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Who deliver, lasal, everyoneishappy, kleinkarriert, analogNative.net
When Sat, Nov 23rd 2019 - 20:00 until Sun, Jan 5th 2020 - 20:00
Where Kraftwerk Berlin, Köpenicker Str. 70, 10179 Berlin, Germany


Latent Being is the new site-specific installation by Refik Anadol,
pioneer in the aesthetics of artificial intelligence.
The work responds to the cathedral-like concrete vastness of Kraftwerk,
a former East Berlin powerplant. Visitors will walk through the four-chapters of the immersive,
interactive environment, in which data relating to the city,
the architecture and the visitors will be transformed into hallucinogenic,
large-scale LED screen paintings. By using a cutting-edge deep learning algorithm
to create this interactive AI-human constellation,
Anadol challenges our perception of ‘space’ and our relationship with AI machines.

deliver, Friday, Nov 22nd 2019 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 2 comments  

Who Landesmuseum,Illuminarium,projektil,colorsound
When Thu, Nov 14th 2019 - 18:00 until Mon, Dec 30th 2019 - 18:00


colorsound, Wednesday, Nov 20th 2019 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 0 comments  

Who New Movement Collective, Fenyce, Visualpilots
When Fri, Nov 1st 2019 - 18:00 until Fri, Nov 1st 2019 - 21:30
Where Tate Britain, Millbank, Westminster, London SW1P 4RG, United Kingdom


Project XO is a project by New Movement Collective from London. In collaboration with Fenyce they developed an exoskeleton for experimental use in a dance piece. Luca (Fenyce) developed the control software in vvvv and Simon Haenggi (Visualpilots) is joining them to work on the production of the dance piece for the final show in April 2020.

This Friday 1st Nov you can see the system in action for the first time at a public preview session at Tate Britain, London.
It's a free event and the show will be on regularly from 6pm - 9.30pm

Join us if you are around!!

Event details: https://www.tate.org.uk/whats-on/tate-britain/late/late-tate-britain
Projet page NMC: http://newmovement.org.uk/work/projectxo/index.html

hengge, Thursday, Oct 31st 2019 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 0 comments  

When Sat, Oct 26th 2019 - 11:00 until Sun, Oct 27th 2019 - 18:00
Where NODE Institute, Wipperstrasse 13, 12055 Berlin, Germany

Are you teaching vvvv or otherwise using vvvv in education, or are you planning to? Please join us for this 2 day mini conference where we want to talk about teaching methodologies and strategies of getting vvvv established in more diverse fields. The two main areas of discussions we anticipate:

How we teach vvvv

  • What works, what doesn't
  • Best practices
  • What's missing
  • How to share resources
  • Do we need extra trainings for teachers?

What we teach with vvvv

  • What is vvvv good at
  • What topics should be targeted
  • How do we involve educators from more diverse fields
  • Can we create an international network of educators

Preliminary Schedule:

October 26

  • 11h Welcome and Opening Remarks
  • 1130-14h: 1st round: participants backgrounds & experiences
  • Lunch Break
  • 15-17h: 2nd round: participants backgrounds & experiences
  • 17-18h: Summing up, preparing sessions for day 2
  • Dinner
October 27

  • 11-14h: Work in groups: How we teach vvvv
  • Lunch Break
  • 15-17h: Work in groups: How we teach with vvvv
  • 17-18h: Summing up


Admission is free but we can only host a maximum of 20 people, so please apply by sending an informal email:

  • to edu@vvvv.org
  • tell us about your background and interest in the topic
  • deadline: October 20th

Live Stream

Starting Saturday 11h.

Any questions?
Please get in touch via edu@vvvv.org

joreg, Saturday, Oct 26th 2019 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 3 comments  

When Fri, Nov 8th 2019 - 18:00 until Sat, Nov 9th 2019 - 18:00

привет Moscow!

We're happy to announce a series of vvvv happenings in Moscow on November 8 and 9 in collaboration withhttp://migz.ru. Together with elias I'll be in town and here is what we have planned:

November 8th

Free Introductory vvvv gamma workshop

vvvv gamma is the all-new version of vvvv. Whether you've been using vvvv beta so far and see its limitations, you want to take first steps in VL (applicable to beta and gamma) or you've always wanted to try vvvv for the first time: This workshop is for you!

In this 2h course we'll give you a taste of what it is like to work with vvvv gamma. We'll guide you step-by-step through creating your first little programs and show you how to export them as standalone executables.

