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The aim for this project was to create a world of geometric shapes that have their own set of rules and behaviours. You'll see that there are three "creatures" living in the world, the creatures behaviours are as follow:
The light blue creature made of triangles runs from the other two creatures.
The purple pentagon shaped creature occasionally puts out a radar type signal, if any of the other creatures are within the radar it grabs hold of them.
The red box with a white tail creature is the most aggressive, if it sees another creature it will attack it.
The rest of the shapes have their own set behaviour
All made in VVVV with heavy use of the Box2D plugin.
fft data (smoothed by an oscillator node) sent to the height and the vertical position of predefined amount of notepads in vvvv
music by little bitchard - MySQR
NODE10 - Forum For Digital Arts" will take place between the 15th and 20th of November with an extensive festival program consisting of exhibitions, symposium and workshops at the Frankfurter Kunstverein.
The purpose of the inter-media forum is to facilitate the cross-border exchange between interactive media, digital art and generative design. The focus of this year’s event will be the investigation of cultural consequences of a post-industrial technological society. The exhibition "abstract abstract - the systematized world" will serve, within this context, to deepen the discourse on technology and society.
The selected works of art exhibited under the heading ‘abstract Abstract’ aim to decipher the systems of abstractions enmeshed in our Lebenswelt, such as, for instance, the use of digital image creation within the full creative scope of software technology.
In lectures followed by symposia, international artists, cultural workers and technologists will grapple with current and fundamental tensions between art, technology and society - and with the related issues. The vvvv group provides a comprehensive program of professional and elementary level workshops for a wide range of users. In the workshops, specific hardware and software solutions, as well as new ideas and concepts for media installations, will be presented and discussed.
The declared intention of NODE e.V. i.G. is to foster digital culture in art, society, science and research. The association includes members of the vvvv developer and user community. VVVV is a software project that employs graphical programming language to media installations as serves the purposes of a variety of designers, artists and agencies. The vvvv group is responsible for the vvvv development.
Curators of the exhibition: Eno Henze, Marius Watz
Curation of the workshops: Joerg Diessl (vvvv group)
Organizer: NODE e.V. in cooperation with the Frankfurter Kunstverein & the vvvv group.
Further information / Contact: NODE e.V. (in foundation);
Creative Director: Andreas Koller
Director (Trailer): Michael Seiser
Animation (Trailer): Johannes Timpernagel, Michael Seiser, Julien Simshäuser
Sound Design (Trailer): / Jochen Mader
Organization Committee David Brüll, Ingolf Heinsch, Thomas Hitthaler
Selected snippets from the event Friday July 30 2010 at Byens Lys, Christiania.
All Visuals by MOTORSAW (me). New patches premiered for Acustic and Badun.
As always all visuals improvised live on site.
In order of appearance:
Sofus Forsberg:
Karsten Pflum:
Thanks to Mathias Vejerslev for recording the video
The installation “Wandern im Wissen” (Wandering in Knowledge) represents current inquiries and transports the information of different scientific fields visually to the stairway between the four floors of the The State- and Universitylibrary Bremen.
watch this video in High Defintion
The State- and Universitylibrary Bremen (SuUB) invited the University of the Arts Bremen to contribute to the 350th year anniversary with a design project. Since 350 years, The State- and Universitylibrary Bremen organises and structures information and makes it accessible for the visitors. Searching and retrieving information are the main requests of the library’s visitors. An almost endless flow of information inquiries are obtained and fulfilled on daily basis. In this respect, the students of the University of the Arts Bremen granted an aesthetic and poetic expression to this invisible procedure. In the center of the 15 meters high stairway of the library, a sculpture of folded paper demonstrates the connection between the traditional storage medium and the digital information world. The permanent flow of information inquiries at the SuUB runs through on a vertical axis between four floors of the building. The random results of the inquiries release corresponding visuals of text and pictures which cause curiosity for the various activites in the library. The media sculpture highlights the abundance of the mental processes, which take place simultaneously in the library. The retrieval inquiries result in new collages of visuals of text and pictures, which form an aesthetic translation of the search procedure. The searched words, then, fill the pool of data at the ground of the stairway. Altogether the media installation poses questions about the function of the information in the age of the increasing communicational isolation. In regard to the title, the visitor literally passes through the world of knowledge.
For more information, visit and
Niruba Balsingam, Manuel Dreesmann, Freja Enholm, Linda Freybott, David Grünwald, Andreas Haller, Stefan Ihmig, Claudius Kirsch, Shushi Li, Henrik Lippke, Maha Mahmood, Isabel Micheel, Josef Rissling, Dawei Wu, Marek Mateusz Majewski, Silke Bussen, Prof. Roland Lambrette, Peter Gombac, Eno Henze
Exhibition Design for THESEUS Innovation Center Internet of Things
Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut Berlin
Installation / Generative Animation
Creative Direction: Rainer Kohlberger + Thomas Schrott
June 2010
Black Polys are applied with glue to the wall. Everything else is projected.
More Information in German:
Audio-video interactive installation.
Qooopa is an emotional soundscape,a changing natural interface that transforms the user into the creator of melody an ruthm, generated by his movements.
Qooopa is a tool for generating immersive and experiential visuals , is a huge musical instrument, a magic environmwent to create suggestions, is an entertainment, a game, a style exercise,sensorial mirage.
Qooopa is a bipolar generative tool that explores two fundamental components of language: the idea and the creation.
A double instrument, showing dual audio and video; designed to explore the two roots of the music, the rhythm and melody, and does so with two sides of the coin, exquisitely similar but different.
A BCAA production.
software: vvvv
Just a test about Dynamic Surface creation using shaders.
the background cube texture is taken from nVidia library in nVidia development zone; there's a lot of interesting material over there...
This is the new scenography made for Teenage bad Girl.
At this point this is only a live demo.
This scenography is composed of 22 lasers on the two sides and on the back.
There is also a laser harp in front composed of 4 lasers.
All is motorized , audioreactive and manage with vvvv.
Lights DMX laser and moving heads are also manage by vvvv.
Production and Partners : Digital Slaves, Citizen Records, Scopitone / Songo, Codonova.
Video : Mog Prod and Digital Slaves
Music : Teenage Bad Girl
(Production E-FEST / Salon d’écoute et installation interactive)
Immersion dans les sonorités locales, trouble de la diffusion ou de la compréhension des brides musicales et des stridences quotidiennes, les musiciens internationaux invités au projet de production E-FEST de la première compilation ESSMAA ont proposés leur lecture du tissu sonore tunisien… Ou plus encore, une thématique qui aurait à voir avec nos propres sens, nos perceptions, nos résonances, notre identité. Une sorte de rapport au monde dans ses repères et ses nuisances, ses sonorités et ses acouphènes.
Plus vraiment « ici », mais certainement pas « là-bas » (le lieu de composition des musiciens), voici un espace en suspension, leur espace d’interprétation… Une installation conceptualisée par Haythem Zakaria, mêlant calligraphie arabe et sonorités, l’artiste propose un travail sur trois lettres à consonance mystique, le mîm, le wâw et le nûn.
De ces rencontres entre artistes de tous horizons et Field recording de Tunis et ses environs, l’auditeur se (re)-construit une perception unique et personnelle, en assemblant ces petites pièces auditives et visuelles.
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