Hello evvvveryone. I'm making a lil presentation about vvvv for our concept dept. Any nice examples for creative use of I/O?
ah i see already people joining #flattr. now get the flattr addon for your browser and you see a flattr button for every github repo
Incredible stuff http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oie1ZXWceqM#t=178
note eg. that with #flattr you can already easily flattr any github repo and even subscribe so you automatically donate every month
also i'd like to point everyones attention to https://flattr.com/howflattrworks which i find to work great.
@fibo et al re #gittip for my understanding the 150 are only needed to see stats nothing is preventing from tipping already.
yep, team 6 long haired wierdo
@levi. catch123d is pretty good now. Used it for Boomtown :)
My latest mapping project in vvvv if of interest. VJd live to a Booka Shade track. https://vimeo.com/74561636
Anyone had any experience laser 3d scanning a building?
dawoof: yes. Liquid data?
using cheshire CatIllusion with orculus rift could be fun? http://youtu.be/w_RoDbP7nHc
@DiMiX: yea those comments should be on the building when its finished.. and some birds will ..twitter about what they read
@fibo: Great shout! joined! come on guys join up https://www.gittip.com/for/vvvv/
@youngjae:good comments
south korea designs its first invisible skyscraper ..its biggest airport http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/09/13/tower-infinity-in-south-korea-to-be-the-worlds-first-invisible-skyscraper/
Please join or tell others to join, we just need 16 users more, come on! https://www.gittip.com/for/vvvv/
anybody in stokholm?
Is there a way to access the local filesystem with the HTMLTexture (String)? Both absolute and relative links don't seem work
Oh! Look in the forums ! I seem to be breaking the internet too!
dynamictexture->-asvideo-breaks-with-dxex9-switch-0 sorry try that...
@cat can you be more specific at what breaks there? preferrably in a forum thread with demo-patch?
tried that, but ex9 switch breaks contour which I need for tracking(not a camera so cant opencv it...)
@catweasel: dx9ex shared texture to dx11 works (with "FromSharedTexture" node)
"vux, any chance of a dx9 texture->dx11 without shared memory?
@tobi: thats great idea!
nice one elliot!
I wrote a little dynamic plugin for LiveOSC (controlling Ableton from VVVV) for our recent installation: https://github.com/elliotwoods/LineSegmentsSpace/tree/master/32.%20Send%20Audio%20Control%20Test/plugins/LiveOSCConnect
nvm. Argh, organizing a patch's functions.. ;)
Hi! A quick one: How do I get the width/height from an image on the web? thx
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgsrrvAM4yA&feature=youtu.be onyx ashanti @ sc label release party
@synth do you already have the device? just contact me...
https://www.gittip.com/for/vvvv/ Please spread this link, So we can fund everythingh we want... we need 23 more user
I can provide the hardware for someone and fund some of the dev. There is great potential for interactive stuff with this device.
@synth should be possible, they provide c# SDK. I could provide help for implementation
https://theeyetribe.com Soo how much could it cost to be implemented in vvvv ? Considering a donation ...
hey liquid. check your mail!
Space glasses seems like a good idea but can't see what's the level of quality. it's also high $$$ for devs, needs more proofs...
@tekcor: not leap, Tof, prototype looks like the Intel/DS325. Their videos (except the crappy one) are obviously fake.
Buy Logitech920, get 3D scanner for free (almost)
Patching Circle Athens' first project, tonight @ hackerspace.gr: http://bit.ly/1e1YiXq
metrowave: cheaper than google glass
The dev version of space glasses is just overpriced.
wow with steve mann involved. it was clear that leap+glases is the next thing.
@skyliner: That is very cool!
@io you can only see them with spaceglasses on ;)
@skyliner: wherez the usb and hdmi cable on the video?
@manuel & woey : thx
@hrovav: look inside the ancient killborders module, it sets focus via windows message
or even better, showwindow
@hrovac window (windows)
do we have a node to force/bring back vvvv as the focused software ?
@ethermammoth That will be totally awesome to have in VVVV
http://www.primesense.com/casestudies/3gear-systems-2/ Looks interesting.
https://vimeo.com/67560865 bravo cool workshop
https://theeyetribe.com/ afordable eyetracker
preparing mapping at campus exhibiton with shaul and roy. ohmu plays 8 o clock
Monumental Light Display on Water Cube Beijing on The Creators Project http://creat.rs/18dsDk1 powered by vvvv
Nevermind, just found a way
Is there a way to display pdfs?
addonpack 32bit doesnt download completely stops in the last bytes ...
4 x 4k rocknroll...
@sunep: Happy birthday, cheers!
As soon as I finished my world domination project. Or some days before that :)
Westbam when are you coming to London brother? Missing our jokes
@m4d: not so crazy, but a real opportunity to demonstrate the incredible possibilities of real-time graphics
how do i share dx11 textures between 2 vvvv instances ?
oops, i meant alec ;)
@alex: dx11 renderer is said to have them. dx9 renderer unfortunately not, so you have to use a tuio bridge or similar.
Devvvvs, what about Windows touch events in vvvv?
@boplbopl: outstanding!!1
hello! :) https://vimeo.com/69629323
@dagrass, got an email saying I've been accepted onto to the beta program too! ;)
i've just seen an xbox one and, most important, a kinect 2 in my company.. wow! what about a node to control it? :)
@dottore beautiful works in there , congrats
Little update for texturefx bug, in contrib page (replaced download)
http://goo.gl/5qK2Hw ...and project page is back: http://goo.gl/EvzUDH
grazie vux :)
@vux Really cool update! thanks ;)
Freshly uploaded : vvvv-directx11-beta31-update
@Herbst do you have basic sample of unity<>vvvv shared mem?
@vux: NextWindow plugin issue: nextwindow-plugin-touch-filtering-issue
@tekcor: i've done,but text coding isnt my friend .(
beautiful work dottore!
@mediadog:the project page will be back soon ;) tnx to everybody
anyone have experience with video tilers likehttp://www.evertz.com/products/3000DVT ? recommended models? do they just work? arbitrary in/out ftw
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