When: 6pm to 8pm
Where: to be announced


Are you a vvvv professional or only curious about what people do with vvvv? Join us for the very first vvvv meetup in Moscow with presentations and drinks. Come to meet fellow patchers and exchange about all things vvvv. Have a problem you want to show and discuss or want to share what you're working on? Please do so. Evvvveryone is welcome!

When: 8pm till late
Where: to be announced

November 9th

Full day vvvv gamma workshop

In this full day (2x3h) workshop we're preparing you for the future with vvvv gamma. But note that everything you'll learn here, you'll also be able to apply to VL in vvvv beta!


  • Using OpenCV for tracking faces and doing other computervision related tasks
  • Easily creating simple user interfaces with the Elementa UI library
  • 2d drawing and exporting to svg/pdf for further use in InkScape or Illustrator
  • Using Skeleton tracking with Kinect2 to interact with virtual HitBoxes
  • Understanding the power of being able to create Custom Datatypes (think: Particle Systems)

When: 11am to 6pm
Where: to be announced
Cost: 5.000 RUB

We're very much looking forward to connect with the Moscow crovvvvd. Hope to see you at one of the events!

joreg, Thursday, Oct 24th 2019 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 0 comments  

When Wed, Nov 6th 2019 - 10:00 until Thu, Nov 7th 2019 - 18:00
Where WTC Congress Cente, Krasnopresnenskaya nab., 12, Moscow, Russia

When we started out working on vvvv beta in 2000 at MESO, it soon became apparent that it is too useful to keep as an inhouse toolkit only. Therefore we soon decided to offer it for anyone, let's say in the world of interactive media, to try and use it.

Fast forward 19 years and we now have the all-new vvvv gamma almost ready for prime time and we realise it is too powerful to only constrain its use to cases in interactive media. With VL, probably the first .NET language for live programming at its core, vvvv gamma is no longer only an obvious choice for the niche market it grew out of. We have to assume that it can also be successfully used beyond what we've seen so far.

To explore its possibilities, we're exposing vvvv to new audiences, in this case at the DOTNEXTCONF in Moscow:

Our talk is vvvv — visual programming for .NET

If this is nothing for you personally, then please send your even more nerdy friends!

joreg, Thursday, Oct 24th 2019 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 1 comments  

Who maarja, id144, nissidis
When Wed, Oct 23rd 2019 - 19:00 until Wed, Oct 23rd 2019 - 21:00
Where Salón de Danza, Mexico City, Mexico

Everywhen is dark, depressive and captivating contemplation on the recurrence in history. Everywhen orbits around two sides of life - the personal and the political. An often caring, gentle and well-meaning personal life is contrasted here with the reality of the social individual, who can often be sinister, vengeful and hateful. But how can we be critical to our own world views when they are created by those closest to us?

Salón de Danza
Centro Cultural Universitario
Miércoles 23 | 7 pm
Entrada libre | Cupo limitado
Entrega de cortesías 90 minutos antes de la función

Visuals, concept: Mária Júdová
Dance, concept: Soňa Ferienčíková
Music, concept: Alexandra Timpau
Lights: Ints Plavnieks
Technical support: Andrej Boleslavský, Constantine Nisidis
Produced by: BOD.Y
Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council

Website http://every-when.com/
Trailer https://vimeo.com/249193177

maarja, Tuesday, Oct 22nd 2019 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 0 comments  

When Tue, Oct 22nd 2019 - 20:00 until Tue, Oct 22nd 2019 - 23:00
Where NODE Institute, Wipperstrasse 13, 12055 Berlin, Germany

Excerpt of latest work by Takuma Nakata

Here we go again!

As every 4th tuesday of the month we'll meet again coming tuesday at the cozy NODE Institute in Rixdorf, Neukölln.

This time we'll have a live-connection to the other side of the globe from where fellow patcher Takuma Nakata will tell us about his latest work. He writes:

Hi I'm Takuma Nakata, Interaction Designer based in Kyoto Japan. With this OOOO I'm gonna talk about how I design an Interactive installation using vvvv with design perspective.

Additional: I'm personally not a coder, really bad with math, but still I can add interactivity to design by using vvvv, which is great since it's visually understandable.

I am an Adobe Creative Residency, as an Experiential Designer. I'll talk what it's about, and try not go too deep with vvvv.

We'd also love to hear from you: If you have something to show or talk about, please do so! Bring your projects, demos, works-in-progress and show us what you're patching with!

And you can expect a little live-demo of RCP that will be shipping with upcoming beta39...

Free vvvv gamma introduction
Wanna get a taste of the all-new vvvv gamma? Join us already from 6pm to enjoy a 2 hour introduction to the future of visual programming! Please sign up for free!

