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Heinrich Beta
a tool for dynamic Schenkerian analysis graphs
Heinrich is a prototype for an educational tool with which you can draw Schenkerian analysis graphs. These graphs are multi-layered so that you can fade in and out the material which lies between the foreground level and the Urlinie.
Heinrich lets you assign different layers to notes and objects in order to express the multi-level structure of the Schenkerian analysis method.
Heinrich was developed in VVVV and can be downloaded on the author's webstite
It would be nice if someone wants to further develop this idea that still is in a very basic stage.
an installation at the open source festival in düsseldorf last week, i placed 4 self-built robotic jockeys on the horse racing track.
patching and tech-setup was quite simple, i used 1 pc -> usb2dmx adpater -> 4-channel dimmerpack to trigger the drill & lights.
more about this project (in german, but with extra images!) here.
This free-standing installation in the Portland Art Museum (Portland, Oregon, USA) was deployed in concert with the museum’s exhibition Marking Portland: the Art of the Tattoo.
Gruppo Làbun - WteR
Interactive installation
Feedback Festival
San Casciano Val Di Pesa (FI), Italy
June 25-28, 2009
3 Wiimotes, 2 Computers
A. Perini/S. Fumagalli/A. Livio
This work represents the Water element as a source of profits and power rather than as a source of life. Once water resources become scarcer, the paradoxical identification of water as the petrol of the future seems more and more appropriate: to date it seems that the control over such a substance is equivalent to controlling life. The war for water is a bloody but also subtle war, battled out through shrewd legislative, financial and industrial manoeuvres. Without forgetting that this war, typical of the contemporary world, has just waged battle on the media: now that we are drowned in an ocean of misinformation it is up to us to search new isles from where a fresh assault for the reconquest of lost rights can be launched.
we've just fininshed our latest job for whitevoid and don't want to be late again with its documentation. also we didn't yet mention here the two projects we did last year for m-box/tamschick media+space. so here they come all at once. fasten your seatbelts please...
Airtraffic Network Simulation
brought to you all the nice new features in beta21, most notably the new Text (EX9) plugin and a lot of new transform nodes for easier screenbased patching...
documentation with video is down because the client (a german airtraffic dinosaur) doesn't understand the internet yet...
Sala Agua
the 10 minute linear piece with user-interactive parts exhibited at the expo08 in zaragoza was responsible for the further development of Timeliner. also it features gregs wave simulation stretched across 10 projections. documentation with video
Visual Symphony
a 360° surround synced video projection. not exactly vvvvs strength. we had to fight with videoplayback troubles just as you do...(with only little additional magic).
documentation with video
Cinema Vertigo is an interactive audiovisual environment. It is a mobile form of interactive experimental cinema: it exposes the perceptional effect of induced movement - formerly often used by the moving camera in film - and transforms it into a new spacial constellation. Cinema Vertigo’s most distinctive feature is its huge vertical screen format, aligned along the tower of a glass elevator.
Digital Slaves and Kaalam have develloped a new system for real time calligraphy and drawing.
This system reproduces the calligraphic feeling and adds some new features from the digital world.
The system is composed of one camera at 60 fps, a home made lamp and a touch screen.
The touch interface allows the calligrapher to choose textures, width and height and also colors of the line.There is also some blending features.
The rendering can be adapted to multiscreen projection via the touch interface.
This system can be easily adapted to a different kind of drawing.
This project is still in process
All running in real time using vvvv
This 3D-tracking-prototype was part of my Master Thesis in Interaction Design. I was designing for the Radiologists Reading Room.
I am tracking the position and orientation of a pen in free 3D space. So you can use the pen to mark and view a 3 dimensional CT-scan.
here is a video of the prototype
more information can be found here, you can also download the patch from there and the 3D files.
This project was created for my final-year fine-art exam. Using different coloured paint brushes, a viewer could "paint" sound and image.
The brushes, dipped in fluorescent paint, were tracked. Position data selected slices of pre-sampled jazz (sliced into bars). Images were generated by a combination of position data, data from the FFT of the jazz, and images of paintings which were exhibited along with the interactive work.
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Alessandro Perini FOUR INVISIBLE CITIES for electroacoustic cello, live electronics and live video Guido Boselli, electroacoustic cello Live performance. The live video reacts to the cello input (amplitude) or to the live electronics performer. |
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