» EX9.HLSL.Semantics
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Following semantics for parameters in Effect-Files are currently supported in vvvv. All Semantics are case-insensitive.

semantic description type
world holds the transformation connected to the "Transform" pin. multiply the points of your mesh with that matrix so that you can transform meshes in space.object space -> world space float4x4
worldinverse the inverse of the world matrixworld space -> object space * float4x4
worldtranspose the transpose of the world matrix * float4x4
worldinversetranspose the transpose of the inverse of the world matrix * float4x4
view this is the transformation you connected to the renderer at pin "View Transform". this matrix normally holds the position and orientation of the camera. multiply the points of your mesh to get them relative to the camera. still no distortion has taken place. after multiplication x goes right, y goes up and z goes into the monitor.world space -> view space float4x4
viewinverse view-inverse-matrix float4x4
viewtranpose view-tranpose-matrix float4x4
viewinversetranspose view-inverse-transpose-matrix float4x4
projection this is the transformation you connected to the renderer at pin "Projection Transform". it normally holds a perspective transformation. multiply the points of your mesh to distort them by a lens. after multiplication x and y values in between -1 and 1 are visible in the renderer. points wiht z=0 are in front (NearClipping Plane), points with z=1 are behind (Far Clipping Plane).view space -> projection space float4x4
projectioninverse projection-inverse-matrix float4x4
projectiontranpose projection-tranpose-matrix float4x4
projectioninversetranspose projection-inverse-transpose-matrix float4x4
worldview world-view-matrix. shortcut to get fromobject space -> view space with one matrix multiplication * float4x4
worldviewinverse world-view-inverse-matrix * float4x4
worldviewtranspose world-view-transpose-matrix * float4x4
worldviewinversetranspose world-view-inverse-transpose-matrix * float4x4
viewprojection view-projection-matrix float4x4
viewprojectioninverse view-projection-inverse-matrix float4x4
viewprojectiontranspose view-projection-matrix float4x4
viewprojectioninversetranspose view-projection-inverse-transpose-matrix float4x4
worldviewprojection world-view-projection-matrix. very comfortable matrix to get points from the original mesh relative to the camera and also distorted by its lens.object space -> projection space * float4x4
worldviewprojectioninverse world-view-projection-inverse-matrix * float4x4
worldviewprojectiontranspose world-view-projection-transpose-matrix * float4x4
worldviewprojectioninversetranspose world-view-projection-inverse-transpose-matrix * float4x4
cameraposition the cameraposition float3
texturematrix use this to get a vvvv style symmetric texture transformation float4x4 (or float3x3)
viewportindex the index of the currently drawn viewport int
viewportcount how many viewports the renderer draws int
targetsize size of the rendertarget in pixels float2
invtargetsize 1 / targetsize float2
color use this to get a vvvv style colorpin float4

* if you don`t declare a world-matrix in your effect, but want to make use of any of the world-view-projection-matrices (those matrices you need a world-matrix for to calculate, like "worldview" or "worldviewprojection"), a matrix-pin for the world-matrix will automatically be added (the "Transform Pin") to your effectnode (with the identity matrix as default value).

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~2d ago

joreg: vvvvTv S0204 is out: Custom Widgets with Dear ImGui: https://youtube.com/live/nrXfpn5V9h0

~2d ago

joreg: New user registration is currently disabled as we're moving to a new login provider: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/reclaiming-vvvv.org/

~9d ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E03 is out: Logging: https://youtube.com/live/OpUrJjTXBxM

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joreg: Follow TobyK on his Advent of Code: https://www.twitch.tv/tobyklight

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joreg: vvvvTv S02E02 is out: Saving & Loading UI State: https://www.youtube.com/live/GJQGVxA1pIQ

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joreg: We now have a presence on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/vvvv-group

~24d ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E01 is out: Buttons & Sliders with Dear ImGui: https://www.youtube.com/live/PuuTilbqd9w

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joreg: vvvvTv S02E00 is out: Sensors & Servos with Arduino: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/vvvvtv-is-back-with-season-2/

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