@ain: yeah, and dx11 generally works much better with multiscreen setups
some more infos on the kinect 2 http://techcrunch.com/2013/10/02/how-microsoft-built-the-cameras-in-the-upcoming-kinect/
anyone tested dx11 with ati eyefinity group mode?
just sent an email to ask for a space to host a Patcher Kucha in Milan: cross your fingers (or toggle a clear render pin, works too)
@skyliner: chromium no worky
It does say we can re-download it for additional 60 day trial.
just in case you didnt see: xtr3d is 60day trial and they want 10-20% of your net revenue
@skyliner: thanks for the link. Tested and it works well. +1 for vvvv + Extreme Reality.
+1 for Extreme Reality in vvvv! ;)
@skyliner just tested the extreme reality skeleton samples works like a charm!! could be great to have this in vvvv
if anyone is using the histogram node this days, can you have a look inside this thread ? thanks histogram
If there was something I never liked of vvvv, that was Ballmer
well, at least he had the time of his life http://news.cnet.com/8301-10805_3-57605123-75/ballmers-last-ballmeresque-video-moment-perhaps-soak-it-in
new machine, fresh os, getting crashes when opening either shader or plugin editors. any ideas?
@microdee re: #mantle reading this http://www.anandtech.com/show/7371/understanding-amds-mantle-a-lowlevel-graphics-api-for-gcn it seems so far it is still a lot of speculation only..
@Foaster: ouch..
it looks like its added in post production, no idea why
on their outfits? It has to be mapped somehow, else it would show on the whole stage background.
@Foaster: projection mapping? Where?
robots, dollys & projection: http://youtu.be/lX6JcybgDo
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUNezqvE4Rw horrible quality, but the projection mapping is rather nice ;)
it's only start... wow
@joreg: structure looks like just a packaged Primesense Capri - not much work for $800K kickstarter!
just introduced a new 'pack' section for your contributions contributions/7934/all
apparently shipping in december: http://structure.io
@joreg: looks great! Wish I could head to Cape Town
what do you think of AMD's mantle stuff?
looking fwd to workshopping #vvvv at #LPM013 capetown vvvv-at-lpm-2013-in-cape-town @liveperformers
Thanks Elias. I'll give that a go. And try to get my head around the maths :)
Theres an error in the Keying texturefx (dx9)they are set to X8R8G8B8 if the inputs dont already have an Alpha
@mrboni not exactly the same as a damper: http://pastebin.com/J4U9Dvzd
@alg: I sent uva msg on fb but probably there IS more chance you read this. I am arrived!
@anto wow! nice program
If a damper is equivalent to a high pass filter on a data stream, what would act like a high pass filter?
Ah, they are so studious... I taught a workshop in Nanjing Univ. not far from Shanghai. Good students.
Call me Professor Clone : https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151689677551448.1073741850.595761447&type=1&l=9c683389e9 :D
moment factory , new LAX https://vimeo.com/75335396
Can't save root.v4p with my paths! :(
Ah, I'm presuming you were referring to the MRE - Multipass Render Engine, mre-multipass-render-engine :)
thanks Schmiede for bringing vvvv workshops
vvvv is an artist ! it can create images whitout me
how did I miss the introduction of ctrl+tab?!
@aivenhoe: really impressive!
@aivenhoe: nice project! here is the making-of
@boplbopl: woow! niiice!
@bopl: +! did u model the district in the work u did for puma? great compositions, transitions and well polished
Very nice works bopl. All the old ones as well, really like those. Giving me lots of ideas.
some experiments with the impressive new MRE : http://bit.ly/WmV8zo
crazy monitor https://vimeo.com/74735651
@io - thanks
@mrboni: vertex-noise-pack ?
does anyone have a 3D perlin/simplex noise shader (dx9 or dx11)?
i have been having fun with vvvv http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLapAlGYPjc
Physics-based animation system that uses human motion to interact with projected graphics in real time https://tinyurl.com/pjqvu7e
@defetto, win8 is ok a part that the first time is Tricky to shutdown, there is no start menubar. Windows otto, ci vai sotto
If so how?
Is it possible to use freeframe plugins in the latest vvvv?
An affordable 3D printer! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/327770251/phoenix-3d-printer?ref=category
@westbam: nice - reminds me of my first vvvv lesson @ node08 beginners workshop by phl and ktl
A new beginners tut: bonus-tutorial-the-clock-part-1 @LeCloneur, WOW, crazy shapes!!
have fun with MRE ! :) 3d-surfaces
some hardware guru who likes distance-problem-solving take a look at the forum for my last post. GRAZIE
thank you guys!I'll have a try.
@biohaus see directx11-nodes-alpha
i can't see the DL-Link to DirectX11 Nodes... please help
@Desaxismundi: I use this one. http://bit.ly/NUmYFX
all the pictures are gone from the website!
@desaxismundi: tried this?
any hints on skipping windows 8 startup screen?
guys, i'm looking for a decent graphics card with multidisplay , any hints?
@foaster: only difference is that vista was a steaming pile of sh*t while win8 is rather nice. also new kinect sdk will be w8 exclusive
@m4d: That's what they said 'bout Vista, too...
@defetto: windows 8 is teh future, so i'd go with that.
Hello! got a quick OS question as I'm configuring a new workstation, should I stick to Win7? Win8 still buggy?
working with point editor node, the cursor just dissapeared, also in the helpfile.
@zepi ... my Semiconductor favorite is this one https://vimeo.com/1284717
Opendive look alike: http://goo.gl/0ZhaXd
is possible smth like AvoidNIL (Texture)?
and everybody yeah: introductory #vvvv workshop at #retune13 @retune_conf
ah packs!
@microdee, paths are broken in MRE, any place the folder should go in particular? Packs etc, root path?
@catweasel: it's a simple semantic like SV_Position or normal so yep it's specific for a layer only.
@fibo: it was my impression that it is just for the stats that you need the 150. except the stats i think flattr is more universal
@joreg: I thought it was required to have 150 people to "unlock" the community. Well seeing (empty :) statistics sounds exciting ahah
@sagishi: maybe I found a way to paste a patch in the browser, using vvvvjs + angularjs directives. I'm doing some experiments
when writing to a buffer is SV_DispatchThreadID concurrent across all shaders writing to the buffer, or per layer in order?
@skyliner: probably it was secret LucasFilm Technology....
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