If you feel like, please rsvp on our Gettogether page!

joreg, Thursday, Oct 17th 2019 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 3 comments  

When Fri, Oct 18th 2019 - 10:00 until Fri, Dec 13th 2019 - 12:15
Where NODE Institute, Wipperstrasse 13, 12055 Berlin, Germany

Helo evvvveryone,

after a successful first round of vvvvv gamma workshops, we're now filling up the rest of this year with more dates!

As you know, the all-new vvvv gamma is getting into shape and can already give you an incredible boost in productivity. Therefore in addition to our free introductory workshops, we're also offering the following series of workshops to get you going proper:


Getting started with Physical Computing

Reading data from sensors to control lights and motors connected to a computer via an Arduino, is a breeze if you know how to. The same is true for working with data transfer protocols like OSC, MIDI, MQTT and DMX/ArtNet. Learn all this without the need to write any code, by using the visual programming environment vvvv.

Who is it for?
This workshop is for creative coders, students, media artists and makers who want to learn how to communicate between computers and devices.

You will learn how to:

  • Work with the visual programming environment vvvv (gamma)
  • Talk to sensors and motors with an Arduino using Firmata
  • Send and receive data via OSC
  • Use DMX/ArtNet to control lights
  • Use MIDI to talk to musical devices
  • Dive into IOT using MQTT
Date: 18. October 2019
Time: 10am to 5pm
Hosts: Anton Mezhiborskiy (vvvv developer)
Tickets for Getting started with Physical Computing

Getting started with Computer Vision

With easy access to the computer vision library (OpenCV) and depth cameras (Kinect, RealSense,...), vvvv is a loyal companion for prototyping your computer vision applications and installations. With its no-code user-interface it allows you to quickly achieve your goals with just a few mouseclicks. Applying video filters, detecting motion and even using latest machine-learning powered techniques like YOLO, to label things in a video stream, becomes accessible to everyone.

Who is it for?
This workshop is for creative coders, professionals, students, designers and scientists, who want to learn a new way to analyze and sense realtime video images and get to know computer vision techniques.

You will learn how to:

  • Work with the visual programming environment vvvv (gamma)
  • Use the powerful computervision library OpenCV in vvvv
  • Apply filters to video or still images
  • Detect motion in images
  • Do background subtraction for tracking
  • Detect things in images with YOLO
  • Batch-process still images
Date: 19. October 2019
Time: 10am to 5pm
Hosts: joreg (vvvv developer)
Tickets for Getting started with Computer Vision

Getting started with Interaction Design

Learn how to track human motion using devices like the Kinect, RealSense or Leap Motion and use the acquired data as input for your interactive installations. Build quick user interfaces to easily tweak parameters and use protocols like OSC, MIDI, DMX to control external devices. All this using the visual programming environment vvvv, which does not require you to write any code. A few mouse clicks are enough to get your interactive prototypes running.

Who is it for?
This workshop is for interacton and interactive media designers who need to prototype and develop human machine interactions for your interactive installations.

You will learn how to:

  • Work with the visual programming environment vvvv (gamma)
  • Do 2d gesture recognition
  • Track full bodies using Kinect2 to create interaction
  • Trigger MIDI notes by hitting virtual boxes in space
  • Create simple UserInterfaces
Date: 23. October 2019
Time: 10am to 5pm
Hosts: joreg (vvvv developer)
Tickets for Getting started with Interaction Design

Getting started with Data Visualization

Interested in data visualization but afraid of the coding it usually requires? This workshop is for you! vvvv is a visual programming tool that allows you to do what programmers can do with code. You'll learn how to read data from files or online sources and visualize it with 2d drawing techniques. We'll also show you how to export your creations to vector graphics for further processing them in vector tools like Inkscape or Illustrator.

Who is it for?
This workshop is for creative coders, students, data scientists and graphic designers, who want to learn a new way to work with data in their process of making 2d graphics.

You will learn how to:

  • Work with the visual programming environment vvvv (gamma)
  • Read data from .csv, .xml, and .json files
  • Read data from the web
  • Create 2d graphics from data
  • Export graphics to .svg and .pdf
Date: 15. November 2019
Time: 10am to 5pm
Hosts: Anton Mezhiborskiy (vvvv developer)
Tickets for Getting started with Data Visualization

Getting started with Music Visualization

Exploring the infinite possibilities of giving shape to sound is a life journey. Thanks to the visual programming language vvvv this exploration can be immediately smooth and playful, allowing you to follow the ephemeral moment of intuition arising from music and taking a creative path through generative real-time graphics.

Who is it for?
This workshop is for artists, musicians, creative coders, professionals, students, designers, who want to get into music visualization by generating and interacting with realtime 2d graphics in vvvv.

