n56vj notebook, with gf635m and intel hd4000, cant get it working with VVVV !
The Third Era Of Visual Art Is Finally Upon Us http://thecreatorsproject.vice.com/blog/the-third-era-of-visual-art
@seltzdesign: its because "leap motion" is the name of the company, see here
@skyliner Thanks, was searching for Leapmotion and didn't find anything. Why is it only called Leap on here?
@seltzdesign: check leap (devices)
Got a Leapmotion in the post yesterday :D Any way to use with vvvv yet?
@joreg: nice, thanks!
@jannis: look for mint here: node13-workshop-material
@klj3 : forum post please with version/os and all that usual lot ;)
Could some help?Have red nodes when using DX11 pack?
Is it ready in English ? I like the starter kit very much but i sadly i am far from the level of needed level of German for this ...
MultiTaction Cell MT420 marker recognition experience in vvvv anyone ?
i would like to test mint ! ampop :-)send me a mail
Clever idea!
Looking for vvvv dev working with fiducial and multitouch tables for a job
my first try at musical and architectonic motiffs improvised - orienting a sense of locomotive experience through endless infrastructures of constant uplift. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=er2NgP2KIyI
@dottore theo watson was recommending this one through twitter reply: http://www.amazon.com/Optoma-TH1060P-Lumens-High-Definition-Projector/dp/B0054NCXHG/ref=pd_sim_sbs_e_1
@dottore: we are very happy with Epson fullHD projectors on that price range
@dottore http://bit.ly/13K5W2C used none of them though
I need to buy a fullHD projector, at least 2k lumen (usage also in not perfect dark room), max budget 1500-2000 euro. suggestions?
http://www.maratis3d.org/ Similar to Unity I guess?
oculus rift vr jam anyone? http://www.oculusvr.com/vrjam/
can be better but i wont have time for the rest of the summer so here you go.. https://github.com/tekcor/SolarSystemSimulation
@shual: great!
@shual: Wow
http://www.nectarpower.com/ -> portable fuel cell
v (oops)
Check it out: http://bit.ly/13IHzVX done with vvv
bo27: no but maybe you could create a solution with some quad-tree like structure and image broken up into tiles
hi. is anyone experienced in using really huge images (with side sizes more than 15000 pixels), like shown here? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ-h0y3ww9s
Cool montimonitor configuration utility with preview http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/multi_monitor_tool.html
What do 64 bit computers use for video textures if they can't use Filestream VLC?
Have anyone gotten the microsoft drivers for the kinect to work on a windows 8 machine? It shows up as a red node.
@armin I have looked into it fully but you'll need to register a dev account: http://tinyurl.com/mdvej94
3-12 August anybody around Venice area?
anybody using the new twitter api 1.1 successfully in vvvv? how does json work? patch examples?
thank you, urbankind!
Happy birthday m4d :)
hahaha... they used the Lebowski Ipsum for "Prototyping Interfaces" xD
ari, love those. can't wait for the shop to happen :)
Anyone can teach me how to make a skeleton tracking + 3D model and interact with kinect http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bY1bHHtp-Y8
Thanks guys, working in the last details to open the shop
superb Lasal !
@lasal: outstanding beauty!
Hey Metrowave, there is not glue or other connections system, just paper. 1,5 hours of meditative mounting process. thanks.
@lasal: so fluid and organic, I assume you don't need any glue either... beautifully designed!
Putin turn to fascism. Ask your government to force him go.
aloa is this the shortest way for span mode in w7? http://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2941/~/how-to-setup-horizontal-span-mode-with-overlap-on-windows-7
@fibo :) show
I want this in VVVV
@Noir: Fantastic!
un placer:) espero que todo lo que sé de íngles no esté mal
@urbankind ups, someone could have cleanup the patches before the screenshot....
quote u7
@urbankind, i hope they bought licenses quote:"open platform, for anyone to take"
VVVV used here ;) https://vimeo.com/70194343
Serious AfterFX chops: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Q3EEaPj-5qs
@devs if you have a chance pls check: mouse-wheel-on-mouse-nodes-beta30
@ARTEKLAB Very good find :) Will give it a go. I was hoping to do everything in vvvv but that will do for my learning process :)
hei @aaa muchas gracias por sus traducciones
Hey, Anyone has a Trimesh (bullet) help file, or demo patch?
@synth Maybe you like this processing based soft for training your own gestures: https://code.google.com/p/kineticspace/
In this case anyone know how to make new gestures for OpenNI ?
Ah, that clears it :) I am using Kinect with 1.7 but didnt know it is not fully implemented yet
@synth: Not until we get SDK 1.7 implementation
Is it just me or there is no Gesture node fro MSSDk Kinect ?!
@sebl guess that is due to the pd-installer evil that was fixed for beta30. uninstall pd and use their zip version.
@seb guess u have to running crack from old betas first?
beta30.2 is causing older betas to start no more? :(
DMX boys and girls: releasing a new open version of whitecat (0.8.4) + opensource: http://www.le-chat-noir-numerique.fr Enjoy !
Simulated rhythm - Akihiko Taniguchi > http://vimeo.com/70100066
@lasal: amazing
@lasal:es wwerde licht
@lasal wonderful design , cograts!
@lasal awesome! i have really been wanting to use vvvv for 3dprinted forms. i'm inspired
@lasal: i'd order one too! amazing!
Sweet DX11 Bokeh DoF with code samples: http://mynameismjp.wordpress.com/2011/04/19/bokeh-ii-the-sequel/
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