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This show was done in Abu Dhabi for the Abu Dabhi Awards 2010.
We were using our virtual calligraphy system with Kaalam.
There was also a tracking for the dancer.
Programming, tracking and electronics : Digital Slaves.
Calligraphy : Julien Breton / Kaalam
Dancer : Malik Lenost
Video footage : JBM Studio
we have a collection of boxes from the mugs at coffee kitchen
using 2 projectors, we can send images to the faces of these boxes
a camera is used to let people apply their own image onto the boxes
people can use their own mobile phones to control the installation.
커피키친에서 작은 전시를 했습니다. 커피키친의 머그컵 상자를 모아서 이리저리 탑을 쌓은 후, 사람들이 즐길수 있는 인스톨레이션을 만들었습니다.
사람들은 각자의 핸드폰으로 상자를 선택한 후 비디오를 찍어서 상자에 담을 수 있습니다. 물론 덮어쓰기도 하고 지우기도 하고, 서로 재미있는 그리드를 만들기도 하고.. :)
The interactive audio-visual installation ‘Lightrails’ was a project that Strukt created together with unheilbar architektur for the Project Space inside the Kunsthalle Wien.
‘Lightrails’ is a light sculpture with the intention to re-define and re-interpret the exhibition room. An easy but effective mapping technique was used to create seamless projections on both sides of the object. Light-beams were triggered by the visitors and ran through the room, following the surface created by the sculpture. Each “reflection” of the light-beam was accompanied by sound. The speed and brightness of the beam was directly influenced by the force the visitors used when triggering the beam stepping on pedals on the floor.
View Project Page (with video)
A quick compilation of some patches which evolved while playing around with vvvv and character animation nodes. ,
Client:Atelier Markgraph
The Mercedes F800 Tomograph is literally an interactive screen exhibit. The screen itself is the interface and can be moved horizontally as well as vertically. The screen acts as a window into a different reality, turning the white model into a realistic shaded version and some xray visualisations.
Album available on IDMf
Real-time audio reactive generative visuals.
Made with VVVV.
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