looks nice! http://vuo.org/
does "developXE2" for the alpha build means anything special?
@lorenz: bring it to Node!
amazing helmet!
@cat no, just referring to the funny spam referring to Birmingham.
@sune you in Birmingham?
@lorenz: Wow, amazing stuff.
@lorenz: cool stuff! plz try not to cross any roads while using it though..
Finally a slowmotion for real life, thanks to vvvv ;) http://vimeo.com/lorenzpotthast/decelerator
apparently someone sees a moarket for first scrapping peoples cars in Birmingham and then renting new ones to them. #clever
wow ... http://vimeo.com/53126679
solved! thx elektromeier!
@LCA: setpin
@LCA: create a forum post question ;)
@LCA: you can set the name in field "Descriptive Name" via Inspector for non-dynamic use. so maybe have a go with setpatch..
hello, is there a way to set a dynamic descriptive name to the renderer window? need to find multiple created renderes via HWND...
hello, is there a way to set a dynamic descriptive name to the renderer window? need to find multiple created renderes via HWND...
Alguien en BCN 14-15 nov. ?
@io: i was...now time for anothers
@DiMix: nice, are you a dancer as well?
@DiMiX: really cool!
brainwave sensing headband for $150 incl SDK http://www.indiegogo.com/interaxonmuse
Nice Dimix, really beautiful...
@lecloneur : very nice !!! +1
@DiMiX: Bad ass shiiit =)
we're in tokyo next week:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlhktM_jE34&feature=g-hist
@clone: formidable
New Website ! ==> http://www.cloneproduction.net
big up joanie
Patch to animate SVG files, to be released shortly: http://joanielemercier.com/post/35089084054/debugviewart-joanie
shout outs from vvvv workshop in Manchester. elliotwoods, space-face and the new vvvv crowd at omniversity!
@mediadog, thanks!, there will be opportunity...
hi,vvvVs did anyone done this before:http://public.sn2.livefilestore.com/y1pxzAY_UMVzitYUdShCH6qUAgybhg5Jkcw27eMnE-q0_sBBsnFsxAai7SkdmFGU9O_quOwx_dnIywCwKSGKwvJmw/zhiyidashi.jpg in vvvv
@Patxi7 - Very nice, would like to see it in person
i work since 3 months without MMB and discovered SPACE-Rightklick today...
Ehime Daruma subtitled:https://vimeo.com/53061986
House Party: http://youtu.be/GKYWCMaLo_8
vvvv alpha builds now fully #unicorn unicorn-in-alpha-builds moving on...
@skyliner, funny the second program i wrote in my life had that exact output. it was blowing my mind quite a bit...
Paper display with reflective light http://www.diginfo.tv/v/12-0207-r-en.php
USB Electroencephalography. Check your mind, remote v4 with BrainDevice Node hard: http://goo.gl/x7Pfd Soft: http://goo.gl/DgdSk
Awesome! http://cl.ly/3r0u0W0O150b
TSPS http://opentsps.com
@nzo.nzo: file not available?
@nzo.nzo it looks so much like the Timeliner in vvvv :) nice that it's cross platform though
@nzo.nzo: really nice project!
Duration: OSC Timeline for creative code https://github.com/YCAMInterlab/Duration
elektromeier: aah that's a relief
@klj3: you need to download the alpha version of vvvv including the addonpack (contains HTMLTexture)
Looking for the alpha HTMLtexture nodes but can't seem to install. Can anyone help?
Why i can't post contribution without file attachment? People still downloading my empty zip archive vvvv-chocolatey-packages
tonfilm: http://blogs.fsfe.org/ciaran/?p=115
@tonfilm: Interesting, not sure it would stop diff tool for 4v though
i'm waiting for the moment when apple will create a patent for floating-point numbers
@tonfilm - presumably for Quartz Composer?
so much for visual diff tools our f**riendly apple company has a patent: http://www.faqs.org/patents/app/20080303819
but maybe they improved meanwhile? is there a non crippled version to try out?
pdubost,was a betatester back then. was not so impressed by their node system.
I'm exploring it right now, seems interesting. node based, nice presentation, shading, animations...
anyone has tried this so far ? http://www.ventuz.com/ seems interesting for dataviz !
@gaz Thanks, I've managed to improvise and handle my issues.
@newemka: PAIN! Good luck man, we've all been there.
My vvvv patch gone wild just before a gig.
@matka...great link
need some help with assimp scene
@ggml yes, that works fine
hi, anyone ever used >2 matrox dual/triple-heads on one video card?
@jannis cool!!
happy hallovvvveen
select ones that interest you from your history, or from other people. curate a show
Open Call: #DebugViewArt : Post debug screenshots on twitter with the hashtag. We want to see the real beauty behind the scenes
@pdubost : love it
New VJ setup with some VVVV sound analysis + Resolume https://vimeo.com/52623349
New VJ setup with some VVVV sound analysis + Resolume
Can anybody show me how to create this in VVVV? Or can someone share a patch? http://vimeo.com/24421382
@dEp, how can I contact you? Got a question about Resolume.
Spectral Kinect released : spectral-kinect
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