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credits VVVV, HLSL, Pure Data patching: Umanema | Sound: George Oblapenko | Wave simulation shader: Sebastian Gregor
Project was made by GODA art collective (Dmitrii Antropov (umanema) and George Oblapenko) for Institut Francais. It was shown during the Festival of French Animation at Lendoc Film Studio in Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Realtime graphics and sound have been created in VVVV and Pure Data, connected via UDP. Projection has been mapped on a historical relief created by Peter Clodt. Everything was controlled by Leap Motion device.
credits | everything: ARKTK BERKUT | Sound: Alexander Chernenko |
"Ancient Space” was created by media artist ARKTK BERKUT for the Contemporary Art Projection Mapping Сompetition “Art Vision Modern”—a part of the International Moscow Festival “Circle of Light 2016”.
The project supported by Radugadesign studio.
Each frame of this video was created with the help of VVVV.
More fascinating stuff from this project you can look on my Behance
credits Roberto Vitalini (@Bashiba) .:. Sebastiano Barbieri (@Noir) .:.
credits vvvvideo by sinus aka didi bruckmayr. audio: bruckmayr+loibner aka bruckner
watch in a dark room with good headphones on.
vocals: didi bruckmayr. audioprocessing: bernhard loibner
track: 7 from the LP happy end (
rendered realtime in vvvvull hd.
credits Roberto Vitalini (@Bashiba) .:. Sebastiano Barbieri (@Noir) .:.
credits VUX, Kyle McLean, Dávid Mórász, UNC, Vadim Epstein, Natalia Alfutova
I make ze visuals, bro, I march ze rays, I subtract ze ao, broh. I push ze cubes in ze compute shaders, I simplex the curl and perlin the noise, I queue, oscillate and pop ze particles, I abstract ze cube maps, I c# the videos, innit?
I -(ceil(sin(p.x-1*cos(freq*p.x*5)+time+ceil(cos(p.y*mult+offsetMult)))-thin)+ceil(sin(p.y*mult2+offsetMult2))) the red lines.
Above all though, I labor in relative obscurity.
credits sunep
Speed-project to test sequencing, recording and compression with the Deuterium engine.
As always with this kind of material, download the original file from vimeo for best quality.
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