fix on registering GUIDs. added IPluginHost.RegisterType to be able to properly register each GUID with name
builtin pins register themselves in a way, so that you can cast the object returned from GetUpStreamInterface to IValueData(..). By that you can write a custom connection handler that interacts with builtin pins.
auto backups are now stored in Documents\VL
added menu entry to open auto backups folder
tabs of active document now visually distinguishable from others
prev/next navigation now includes operations in a patch
added "Reset To Defaults" for settings
tooltip in NodeBrowser now shows more infos
added hint-tooltips for certain ui elements
IOBox now rasters to stepsize (same behavior as in vvvv)
fixed problem with elements in document-patch not aligning on CTRL+L
added 'open' button to IOBox (Path)
dependency menu now shows loaded vs. referenced nuget versions
better adaptive node errors
fixed "Surround With .." for when other nodes with that name are in scope.
fixed some crashes involved in creating a new vl document, saving it
new nodes
new category XML for all your xml/json needs
new reactive nodes for async/concurrent event handling
new midi nodes for event based midi processing
Contains (Spread) checks whether an element is in the spread
IfAnyChanged regions in Lib.Experimental, calculates and caches a result if any input value has changed
HardwareChanged/Added/Removed nodes to get notified when the device configuration changes
assigning pin to another operation keeps type annotation and default value
performance improvements for OSC nodes
fixed generated target code for if region with output connected to exact one upstream pin
fields which somehow made it into a stateless context will now also be removed when synchronizing the model with the symbols (Ctrl+E)