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Moscow, VDNKh, "Kosmos" pavilion, Faces & Laces exhibition 2009
Formerly, there were models and real samples of satellites and flying vehicles demonstrated under the vault of "Kosmos" pavilion.
Now, when people lost control over these devices, in space trash settled barabashkas, as in a desolate house.
Screen 7x4 metres of 4 triangles is an image of a broken satellite fragment. It reflects numerous satellites and debris on the Earth orbit. When the camera fixes high people activity, little luminous ghosts ("barabashka" in russian) appear and reflection is replaced by coloured patterns.
At Mayday 2009 vvvv was used to control most video installations on the main floor in Hall 1 of the Westfalenhallen Dortmund.
The most eye catching installation was a 3d LED matrix consisting of 16x16x56=14336 G-LEC solaris RGB-LED Balls with a total dimension af apprx. 10x10x7m flown in the middle of the hall.
The main goal of ROSPO is to be the core of a bigger creation process in which the architect takes part as "data selector" and "audiovisual suggestions user".
The name "rospo" stands for the italian noun for "toad". The behaviour of this machine is very similar to a toad: extremely sensitivity to movements coming from environment. Every kind of "reaction" of Rospo system will be due to the audiovisual trasformation of the environment
infos & videos here >>t-FATA
At this year’s TOCA ME Design Conference in Munich, international renowned speakers were invited to deliver insight into their work. The speakers included Joshua Davis (USA), Bradley Munkowitz alias Gmunk (USA), Jeremy Thorp (Canada), Joel Gethin Lewis (UK), Jason Levine of Adobe (USA) and Strukt, who all talked about the topic “Hit by Inspiration”.
Strukt was invited to install the interactive 70inch table Struktable in the exhibition area and to speak at the conference in addition to designing the opening titles for the conference.
DATAFLUX 0.1 gallery installation by Kit Webster at RMIT in Melbourne, Australia. Using vvvv, with digital projection beamed onto DMX mirror, allowing 180 degree displacement. Mapped to pillars with sound and strobe light synchronisation.
Catweasel was commisioned to provide custom visuals and a vvvv server for Harrods store in Terminal 5 Heathrow. The dome installation was designed by Fitch and uses Color Kinetics iFlex.
Unforutnatly cameras weren't allowed in before the launch of T5 so I don't have more pictures, I had to sneak this one on my phone...!
For the Olympics handover from China to the UK, catweasel was commissioned to provide custom visuals for the music acts at the Party in The Mall. Custom work was done in vvvv and run realtime into catalyst mediaservers using HDMI inputs on Blackmagic capture cards. Patches and catalysts were run via Artnet by a Hog2 lighting console, the show went out live to several million viewers...
Some vvvv content on screen at rehearsals
<br /><br />Opernball feat. vvvv. For the very first time in the long history of the Vienna Opera Ball there will be media installations. And we proudly announce that they will be realized with evvvverybodys favourite multipurpose toolkit.
"Beim Wiener Opernball heute abend darf sich auch die VJ-Culture fein herausputzen: Studio Strukt aus Wien wird die edle Lounge des Weinguts Esterházy standesgemäß als Rauminstallation mit animierter Bildtapete ins mediale Licht rücken. Zum 200. Todestag von Jospeh Haydn soll mit der Synästhesie von Visual und Klang gespielt werden. Die Besonderheit dabei: Die Videoinstallation wurde mit der generativen Grafikprogrammiersprache VVVV realisiert und kann über das iPhone oder den iPod Touch gesteuert wrden." (from PAGE online - weblog
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