hi ada, please make a forums thread and read the intro tutorials
Hi I am new here. Which node do I use if I want to connect a 2d object with the arrow keys to navigate the object in space?
which is better for vvvvApplication? Alienware Aurora (i7)with gefroce 760 or dell t1700 with quadro k200??
Arduino graphical environment: http://www.123dapp.com/sandbox#section-circuits
Complete Redesign of Page, new Releases, and Join Us! Please Share http://www.symbioticcube.com/
@microdee thank you, i was expecting a non-mre shader ;), BTW MRE is awesome
@newemka: mre.mdmod.2-pack however proper normal mapping with smooth normals are not correct yet
thanks !! ;-)
Is there a DX11 shader with normals bump and specular map? happy new year!
@metrowave: contrary to popular belief that M really does matter ;) http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/gpu.php?gpu=GeForce+GTX+770M&id=2534 i'd still go with it instead of the quadro..
@karistouf: looks like gtx770 is better value for the money http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/gpu.php?gpu=GeForce+GTX+770&id=2531
@joreg: Great stuff :)
@karistouf gtx 770m from benchmark http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/high_end_gpus.html
sorry, quadro K1100M
new laptop to buy... GTX 770M or GTX 670MX or Quadro 1100M ?
@io, this is unreal, nothing beats nature!!
@io : Excellent !
@joreg: that's wonderful, thanks for the link!
@joreg saw mind+ at 30c3, its really nice.
visual programming for the #arduino http://www.mindplus.cc/
@sibujacob: use texture transform node
How to output video or texture to a specific portion of the screen
New update : THE COLLECTION. 100% CloneMixer business : http://vjloops.com/index.php?search=The+Collection&svideo=on
I thought so, that's why they are cheaper on ebay, Evomouse seems to be better in video, it would be interesting to use in vvvv!
@metrowave & evvvvil: I tried one of those keyboards, it had a mouse mode included, but there was a huge delay, not very useable.
@evvvvil: I don't think Evomouse is out yet... but their keyboards are sold on ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_sacat=0&_sop=1&_nkw=celluon&_frs=1
Anyone used this? Turn any surface into mouse pad... could be cool in v4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yT-jy9FS-c
@sibujacob re capturing see faq rendering#how to capture the output of a renderer
Procedure on how to capture a video file from the screen monitor into the VVV program
Please advice location where the video file is stored in the VVV directory for the VVV program to access. thanks
All the best 4 this neVVVV Year
3dof manipulation/levitation of small objects: http://youtu.be/odJxJRAxdFU
happy 201vvvv....!!!!
Happy new year vvvvolks!
happy new YEA!!!
2014 vvvv
happy new yeah!
happy new year !!!
Bet you all already saw this, but:http://libdrc.org
auguri fibo
@fibo: Happy Birthday!!!
Nodebased AudioEngine for the browser: http://webaudioplayground.appspot.com/
node.vvvv.org down?
@drehwurm: use a Select node
Is there something like AvoidNIL for Nodes like Textures?
aka the patch your dx11 hlsl .fx http://www.shaderfx.com/2013_08_30_archive.html
@tianjin thanks alot for your work on the chinese translations. i couldn't really tell but it looks proper..
The Code of Technical Images: Functionally complex systems are a challenge to creative thought. > http://youtu.be/lyfOcAAcoH8
Little Christmas gift :) mini-christmas-pack-few-nodes-and-samples
Lo unico bueno de la cena navidad: Russian Xmas salad
vvvvans @ 30c3?
Patching 50 years ago: http://youtu.be/KS1q3Fb1HCM (Real time simulation on analog computer.)
Feliz navidad colors.... ;) Hugs.
Feliz navidad for all of you ;D
Merry Xmas to everyone!
Merry Xmas!!
YO :o)
and a vvvvery merry Xmas to all!
merry VVVVmas!
merry xmas !!
yay, merry xmas to all you guys too! :)
Merry Xmas everyone! Thanks for the pressy tonfilm :D
merry christmas
to twitter: #vvvv #audio merry ymas
10 Seconds of high-frequency stock trading in Blackberry: http://youtu.be/NRUCWIosL_k (Windows GDI calls)
Yes, Merry Christmas! xx
Merry Christmas all
@joreg, sounds interesting
@tekcor i was not referring to QC itself but those origami additions..
not realy joreg. left to right makes pin names readable all at once but that produces only clutter for the brain. less text is bettr
@Meierhans: Ceephax is tha bollox! That made my night.
that any good? http://facebook.github.io/origami/
http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/kinectforwindowsdev/newdevkit.aspx Kinect 2.0 Dev program new slots opening. Just so you know.
ceephax acid crew!
Merry chrismas everyone: http://goo.gl/DKAG44 (make sure to watch in 720p.. ;)
competition will close on sunday. hurry up! info
@elliotwoods agreed; almost no data conveyed in it, but so many data/node types it's a tough problem. But worth tackling!
+1 @Urbankind
agree that the VVVV user interface is slack. has had some incremental improvements but needs a big beautiful functional rethink
may be old, but still nice: http://imgur.com/a/3okOb
A great 3D Gerber Viewer, drop your gerber file in here: http://mayhewlabs.com/webGerber/
@lecloneur, that's a thing? Selling/buying vj-clips?
google in the 60: http://www.masswerk.at/google60/
I think the @remotepresence article is kinda fair, offers one of many possible views about programming
@joreg, very entertaining article, i want more :)
The #vvvv GUI works nice, good selection of shortcuts. If @remotepresence was referring to using 4v with #touch I'd agree, but he's not
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