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Here following you can see a new project we ( did for BWM series 1 during the salone del mobile in milano, april 2007.
Sorry for the delay of the publishing project :-(
the project was made in collaboration with joreg and mrbenefit, we was proud to have for two week in our studio them working with us on this project.
Essentially the project is made by the detecting object node modified especially for this project by joreg and mrbenefit. plus more and more graphic solution.
the people they can also send sms to a mobile phone number and the messages was directly sent to the system and they was showed with 14 messages already done by BMW.
Here following workinprogress photo...
more image and project information here
the team:
dotdotdot, joreg, benedikt gross
After an initial idea by exhibition architects Echo ))) Kommunikation im Raum and communications agency mainfeld GbR, MESO Digital Interiors, Frankfurt designed and developed this interactive multi-touch table minus the touch.
Visitors to the fair learn facts & figures about the current energy debate by playing with a little universe of abstract glowing objects, which pop up at the flick of a finger.
Tracking the visitors' gestures with a robust and effective infrared tracking system from above, the table offers room for up to 8 simultaneous users.
Due to the nature of the optical tracking system from above, interaction works without the visitors even touching the surface - just a wave of the hand is enough to trigger the text infos and visual effects.
See the video and read the complete documentation on the project page.
Dave is an interactive music video installation for the homonymous song by Siambok. The recipient, surrounded by displays, can alter the course of the video by interacting with three pillars. Interaction does not only change the video, but also the music. Nonetheless, the music preserves its character, because all possible variations are preproduced. There is no visible or audible break during the interaction. The switches are seamless.
Dave exists as rock, electronic rock and orchestral rock. The recipient can choose between these styles on seven predefined points in the video. Theoretically there are 288 possible variations. If there is no decision made, a random choice is made by the system. In no case, the music video is interrupted at any time.
The interaction and surrounding setting pulls the recipient out of the passiveness which usually is so typical for the consumption of music videos. One doesn't see and hear Dave on the way by, Dave engages the recipient, lets him immerse into the music.
3 hires front displays with a combined resolution of 5760x1080 pixels, 8 standard displays, 8 computers, 3 stovepipes, 50 packing cases and 11 pieces of furniture incorporate the installation. Almost 45 minutes high resolution video footage had to be produced for Dave.
We, Erik and Florian, created the installation as part of our postgraduate studies at the Hochschule der Medien in Stuttgart, Germany. The whole project including concept, video production, programming and construction was realized in only four months.
We used VVVV to play the video and synchronise it over network with audio files played by the server. We also used it to track movement over the pillars for the interaction.
For more information and videos please visit our websites:
Similar Diversity is an information graphic which opens up a new perspective at the topics religion and faith by visualizing the Holy Books of five world religions. Communalities and differences of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism are shown up in this datavisualization.
The visual's basis is an objective text analysis of the Holy Scriptures, and works without any interpretations from the creators' side. Despite - or even because of this abstraction, the artworks are not only working on an informal but also on an emotional level. The viewers should be inspired to think about own prejudices and current religious conflicts.
Similar Diversity is a project by Philipp Steinweber and Andreas Koller, realised with VVVV and Processing.
Currently exhibited (until June 26th) at the Hangar-7, Salzburg: "Is it possible to touch someone's heart with design?" by Multimediaart and Stefan Sagmeister.
Thanks to the VVVV and Processing online communities for the support, especially to woei and elektromeier.
This is a 11x3 foot free-standing multi-touch screen based on the famous FTIR technology. It features 3 video projectors with a total resolution of 4200x1050 pixels and a seamless 2 camera IR tracking system. The screen was developed as an interactive trade fair exhibit for the hearing aid company OTICON Denmark. It was on show at the "AAA Audiology Now" trade fair in Denver, USA and the "EUHA" trade fair, Nürnberg.
140" Multi-touch documentation on YouTube
download quicktime demo: (24.89 Mb)</a>
Concept, design and technolgy was done by "WHITEvoid interactive art & design Berlin". The entire programming and realtime 3D was beautifully implemented in VVVV by Joreg and Sebastian Gregor.
Jannis Urle Kilian Kreft performes live at the Transmediale 2007 festival in Berlin.
Jannis is invited by the Belgian media arts laboratory, LAb(au), to participate in the "Liquid Space.05" design session to create immersive and interactive spatial audio-visuals.
Jannis performs on a 360°-multiscreen-panorama-projection and surround-audio-system, generating sounds and visuals at the same time. Jannis` aim is to produce an artwork where music and visuals merge through to the concept of "space".
For the video of the show and other great projects by Jannis Kreft please visit:
We built a working prototype of a table-based tangible user interface we call TangibleTable. We used the FiducialTracker node and the optical markers of the reacTIVision project (
Just have a look to our website and drop us a line if you have questions concerning the project.
This littel project fits qite nice besides the previous two. its a video rendered in non realtime in 3840x2400. it uses realtime recorded sound analysis data during the rendering to generate the shapes.
My last video render in non realtime in hd resolution, more a video quality test than a real video project.
*#07 vvvvideo
Generative audio visualization by Patric Schmidt and Benedikt Groß (aka MrBenefit)?
Documentation and video can be viewed here: Link
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