@joreg thank!! Ill try this. Are there a way to send video texture from vvvv to vl? fromimage node in vl somehow only sends 1 frame
@ravasquez thx, so I need to stop avoiding nuget in the end ;-)
Reminder: Are you teaching #vvvv or with vvvv? We're curious to hear from you: teaching-patching-a-mini-conference
@takuma am afraid no blackmagic in vl yet. probly possible via VL.NDI? https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/vl-ndi/16733
@cznickesz beta39: VL.Skia (shipped with installer), VL.OpenCV (needs nuget install). As for gamma, both ship with it.
@cznickesz: VL.Skia is shipping with betas, VL.OpenCV not (yet), but you can get it via commandline. VL.Xenko is not yet available.
I´ll never understand: is vl.skia and vl.opencv part beta39 or do I need to use gamma for this? And how about xenko??
@ravazquez Thanks!got working. Anybody know a way to show blackmagic in vl?? can't see in VideoIn. or maybe send texture from vvvv
Release Candidate 3 for #vvvv beta39 is out: beta39-release-candidate Please test and report your findings!
Will visit Köln and Düsseldorf this week. I'm an artist from Moscow, would be happy to meet someone! If you will be there, reply :)
vpm got a clean-up update. Download here: https://github.com/vvvvpm/vpm/releases/tag/1.3
@udo2013 please note that bass is only available with x86 builds!
@aeckheim, please see: https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/visual-c-2008-this-download-is-no-longer-available/17895
Can't find the visual c++ runtime 2008. setup.exe link leads to nowhere. try to setup newest beta version
More #vvvv workshop dates for the coming months are announced: upcoming-full-day-vvvv-gamma-workshops-in-berlin
@synth can confirm crashes with instance noodles. studio drivers fixed it.
@nissidis: So i am not crazy! Thanks for confirmation :) These are the things i do have problems with as well.
@synth I do with Instance Noodles and FieldTrip (RTX 2080) I rolled back to Studio Drivers (instead of GameReady ones)
Anyone having problems with latest Nvidia Drivers and vvvv?
@Takuma OpenCV YOLO is implemented using VL but you should be able to use it in gamma or alpha (now called "preview")
Does open CV yolo work on vl instead of gamma? I wanna send the rectangle data to vvvv from masking video
It's official! #vvvv and @xenko3d working closer together: vvvv-meets-xenko #visualprogramming #dotnet #creativecoding #gamedev
if anyone wants some good free models/textures, download uneal engine and they have a lot of packs for free, you can export it
Teaching Patching - a mini conference about teaching, patching and #vvvv: teaching-patching-a-mini-conference Who's in?
New dates are out for the upcoming free introductions to the all-new #vvvv upcoming-free-vvvv-gamma-workshops-in-berlin
KEROXEN19 and why you should come to Tenerife https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drQuWTcmnVA
PSA: And we're back! All systems should be up and running again. Please report if you find any problems.
PSA: This wednesday 11pm vvvv.org will be moving servers. If everything goes according to plan we should be back within a few hours.
Also as every 2 weeks: This Tuesday: Free introduction to the all-new #vvvv: free-vvvv-intro-workshops-this-summer-in-berlin followed by the regular vvvv meetup
anyone at usbynight?
Reminder: This wednesday in #berlin: Getting Started with Data Visualization: https://nodeforum.org/announcements/workshop-getting-started-with-data-visualization/ vvvv #creativecoding #dataviz
@eglod vvvv is international! wenn du hilfe auf deutsch brauchst, dann komm am besten in unseren deutschen chat: https://riot.im/app/#/room/#vvvv-at:matrix.org
In allen möglichen Sprachen gibt es VVV. V4 ist deutsch, warum nicht in deutscher Sprache. eglod
In allen möglichen Sprachen gibt es VVV. V4 ist deutsch, warum nicht in deutscher Sprache. eglod
Reminder: First #vvvv meetup in #hamburg this friday: vvvv-hamburg-meetup-1 Hope to see some of you there!
