name 2 hybrid development environments: 1. #vvvv 2. #designscript by #autodesk research
If you have backed Lucid Dream kickstarter cancel your pledge before the last 24hr as it's a scam:
thanks & great - shuree zxing doesnt make it into ... but it will ;-)
The Swizzle is the Shizle! Can use it for MIDI stuff too!!
brand new #vvvv release, at ease. vvvv45beta31.2
How to force dxtory capture custom resolution with DX11 render? Currently its based on Window size.
thats impressive
How can I spread a B-Spline?
@tekcor: it's on the list. and also github of course as woei already pointed out
@joreg and dave can you please add soundcloud as well?
@synth: yes seems like doable in vvvv; an affordable multi sensor device is always welcome.
everybody please update your home/settings/personal then go see the new listings at users also see those on a users v-card
@metrowave: Looks very interesting , could be even easier to work with vvvv than arduino ... who knows .. backing 10e anyway
Whoopsy, that was a thanks to you two! :D
@kiilo and Curveau.
You can use Camtasia Studio for that.
@westbam: what tool are you using to highlight the pointer?
@Westbam: just love your tuts dude. Thanks :)
2 more tuts add to the list:
@theodoridis hava a look at and here we used l293 h-bridges to drive the solenoids
@Theodoridis: not played around with it much yet (I plan to). Some info here howto midi?
Anybody have a clue how I can write some vvvv to control solenoids with midi messages?
@zeos: very nice AntiVJ work. Love the translucent, undulating roof as screen.
Where do I download the Speech API voices ?
@curveau just for fun. added info text to youtube
@meatsock: what's going on there then?
Need help regarding the rgb output from Creative gesture cam plugin-for-softkinetic-ds325-creative-interactive-gesture-camera-with-intel-perceptual-
thanks devvvvs
@fibo: very nice, very very nice!
for those interessted in inForm, check festo's wavehandling too
@teckor littlecat-dmx-engine
does someone knows middleware software for enttec dmx usb devices? like sending udp to the middleware which controls the device...
just saw that it's the same project. I've just been in contact with one of the authors so I'll have to talk to him about it :)
Looks same or similar to this? inForm ( V´ )
@skyliner cool :)
boisngirls the #vvvv beta31.2 release is imminent. please add your changes to the addonpack change log just found the rebraun node ~~
@joreg aha! thanks I just did it for my profile!
KORG+little bits join forces:
@luper on a users page you can see "Send Email" if that user has enabled that in his settings: home/settings/personal
it's possible to send PM here?
Nr. 36, about S+H (Animation)
i add *sometimes* and a bit of overexpression of a subtle observation. also i wish vvvv would run on mac to address tech noobs more
mac 'digital artists' are annoying tech noobs
@androsyn: Great thanks! I wonder which elements of the site use WebGL, and which just use standard HTML5 canvas elements
@Shau: Personally I would use OSC
@joreg i know... i know
thanks bo27 only 2 more to go..
@Shau: "it can be hacked to work with any other program that can accept a serial stream."
can it be work with vvvv? :
MIT's Torque 3D:
simple nood question... rotate-spread-of-cartesianed-cylinder-outwards
Another shot at Duo:
meshes & animations anyone?
maybe for next node?
@cat would be great to create a series of spreading tutorials like that...
@joreg think theres competition...
@bjoern: i will apply motion blur anyway :P
@fleg: great! Thanks! :D
@catweasel. great idea, thanks! will consider a checkbox in the next release.
@fleg :D an option to add GCHQ and or you own countries security 'experts'?
PRISM CARBON COPY released! thanks for your comments, david & joreg!
@mrboni, did you have success?
Has anyone tried this?:
Thanks for the tips cat
looking for a munich based freelancer for ~3-5 days work
faster TCP algorithm
Don't miss to register for the vvvv mapping workshop at LPM Cape Town 2013 ... Had many hours lost to this kind of thing for tv shows! Ideally everything gets sync'd!
It is, but anywhere theres processing! You could try a scaler like a Folsom image pro on each output and genlocked might do it.
I thought genlocking was for video cards? Is it the output or input that needs to be sync'd? Ie gpu or projector?
You could try and genlock them, so they refresh together, but the output of gfx card could still be off, unless you go quadro...
anyone know if it's possible to sync the refresh of Christie 10k-m to avoid 'tearing' between multiple projectors?
@vux i will give it a try :)
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