@u7 totally agree
a way to show gratitude https://flattr.com/profile/mrvux
nice mino!
my latest work: OoA - creature
we have a new toy: https://vine.co/v/hUbWYgiUteQ
I think this has potentials but needs a lift to get off the ground: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1838077268/notch-movement-capture-anywhere-anytime
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJzwkixcqis a little destroyed by compression, but v2 of leap and shadow play!
@skyliner: might not be so great if you pick them up and just fall apart
ah ok! :)
Yup did the pull request, need to prepare build now
@cat this is due to this still open pullrequest https://github.com/mrvux/dx11-vvvv/pull/65 and missing dx11-release for b31.2
opening beta31 patches in beta31.2 dx11 quads and texture and transforms are disconnected... See my shadows patch for an eg
Why are those modules always so expensive?
@Tekcor Indeed. I'll see if have something useful. Shout u later. @XD, you're welcome ;-)
i know it can be done with text(texture) and calculating height in pixels and texture transform correctly... but that is not easy
basically i need to render multiple long text that is scrollable individually ~
@teckor, when you say spreadable, do you mean a list of words scrolling on one line or lists on multiple lines?
http://vimeo.com/80008324 eh-hum...
does someone has a spreadable scrollable text?
@bjoern: are the new V4 Arduino nodes not a better solution? Not sure if V4 program resides on chip after unplug. Will test :)
Anyone planning online courses/workshop for vvvv in the future ? paid or otherwise ?
@guest - that's clever that there is. thanks
@xd, I'm not sure about win 8 but in Win7 you could set the description name of the name of the renderer as a long string of spaces
more realtime particles from live cam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOAvWGcthJA
@io. for an app that needs to be end user resizeable. Just want app name in title bar
@xd_nitro: may be (too) obvious but why not ctrl+8 ?
anyway to remove the text DirectX Renderer from its window bar?
@metrowave: thx! i only knew www.fritzing.org
@synth: thanks, just ordered the eyetribe. It's a lot cheaper!
@metrowave: A bit pricey no ? http://theeyetribe.com is only 99$
@synth: also this might be helpful http://123d.circuits.io/
Thanks Joreg! crowing the electronics shops now :D
@synth check: girlpower\The Next Generation\IO\Arduino
Just got my Arduino, Any advices for experiments?
Pretty sure it will be compatible with USB. Give it time :)
@synth, Noir: it's only 720p and not with a USB connector, disappointing!
@Noir - Now we only need drivers for it :D
Number 39, The Framedelay... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lHFaibBquQ
what a pity...
@DiMiX: there is http://workshops.vvvv.org/ but unfortunately vm workshop file is empty
just wondering if anybody has NODE10 Visual Music workshop materials?
east meets west http://bsix12.com/east-meets-west/
need only 9 more members: https://www.gittip.com/for/vvvv/
Great quantum vid dannielmach :)
hey just made a new release. idm from russia! http://www.symbioticcube.com/david-eats-rusty-nails-triumph-of-decay-sc002/
is there a convenient way of triggering strg+8 in a render window from patch?
@skyliner: cool 3d printing. I also like the klein bottle that is two mobius bands glued http://www.shapeways.com/model/25918/klein-bottle.html?li=search-results&materialId=62
Intelligent sound http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Y35m1OpPAw
zero or minimal bezel touchscreen displays for 2-3 unit wall?
tomorrow strike canceled due to Italy-Germany footbal match: FORZA ITALIA!!
@defetto, very interesting research topic
@westbam: the single neuron, yeah!
concave delaunay anyone?
dont know it works for you - please test and check zxing-qrcode-reader
@psylion: no, not as of yet, you have to ask joreg and the vvvv team.
@metrowave is there a plans for Android?
@Patxi7, good job, seems you have spread this guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poHHDC5XSno
what makes a neural network?http://patxiaraujo.com/portfolio/amari/
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nh2NSLgaII now only if vvvv worked on Android!
Next time you create a repo on GitHub, try to choose a VVVV .gitignore from the list (should work): https://github.com/github/gitignore/pull/563#ref-commit-55ccaf5
@skyliner: very cool but for $600 one could make a few? also it would be great if it did moving images (video)...
@sunep: we bump the minor version number every time node or pin names change during development as some users depend on the alphas
Interesting contract for C++ programmer: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6716532
@metrowave wow I was just about to go and back that (Luci)
Invisible helmet http://vimeo.com/43038579
Did we miss beta31.1?
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