AR mapping on buildings which moments would you like to see in your city ?
If anyone os in Hamburg, we finished installing this yesterday:
Many thanks herbst, that's awesome!
Finally, Intel PCSDK plugin updated to support release version.
About Framerates and Bangs:
ArtNet Timecode roughly patched nodes: Give it a try and let me know, what wrong.... everything, i know...
For anyone interested in dev. Oculus here is a list of what other developers created so far:
@west: last saved with alpha 9.0 and it is still running. good find..
Is it me, or is the helpfile for Timing (debug) a bit pre-beta-12?
Cleveland Mueseum of Art
@bo27: Cool, it's fun!
vvvv-dmx controlled
voltage controlled videogames
IllumiRoom research paper:
3d fluid simulation DirectX11 code
Arduino with build in WIFI:
@tekcor: nice one!
@u7 i'm curious to see it in action
interesting assessment ;)
cheap robot
vvvvjs #html5 #leavingtheplanet
I'm in ahah! businesses/cloneproduction
ok that's not that good here's an opensource one
@dave thanks :) i get the whole moderating idea and support it. how many posts will i need ?
@xxxlalala usually only a couple of hours, and yes, you'll be able to post unmoderated :)
How do I convert a 3d XYZ position to a 2d XY position? 3d pos is hand pos tracked with kinect. Also posted this in forum. Cheers!
Node13 Documentary :
how long does it take until a moderated reply is going to be posted ? and will i ever be able to post unmoderated ?
@Joanie ZenPhoton is magic! Thanks!@karistouf HSL or RGB joint?
hi, is there anyway to make colored background a classical VALUE IO box ?
generative power to the people zenphoton and it's on github :)
thx metrowave
No result in search form with contribution tag on. Search function seems has some problems.
Check out my #DirectX To #OpenGL Texture Bridge! #Resolume+#VVVV olé! directx-freeframegl-bridge
in case you didn't know: shoutbox is mirrored to twitter with hashtag support, see:
@elio: grande! now please shout that again but use some hashtags so it better impacts on twitter
VVVV-To-OpenGL Texture Bridge. I finally did it. Have fun! directx-freeframegl-bridge
What's wrong with the search functionality on It doesn't seem to work at all anymore...
@scam: haha, "reptile art" higher potential then unicorns or cats
SCAM: Starving Computer Artists Market (1992) >
Star Rider (1983) >
Vectrex Raster Figures >
enjoying the sound @ stix
Icon with version written on it request
anyone in L.A.? :)
updated my portfolio with tons of vvvv stuff
@Alec: dreams oh dreams. there was an attempt to implement physx in vvvv once but there was a licensing problem i think
@Mini, it was just a wish list, usable as is, thank you for it :)
has anybody a MIDI nprm dispatcher on her harddrive? No search results on that one ;(
@zeos: wow, amazing! When available for vvvv? :)
@joreg, why is search not taking the tags into account ?
@westbam by the way, sorry for cannot update plugin. I understand your request, but busy now.
newemka: just a tip re gui/anttwekbar. this is how you'd find it with 2 clicks: contributions/1353+1351+2439+1352+2438+1354+1355/4392
@dawoof hay tiempo para la entrega pero me gustaría empezar pronto. Me puedes enviar un correo?
Maybe because the search tool is not very reliable, thanks u7angel!
Yes, thank you :) I searched for GUI, no idea why I missed it.
@westbam anttweakbar this ?
@agreed, gridview for contrib + gallery would be nice as wished long long time ago :)
Annoying big list in contributions!! What is that handy little popup GUI element again?
esa chamba es pa cuando? @herbst: any updates in making for PCSDK DS325, there is a new major version?
VJ Mix Session Vol3 :
Looking for patchers in México para una chamba.
DLP projector innards :
@dave: whoa what happened?
Hey all, due to some vandalism or misuse of our page, we had to roll back the database. All content from the last 60 minutes is lost.
hey guys, im in tokyo until end of this month. anyone here shout or mail, Digitalslaves i send you a message, dont know if you gotit
is the ms kinect 1.7 planned to be included in dx9 version? want to try the new interaction module
looking forward @joreg :)
will be talking #vvvv @iclablinz on tuesday 2pm
Leap is going to be installed on HP computers:
@alg great
@microdee but it's not working with some tfx, i think this hack brokes something. Digging into it.
@alg: ooouhyeaah!
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