@catweasel: Great work, I was going to do the same, I didn't know we can record otherwise I'd bring a camcorder+tripod to Node13.
Got particle madness too, I'll compress it when I get back home again, only 2 I managed to film though, camera died in dx11-2...
Question: Dx11 means there's Dshow 11, or any new feature with that ?
thanks catweasel!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKAFhMjKnn8 Software engineering patterns from node13, bit rough Im afraid...
The one i'm using apc40-midi-mapper with tonfilm's svvvvitcher svvvvitcher
habemus gitgnore !?! https://github.com/github/gitignore/pull/563
I'm very late, but thanks again for this amazing NODE edition! looking forward to all the upcoming projects inspired by Frankfurt
>skyliner: paolo has some.
Some cool toys are comming soon, like this 3D pen!! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1351910088/3doodler-the-worlds-first-3d-printing-pen
it appears to be that i will go to hong-kong next year. who's patching there?;)
skyliner I have another leap + copter video on my phone.
btw.: who got nice video footage of the copter workshop?
Thats sooo coool :D
Quad featured prominently in the upcoming 140 platform game nominated at IGF: http://www.igf.com/audience.php
@fibo to create a sub patch to appoint the pin input or output becomes a node independent ... feature ultra sophisticated
well you can easily get back your subforum by only selecting one of the tags.
why not to create submenu for contributions: current and obsolete, same as now for downloads: beta and alpha?
@dave, is tagging better ? i still miss the old subforum structure. never really liked this big random pile of posts
http://www.nordiskkulturfond.org/en/content/digital-2015-16-uk big nordic digital art grant
@dannielmach: by selecting tags you effectively can filter subforums. only that our tagging system is better than actual subforums :)
what about s CTRL-G group nodes feature?
still don't get it. subforums? can you give some context?!
@readme exact:)
>joreg: I guess he is talking about subforums.
@joreg Tues topics permanent type that does not prevent duplicate questions? http://legacy.vvvv.org/tiki-forums.php
@dannielmach: not sure what you're talking about?!
the old site had someone remember?
@joreg Fixed create topics in a forum such as kinect, hardware, projectors etc and avoid topics not repeated?
kinect alternative...http://www2.panasonic.biz/es/densetsu/device/3DImageSensor/en/index.html
@ft super!!
possible to access a slice of a colour spread in a shader? col[i] gives me the rgba component
>skyliner: great
@skyliner: cool, I got one!
@IIIH Here some keyboard shortcuts > ui reference & dont-panic-the-noobs-guide-to-vvvv
@manuel: have been installing win7 64bit yesterday + vlc has an experimental x64 build, so maybe in a few weeks...
+1 Westbam
and also T-shirts in XL please :)
But a webshop for Quads, Shirts and Scarf's would be nice :)
@joreg,I don't mean as a replacement for that service but a place to initiate + discuss projects/ideas that may benefit from funding
is vlc.texture x64 possible ?
@mrboni why reinvent the wheel? haven't looked at it deeper..does anything speak against using that thing?
@Joreg-been speaking with folks recently bout the need for a crowd fund system for contributions.maybe a special place on the forum?
Duo3D seems to be the exact copy of Leap!
intaresting: http://blog.freedomsponsors.org/about/
nice to meet you all guys and thx to the node13 team!
some of nodes & plugins vvvv not showing like a todomap, what reasons can be?
It was pleasure to meet you all.Thanks for the inspiring week.@Westbam your 3D Stuff is allready in work =)
Thank you all for the Node13, it was the best week since years, double thanks for the Award I got :)
thanks to all the wonderful people who made node happen. was great to put faces to names at last :)
oh thnks, turned out that i just don't know hotkey
@IIIH you can do that connecting a Camera (Transform Softimage) node to the View and Projection of the Renderer.
Future leap alternative..? http://duo3d.com/
because my mouse in some reasons don't wanna do this
someone telling me, how i can control original image in the window of rendering, like a zooming, rotating.
From the hackerspace last thursday : https://vimeo.com/59909140
13h sleep... the week was really amazing! thanks to all at #node13 and the @nodeforum team!
Big Up to all of you, it was a honor to be part of NODE and meet so great peoples.
wuf still had no sleep, but thank you and nice to meet you guys
@readme yes it is hard getting back from 120fps
NODE OVVVVER - thx all for this intense time!
My brain isn't back to 60fps yet ...
Great week and a huge pleasure meeting you folks. Short summary of Node on Saturday http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EA43NbcK1k
trying to get my mind sorted now... thanks to all the awesome people and the whole NODE team
thanks a lot guys, one of my best weeks ever! Now i understand why this is every 2 or 3 years... too intense.
Multitouch Installation by vision nocturne https://vimeo.com/59892744
Back in Rome.. Node was great. Thank you all!
back in Vienna and already missing NODE. It was a week to remember!
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for a great week. Danke schön
might have mixed up the direction of my question, maybe vux, natan, quayola, matt is more correct?
how i feel after node: http://goo.gl/ZnHqk Thnaks evvvverybody!
just awesome week. thank you all.
@gregsn, done ! :)
vux & abstract birds: do you have plans for exhibiting slaves?
thanks everyone, happy to see you all!
totaly thanks for this nice week to everyone :D
Best week ever!. I cant express in 140 char, plz check "noode feeling... " on the forum. :)
@u7: missed you! get better soon!
just vvovv! this was soo good! thank you all!
good luck everyone with your entry to this: http://www.genius-loci-weimar.org/competition/
always the same with all of you...batteries fully charged. horray.
Thanks for the great festival. We have amazing community, was really happy to see you all.
thank you all for this fantastic week.
@dave... not fair :/
Back in uk for couple days, thanks for an amazing node13 !!!
Also: Please return your vvvv concession if you're not on this photo: https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/69545_10151418866669722_1899948288_n.jpg :)
thanks for a great time at node 2013!
thank you node13-team
missed my plane so had to be a good night! Tx everyone for making this so real-time!
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