You will learn how to:

  • Work with the visual programming environment vvvv (gamma)
  • Get Audio signals in vvvv
  • Process live audio inputs, extracting meaningful data from it
  • Visualize MIDI files and live MIDI events
  • Create procedural graphic elements and connect them to the music
  • Use the VL.Animation.Particles library to explore visually some aspects of the sound
  • Use the Elementa UI library to build a simple user interfaces to manage some aspects of the visuals in a performance enviroment
Date: 29. November 2019
Time: 10am to 5pm
Hosts: Natan Sinigaglia (dottore)
Tickets for Getting Started with Music Visualization

Visualprogramming for Coders

Programming is fun, but it sometimes becomes tedious when you have to rebuild your whole application just because you found a careless mistake in your code or want to change some constants. vvvv is a visual live programming environment that allows you to build and change .NET applications in real-time while they are running, thanks to incremental compilation and state hot-reload. Oh, and we are serious about this - everything is statically typed.

Who is it for?
You are familiar with words like class, method, interface and generics? You always wanted to change the software you made while it is running? Great, then this workshop is for you!

You will learn how to:

  • Translate your knowledge about object oriented programming into the visual paradigms of VL.
  • Write VL nodes in C#
  • Extend your application with third-party libraries from the internet while it is running
  • Convert textual code into visual code
  • Use generics


  • Please come with Visual Studio 2019 installed as this takes a while
Date: 13. December 2019
Time: 10am to 5pm
Hosts: Tebjan Halm (vvvv developer), Elias Holzer (vvvv developer)
Tickets for Visualprogramming for Coders

General Info

Each of the workshops lasts for 6 hours, from 10 am to 5 pm including 1 hour lunch break.
For each of the workshops we take a maximum of 10 participants, 5 signups is the minimum for them to take place.


  • 80€ for individuals
  • 160€ if payed by a company
  • 320€ if payed by a corporation


  • Windows laptop
  • 3 button mouse
  • No prior knowledge of vvvv is required

NODE Institute
Wipperstrasse 13
12055 Berlin

joreg, Wednesday, Oct 9th 2019 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 1 comments  

Who joreg, elias
When Thu, Oct 10th 2019 - 09:30 until Sun, Oct 13th 2019 - 20:00
Where Escape, Strada Pictor Ion Zaicu 26, 300254, Timișoara, Romania, Romania

We're happy to visit the co(art) festival in romania!

A 4-day event for artists who are using technology to push art in innovative directions and tech passionates who want to get involved in creative/artistic areas.

The event will host workshops, bringing together a mixed team of developers and artists, and will culminate in a public exposition where participants can showcase their projects to a general audience.

Our workshop is titled: Afraid of coding? Try visual programming with vvvv!

In this workshop, we'll be introducing you to the visual programming environment vvvv gamma. If you've always wanted to create interactive games, installations or presentations but the coding it involves just doesn't feel right for you, then give vvvv a chance.

Instead of writing code, vvvv is using a more visual paradigm that doesn't involve lines of abstract text and therefore may be more appealing to you. But make no mistake, this is still serious programming. In the end, you can achieve the same results as with traditional programming.

After introducing you to the very basics of drawing and animating 2d primitives, we'll be talking about your ideas to find out what you're most interested in creating. From there we'll be showing you what you need to achieve your goals!

Register here

Help us spread the news about this workshop: If you know someone in the area who could be interested, please let them know. Hope to see some of you there!

joreg, Wednesday, Sep 25th 2019 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 0 comments  

anonymous user login


~2mth ago

joreg: END OF SHOUTBOX! As this page has is now legacy, it will no longer feature new content. For latest news, see: http://vvvv.org

~3mth ago

joreg: vvvvTv S0204 is out: Custom Widgets with Dear ImGui: https://youtube.com/live/nrXfpn5V9h0

~3mth ago

joreg: New user registration is currently disabled as we're moving to a new login provider: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/reclaiming-vvvv.org/

~3mth ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E03 is out: Logging: https://youtube.com/live/OpUrJjTXBxM

~3mth ago

~3mth ago

joreg: Follow TobyK on his Advent of Code: https://www.twitch.tv/tobyklight

~3mth ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E02 is out: Saving & Loading UI State: https://www.youtube.com/live/GJQGVxA1pIQ

~3mth ago

joreg: We now have a presence on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/vvvv-group

~3mth ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E01 is out: Buttons & Sliders with Dear ImGui: https://www.youtube.com/live/PuuTilbqd9w

~4mth ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E00 is out: Sensors & Servos with Arduino: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/vvvvtv-is-back-with-season-2/