@liquid: looks a bit like a glorified version of kinect-virtual-hit-boxes to me. still could be potentially interesting..
anyone seen this? http://www.ubi-interactive.com
vlc doesnt play videos until the last frame. any ideas?
@vux:you are beyond
Oculus VR Dev kits are already going around, SDK 1.5 here: https://developer.oculusvr.com/ has anyone tried it yet?
@lasal: Blender bullet physics VVVV+FFT+OSC=>Blender game engine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HDTOqTYEGU
@Vux: Great!, when could we play with your toys?
@Liquid & Julia: WOW!!!!! :)
@fibo @lasal already done ;) https://vimeo.com/39050331
@liquid: nice :)
@ink: cool! XBox or Kinect for Windows hardware?
https://vimeo.com/62916790 interactive,IR,Tracking,vvvv,RealTime. demo videos
Talking about music: http://www.eigenzone.org/
@lasal: maybe voro++ developers could write a vvvv plugin :)
sometimes music is my passion: https://soundcloud.com/tonfilmtechno/technojazz-liveset-provi
That is fantastic lasal, thanks for the info...
Open source 3d Voronoi c++ library, anyone? http://math.lbl.gov/voro++/examples/
Happy easter!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rSxwvnWcbk
Big Thanks to Dottore for his Particles_GPU!! you will need red-blue glasses and 1080hd to watch this http://youtu.be/hOS4W8l8c_4
The new SDK of Leap is not better. Lots of anomalies and artefacts. Only good if using one finger.
or if 2 or more fingers are touching they are detected as one finger
@herbst: well it's definitely more stable but still if i close some fingers it will lose them
@microdee: does not work as advertised?
naaah i was too happy too early
leap sdk 0.7.6 now with usable finger tracking!
Ok the link is too long or something, it doesn't show correctly here...
Oculus VR @ GDC 2013 http://us5.campaign-archive2.com/?u=88dbd06829e35d5cbf84bbc2e&id=602293cf46&eUNIQID
We are growing. http://www.symbioticcube.com/?p=872 Fresh Set up there
@Westbam - thanks. Very informative :)
@dannielmach Thanks, so beautiful :)
Programming with Minecraft > http://blog.dullahansoft.com/
@Urbankind: thank you
@ivan : Indeed its a good one :)
good work westbam! @lecloneur can't wait...
excellent tutorial west, I learned from it ahah. I should do something similar for some textureFX tricks I found.
hi everybody. our worst-first example of using vvvv and kinect https://vimeo.com/62564578
Going for another medal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-M8uHzK4jU
yep thats it ...
good, but if its not in the node browser, you have file access problems...
ha found it - had to open manualy the subfolder C:\Program Files\vvvv_45beta29.2_x86\lib\nodes\plugins\Template
used winRAR - could you have a look its not in ./addonpack/lib(nodes/plugins here ...
@kiilo then something is missing or you extracted the files wrong and have file access problems, try with 7zip...
to be precise following the dynamic plugin tuorial - there is no template(Value)
mmmh no templates for dynamic plugins in addonpack? winAID here ... or am I wrong?
World Wide Maze: http://chrome.com/maze/ Chrome browser only.
Any vvvv programmers in the Washington DC area?
@ft: Any hints to avoid Vlc memory leaks ?
Generally Quadro works faster in window mode than than the ordinary GTX cards. I got mine for After effect as i need CUDA cores
concerning quadro: using a quadro2000m in my laptop for vvvv I love the fact that you can support up to 8 monitors in mosaic mode
Any Ideas for building a decicion tree?
@bildwerk: use gpu particles (w/ prebaked buffers)!
thx for your Quadro opinions
I'm using 2 x Quadro FX4800 as I do 3DCAD but they work great with vvvv as well.
any idea on handling really large point clouds?
@synth: Quadro is faster in line operations, transparency handling(Wireframe mode etc, everything you need for CAD)
@fewx : As String node then Text node
think Quadro is faster in OpenGL than in DirectX
I 4xQuadro6000 at work on 1 machine and 4xGTX680 on the second . not seeing big difference in vvvv performance. GTX is faster
@patrick, not sure, i had quadro was dissaster
how can I use an IOBox value as Text?
how can I use an IOBox value as Text?
@DigitalSlaves: does vvvv benefit from this mod?
oh fuck the ars DL mayham was too much for me.
Old trick, just a reminder
http://www.techarp.com/showarticle.aspx?artno=539 . There is also a soldering solution to transform GF into Quadro
look at this 30-gb...
karma police didn t care , the problem was on my patch , i just can t find it for now ...
i was wrong , the problem is in my patch ,i just need to find it now ... , the karma police didn t care that much
hi , i think there is a bug with the node "find(string)" , who should i tell about it ?
a video I made with VVVV inside https://vimeo.com/62021730 ! Enjoy
@everyoneishappy - thanks @bilderbuchi - I know. What's the hold up? I want to whoop and do hi 5's again
dear v4ers: still no video of the node13 keynote online? I couldn't find one. :-(
I think Mapping Festival learned and influenced by vvvv workshops and Node13: http://www.mappingfestival.com/2013/?wpmlmethod=newsletter&id=32&mailinglist_id=4&subscriber_id=1322&authkey=f7e6c85504ce6e82442c770f7c8606f0
Ah. I see. By looking at the keyboard. L+K :) nice.
can you spot the pitch on pole patch? http://www.buzzfeed.com/awesomer/maps-you-never-knew-you-needed
@purf: no screenshots - it didnt happened
assimp nodes have gone in b29.2?
huh? was aligning some nodes (or so I thought), and the IOBoxes turned green?
how to get Video player (open CV) ? THANKS !
@Urbankind, thanks for the share
Water Generator Billboard http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=35yeVwigQcc
kinect fusion!
@skyliner: w00000t!
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