Hi guys. Everyone guess when xenko engine would be avaliable to play around in vl ... Isnt?
s+h projection mapping https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=125&v=fEdN1VciJx0
Next vvvvorkshop in Berlin: https://nodeforum.org/announcements/workshop-getting-started-with-interaction-design/
and right after the intro join us for our second Patching Circle: patching-circle bring your projects and problems and patch along
Reminder: This thursday: Free #vvvv gamma intro course: free-vvvv-intro-workshops-this-summer-in-berlin
@dominikKoller haha, you name it :D
fingers in the noise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jxNy7DS3J0
@TomasGreen type "linefeed" in the nodebrowser. if that doesn't help, please start a forum thread explaining a bit more what you need
how i can visualize a principle of \n as a linefeed symbol?(just want to show how it can be detected in text(IObox only))
@metrowave: user listing is back!
the eroticism of slowness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2daDmVWwv0
@graphicuserinterface: most likely
kinect azure in vl viable?
what happened to the list of whose logged-in/on-line (above), now only showing me and guests...
Don't forget: This months #vvvv meetup in #berlin is happening on the 27th: 12-berlin-vvvv-meetup
@u7 @CeeYaa, we're investigating this...
Under the hood: We switched from #SharpDX to #Xenko math. vl-switch-to-xenko-math VL vvvv #visualprogramming #dotnet #creativecoding
haha it was frozen for 10 seconds when I send this Shout before - using Firefox
hui really slow speed on MainPage, Contributions ... speed in Forum quite OK
mmm, the site is really slow now.
PSA: and we're back!
PSA: Thursday night starting 11pm CET vvvv.org will move servers. If all goes well we should be back soon after.
But first: This Friday in Berlin: Join our full day "Getting started with Generative Design Algorithms" workshop https://nodeforum.org/announcements/workshop-getting-started-with-generative-design/
In #Linz for #ArsElectronica? Join us for a free 2 days #vvvv workshop sponsored by businesses/responsive-spaces-gmbh Apply here: 2-day-gamma-vvvvorkshop-at-responsive-spaces-in-linz
Need your custom dose of #vvvv training? Join us at our studio in #berlin: vvvv-training-at-the-source
Parallels Desktop 15 finally supports DirectX 11 https://www.parallels.com/blogs/just-released-parallels-desktop-for-mac/
Recording available at https://www.twitch.tv/videos/464286201##
Dev stream: Painting with light with a Vive controller, developing using VL and Schéma. Start at 17:00 https://www.twitch.tv/dominikjancik
July as it happened: vvvvhat-happened-in-july-2019 #vvvv
@mrboni thanks mrboner. solved it by turning all the lights to strobe mode so framerate drops were actually a relief :P . love
reminder: this thursday, just before the patching circle, there is a free 2h intro to #vvvv gamma: free-vvvv-intro-workshops-this-summer-in-berlin
this thursday, berlin, join the patching circle! patching-circle
@levi - low light? gpu overworked?
Any known issues w/ kinect2 dropping framerate massively lately?turned on today,hours before show and had this nice surprise.anyone ?
happy tooltips to you
Help us define how a good series of tutorials should look like: https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/call-for-tutorial-topics/17769 #vvvv
this is so cool: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oprumUQddk
Bored in #berlin this summer? Learn something new: 5 workshops announced to get started with the all new #vvvv: vvvv-gamma-beginner-workshops-in-berlin-this-summer
first in a series of full day #vvvv workshops in #berlin announced: vvvv-gamma-beginner-workshops-in-berlin-this-summer
and also tomorrow, July 23rd: vvvv meetup in #berlin 11-berlin-vvvv-meetup-new-space creativecoding #visualprogramming
In case you missed: We're starting with free bi-weekly introductions to #vvvv next week in #berlin free-vvvv-intro-workshops-this-summer-in-berlin #creativecoding
@beyon too bad. but from now on we have a fixed schedule: every 4th tuesday in the month! hope this helps to plan evvvveryones visits
joreg: ah, bad timing, I would be happy to attend but I doesn't look like it will work out
@beyon any chance you can add 2 days to stay? would be great to have you at the (not yet announced) #vvvv meetup on the 23rd!
Solution for theTexture AVI Writer (DX11) is now in the comments: texture-avi-writer-(dx11)#comment-273186
I'll be in Berlin July 13-22 - anything interesting going on in that time frame?
worlds worst video card?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7rce6IQDWs
moments later: admin fixed it. back to normal.
indeed. site broken. hope to get this sorted soon. sorry for the inconvenience.
yikes someone broke the site!?
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