@elliot: fantastic, beautiful. very impressive.
@elliot: super sexy sweetness =)
Kimchi and Chips' latest installation is now out: http://www.creativeapplications.net/openframeworks/assembly-by-kimchi-and-chips-5500-physical-pixels-illuminated-by-digital-light/
test Mapping Cube animation https://vimeo.com/45364069
Wacom’s Massive, $3,700 Tablet For Designers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LHkHAHWEPk
http://archive.org/details/WelcomeToNeverlandFromSpacealOrbeats nice music. CCBYSA for the win.
@mediadog: yes yes i know i just don't really trust english google translator from asian languages
@levi: WOW that's fun to play with - ahh but for chromatic abberation (some people are never happy...)
12x7, dimix ;-) how do you will transport it ??? ;-)
@karistouf:i'd like get quote for 12x7m screen :)
@ampop: thanks for sharing ! do you arrive to real black blocking light with this screen ( last images) ?
@levi: wow this is awesome. the presentation is disgusting though and that DOF is strange as well but it's huge:D
@levi: english! where's the english button??!
Wicked realtime raytracing http://www.rigidgems.sakura.ne.jp/index.html
http://vimeo.com/46095595 - strukt labs in the heat! Spread the word - we want to make some awesome installations with this! :)
@h99: fixed.
video synchronization = access denied. Can this be fixed, please?
RE: screen keyboard GUIToggleButton (GUI) texturing issue and Typewriter for composing text live in vvvv has been useful
@everyoneishappy I'll be having a look at that tomorrow, also I'll post my version in progress tomorrow as a contrib or forum.
@john old but might be what you need http://nuigroup.com/forums/viewthread/118/#560
I can't say its the worst spam, I've definitely learned a lot about ball mills
please set the "vvvv news and dates" to moderated. they get pushed all over the net in vvvv's name
Touchscreen Keyboard GUI, has anyone contributed such a patch or module? I can't find anything in the forum
Best, hehe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMgmYutL9W0
Pretty hilarious spam going on over there <---
that beyonce video gave me cancer:P
not rap, but enough http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cs9Xql6phWw
result output of shell execute
possible to get batch file to return something custom from result output?
lightning! http://vimeo.com/28457062
qualtext : try Levels(EX9. Texture Filter)
i'm searching a simple textur filter which colors my grey bitmap with transparent bg to other color, and holds the transp. bg?
@ the hiphop thread: finally rap with a aesthetic aspiration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSbZidsgMfw
Urbankind, you should have heard about Guru, Jeru the Damaga, Immortal Technics etc... years and years of rap with message.
Finally, rap with a message http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRVOOwFNp5U
Lasal and Dottore! thanks
wait... http://vimeo.com/45417241
one more time... particlesgpu3dstatictypo-(ex9.effect)
Typo particles particlesgpu3dstatictypo
Hi Robe. Haven't tried them but there are video lecture mit intro courses on c and c++ here http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/ no interaction though
thanks Mrboni, Ijust fineshed Unit 1... Do you know something similar related to C and C# programming?
@mrboni: Thank you :)
@urbankind - chaeck out udacity's cs101 course for python intoduction
@elliotwoods wonder if t he vibration shortens the lifetime
combining multiple kinects without interference http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSBDY0RuhS4 via @jvcleave
Python for beginners http://learnpythonthehardway.org/book/
@everyoneishappy: a different breed of projection mapping. inspiring!!
How many people can I track with Kinect, OpenNI drivers and User node?
@ tonfilm - doesn't seem to copy directories. found subdir for 2nd question btw
@mrboni try the Copier nodes
also, any way to list subdirectories in a directorym rather than just files?
possible to copy a directory + files and subfolders using native vvvv?
Wikiweb, a new iPad and iPhone app https://vimeo.com/45561369#
http://youtu.be/NqjopQmqWAE Kinect fingers. I'll try to implement this into vvvv
http://youtu.be/NqjopQmqWAE Kinect fingers. I'll try to implement this into vvvv
see Kalles modules, there is plenty of trick around this
Hmm...how can I create a byte array with hex values to prepare it for sending...? I have int numbers that I need to send...
have a nice day! https://vimeo.com/45868503
vvvv-sdk users please check: vvvv-sdk-update-git-with-unicode-support #vvvv
and you may consider using the forum for future advice.
@Solidwolftux1: have a look at counter node. bang the up pin, min: 1, max: 15, overflow: wrap. pretty much standard settings
Though the spam blog post removed here, it still remains as a mess in VVVV Facebook page
how to make a numerical value go from 1 to 15 then back to 1 and up to 15 again ?
i meant western digital tv hub, sorry :)
some of you would have info to control wdtv from a pc, and get current position of a movie ? THX
me too, LVvvv edition maybe.
omg, i'm a total sucker for LV handbags!!!11one
is there any other vj software that supports DX9EX at the moment? Still got syphon envy...
I heart LV handbags!
@unc: something missing maybe ?
unc: decompose>Trilerp?
@graphicuserinterface, upcoming ctrl-g feature? alltime optimize ideas feature?)))
sometimes a plugin doing highly optimised martix-interpolation would be great anyway.
yes decompose.. #vvvvCP for discussing community project!
Try Decompose (Tranform)
decompose>value operations>transform I think. Inputmorph (transform) would be nice...
hoped there was already some nice node for it...
You need to interpolate between parameters, like position XYZ, rotation.
please help! how to interpolate between 2 transforms? (interpolation between getmatrix->setmatrix is not good, causes ugly deformation)
Could anyone help me with drawing lines, achieving something similar to http://vimeo.com/36473718 minus the OSC
besides that i need the same things zeos requests for (The HowTo i mean)
hey i need a little bit consultations bout shaders and etc. please ping me if you speak russian ;)
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