishi: it looks fab!
= gaz
@sagishi: brilliant!!1
@sagishi: nice will have a play!
the VVVV.js Lab now live with in-browser patching and shader editor http://lab.vvvvjs.com
can't seems to trigger windows keypresses in betas > 29.2. Trying with keyboardstate(join) into keyboard(global). Any ideas?
really cool plotter by Ytai: http://ytai-mer.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/ioio-plotter-and-motor-control-library.html
@drehwurm try the HWND (Windows) & Window (Windows) nodes. :)
how can I move patchwindows that are out of range because auf disconnected monitor
okey synth next happening in serbia is 10-12 april, installation in public space (tracking with sowjet survailence cameras oO)
NOOOO Why you didn't announce it earlier ... :(
sry for double link :>
vvvv Worshops and shows at #belgrade with #liveperformance from p.kirn, abduct, LTP and more http://www.symbioticcube.com/p-kirn-abduct-leaving-the-planet-noitu-mkdsldesko-drugstore-belgrade-17-jan-unrender-session/ http://www.symbioticcube.com/p-kirn-abduct-leaving-the-planet-noitu-mkdsldesko-drugstore-belgrade-17-jan-unrender-session/
amazing 3d scan technology: http://thorskan.com/
very stylish. What kind of process for distorting the game graphics?
thx! yep everything VVVV, gameplay sequences distortions combining with meshes
@boplbopl - sweet! I love the stills on that page. All vvvv?
Hello! PlayStation V4! http://bit.ly/1gsdFGX
tweet tweet vvvv-in-numbers-2013 #vvvv
VVVV Beginner Workshop in Cologne - tommorrow!! http://dingfabrik.de/events/446/vvvv-fuer-neueinsteiger-workshop/
Raspberry Pi is just the beginning: Intel announces Edison, a computer the size of an SD card
Oculus rift news http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpNQHNkJY1g
help with ma guys !! help-receive-artnet-from-grandma-1
Win8 funny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDpwKiRKmZc
cool stuff @bo27
told about youtube, posted on vimeo, made with vvvv https://vimeo.com/82625805
11 or 42
how much is vvvv bus factor? I guess, it is 4
well done circuitb :)
@ada: you need simple nodes like transform, keyboard, +,-. the rest is with the logic. Better start a thread
nice motion capture baked animation http://tinyurl.com/ojczuuf
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