CTRL+8 doesn't survive reopening anzmore?
International Animation Day : 28th October: http://bit.ly/RjK7RF
@Damien Rave : check setslice in the contribs
vvvv will run in a browser :) http://jsmachines.net/demos/pc/cga-win101/xt-cga-win101.xml
@ventolinmono Hmm. Was shortly before building a system around titan card. Prefer nvidia but 2x price is hard to justify
AMD's Radeon R9 290X Review: http://hardware.slashdot.org/story/13/10/27/2152213/amds-radeon-r9-290x-review
@elliotwoods:thks for table.very handy
Is there no Dx11Texture Queue? I would need it with a VideoTexture :/
@ethermammoth: wow, nice tools, especially the ability to make dx11 shaders visually
@Noir: Wow... eloquently executed!
http://vimeo.com/77784856 Software: Natan Sinigaglia, Matt Swoboda, Julien Vuillet
Computer Graphics’ Archaeology: the HP 9845C Demo: http://socks-studio.com/2013/06/29/computer-graphics-archaeology-the-hp-9845c-demo/
Kinetic Sculptures: http://youtu.be/RshSaF_juGs
merci sebescudie ! je m'y plonge et transmets aux whitecatiens
Version française du PDF Linear Spread / vvvv pour débutants tout juste uploadée ici http://bit.ly/iaAwrU :) Thnx bo27 & boplbopl
@tebjan - http://www.kimchiandchips.com/files/vvvv/VVVV.Nodes.Table_v1-b31.zip i'll be PR'ing this into the addonpack when i get the next chance.
@tebjan - http://www.kimchiandchips.com/files/vvvv/VVVV.Nodes.Table_v1-b31.zip this should be in the addonpack
@Hadasi: Thank you :)
Seems to have cut some stuff out, should say sort not sift(former index)>getslice. Or just shift? With an animation filter?
Urbankind, Count>Randomspread>Sift(formerIndex)>Getslice. Something like that. Coffee time.
If you're in London, come check in this weekend oculus-rift-workshop-london
how to shuffle a spread?
yep should be there. 'Table' nodes
@tonfilm, look at Elliot's pade plugin or his Imagepack mapping system. Should be in either of those collections.
does someone remember a contribution which was some kind of spreadsheet/gridview for parameters you could edit?
ESI MAYA44 might be good choice with 2 Stereo in/out
@tekcor: i have a ESI Juli@ lying around here. Should have 4 Mono-Inputs and 4 Mono Outputs
does someone know a pci soundcard with two separate stereo channels in vvvv?
@microdee yep, 1 button recording. Hope it will work with any dx windows, not only with Experience games.
@alg: it's eventually hard to design fewer settings than fraps. nvidia succeeded as i can see from the screenshots
Looks like Fraps alternative? http://www.geforce.com/whats-new/articles/geforce-shadowplay-beta-available-october-28
@Joreg :0 ! How much is there tool?
what the faq is #vvvv and what the bell can you do with it? propaganda
bsm's automatic projector calibration now available for #vvvv bsm-auto-alignment-with-vvvv
If you really wonder what a counter does.... nr. 35 wooot!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvEf9nsIoZg
@tekcor: check mail
someone has contact of flux?
WIN8 BLOWS CHUNKS! There, I feel a bit better.
thanks synth, I'll check it out,was offered a deal for some servers ;)
Just a heads up for those who love lasers DO NOT DEAL WITH http://www.lazerpoint.com/ buyer beware, they scam your credit cards.
Learn how to bang with Westbam
ios7 homescreen rebuilt in word :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZp7BvQJnU8
@skyliner: When you cook under pressure you trade perfection. ;) http://tinyurl.com/ocaoybz - butyourright
@catweasel: I use Windows 7 server and yet haven't found anything that wont work on it. only XNA game Studio doesn't work.
Tutorial 34, Bangs and TogEdge.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBvEfkxbYek
@sagishi Awesome!
@sagishi Great Work!!
@sagishi: impressive result
anyone used win7 server, for vvvv?
zoomable patches!
@sagishi: WOW :)
@sagishi: EXCELLENT!
@sagishi: that is very impressive! well done.
You can try the upcoming VVVV.js in-browser editor at http://vvvvjs.quasipartikel.at/edge/try/ . All you need is Chrome, and allow some popups!
everybody in hamburg, great jazz concert tonight: http://bit.ly/GWhRCy
the tendency nodes and dx9, the tendency nodes and dx9, etc. EX9 and etc. the end
nooby question: is there a workaround for VLC-node frame + position bug / problem???
@gaz, sounds pretty awesome.
arg and shoutbox didnt take link properly )
mmdx11 vvvv pipeline? how do we change acl already?
pipet-vs-compute-pipet maybe you could answer it here again, the pacth shows dx9 out performing dx11 pipet
site:vvvv.org readback -"vux: and anyone reading readback" Not many I can see.
and anyone reading readback timing can just get banned asking questions (enough threads about it in forum)
depends how you use it
it's possible bugger is readback
@vux, I;m finding compute pipet slower than the old one with larger slice counts, any tips? Its the red back thats choking...
Ok, installed 8.1 update - got SecureBoot error watermark. Checked forums - common problem with this update.
sorry wrong shout
filetexture spreadable
Just to clarify, that was Win8, not Win8.1. No idea if it'll work there.
Tried vvvv+OccRift in Win8 to no avail. Seems the plugin just doesn't work there. (Unity demos did work however)
Currently downloading it as update. It's free for Windows 8 owners.
More seriously worked using beta for few month and it's really good.
What is windows 7? ;)
Has anyone tried Win 8.1? Does it worth investing in it? (I'm currently on Win7 Pro @ 64bit)
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