well, it's designed to work only with a vmx studio2 (midi controller). I was thinking if it's worth contrib some artwork.
@lecloneur: will you release in contrib clonemixer ? ;-)
hey ales9000. read ur message to late. next time!
malaga mon>tue night then tariffa to kite
@lasal: ++
@lasal: superb!
Wow, thanks DiMiX, mrboni & Karistouf
@lasal: geil
@elektromeier... here i'm in milan... call me!!
arggggg lasssaaaallll !!!!
@lasal brilliant!
Thanks guys, lets twist!
anyone in milan up for a drink tonight?
@lasal: pretty cool camera movements. Everything is warping, i like.
>lasal: great, pretty cool twist!
yes! other audio visualisation http://vimeo.com/lasal/xenas
Italy or Germany? My heart can not choose tonight...
@Curiosity: I wish them the best of luck, but that's one of the more daring plans NASA/JPL has ever hatched. I hope it works!
7 mins of terror http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ki_Af_o9Q9s&feature=player_embedded
@metrowave which features do you want? (p.s. typing @elliotwoods in the shoutbox notifies my twitter ID to grab my attention)
Crazy & stunning! https://vimeo.com/44828997
@everyoneishappy: thanks for that link very interesting. a good example here: https://vimeo.com/25041544
speaking of OSC- http://www.iannix.org
@elliotwoods: any updates planned for the OSC plugins?
@joreg: is a ParentPatch that auto-docks into "standard" 0.v4p after reopening; anyway undocking & saving 0.v4p solved issue, tnx
h99: docking happens only when 2 windows exactly overlap. so undock them and save the parent-patch. that should do.
@antokhio tx, but v4 auto-docks 2 patches on REopening; that's why I thought XML would be of some help
alt then drag from middle of window
I want to migrate this into vvvv, awseome flowbased image processing! http://code.google.com/p/flowabs/ http://www.kyprianidis.com/p/shaderx7/
how can one undock patches modifying xml? anyway, is it possible?
this open universe sculpture is really impressive!!
whoa.. wait, what?!?
woohoow: http://vimeo.com/44525687#
@shift: looks cool!
Results from ScreenLab 0x01 residency I co-curated on The Creators Project http://bit.ly/LXeV9N (vvvv/oF/memo akten/james george)
@rrrr - yep i think that's the one i used. there's also the vvvv zoom controls but they're even worse.
@eliot thx, only find these settings http://i.imgur.com/Aux0f.png that what you mean? only works at 100% for me.. (way to tiny for 2880x1800)
VVVV 2.5D Game Engine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-m1wxyid6y8
ni mate is a software which sends kinect datas directly to blender, animata... http://www.ni-mate.com/
@elliot vvvv-usability
@tonfilm I checked current repo, and can't find Damper class in VVVV.Utils.Animation damper-in-c
auto node placement e.g.: pressing alt+2 to put a subpatch in a box repositions all surrounding node to make space / keep tidy
+1 for new gui with old aesthetic principles, variable dpi, colour box annotations, snap to grid/auto node placement,
@rrrr - in the windows display settings set to use large fonts (instead of using vvvv's native zoom).
Solved! Doh.
I cant access the audiopins for my Dell XPS, any ideas? realtek HD audio drivers updated
clarified meaning: GUI usable with flexible dpi. ;-)
+1 to usable GUI with flexible dpi!
please, vvvv finally needs to let the 1990ies behind
@u7angel setting DPI to 200% makes the font look good (http://i.imgur.com/4pUNf.png) but now links can't be created.only solution is 100%&lowres
@rrrr, increasing dpi doesnt help ? patching-on-a-5k-resolution-screen
damn, vvvv is pretty unuseable on the Retina Macbook Pro http://i.imgur.com/sO0jZ.png
@unc: lol
thanks :D
@tek I'm on skype if you need. Same name.
i need any kinect depthmap texture to make screenshots for a portfolio. can someone help?
galaxy on w8
@urbankind: what unc said
thinking of android tablet for upcoming features. Asus/ Samsung/or - what do you think?
@Urbankind: http://i.imgur.com/6WZfu.jpg :D
@tekcor: what is lost?
@devvvs: is it possible to record short GIF's instead of static snapshot? smth like ctrl+4?.. i think it might be super fun :)
there are several levels of feeling lost in v4. but lots of users willing to help :)
@Urbankind: Thank you! thats the way, i already made my first patch now i dont feel so lost anymore
@sebl: sounds good. i´ll try to be there in time....
oops, can someone with admin rights delete 2 of the screenshots of the day duplicates
guitar uv mapping http://youtu.be/g3GxEaj7CCE
painting on water http://youtu.be/tCamx8vzyCw
@Gunsmoke:Hey, it's cool portfolio. Have patients and try and try again...everyone here learnt that way. Best!
hello! im new to vvvv and any type of programming, i really want to learn but im having problems, my portfolio is be.net/gunsmoke
@skyliner: the interfaces in prometheus and avatar are not as eye-candy as this one. cool stuff though!
Thank you, that makes things a lot easier :)
@damien: GetSlice (Node) or Select (Node)
any possibility to get a single texure from a spread (after merging with cons) ?
so "Kalkutta" run by the guys from Biesenthal with the new Lightning Tower between the Hangar Cinema and Theater - 1am okay ;)
don't know the stage-name exactly ... it's the former bachstelzen-stage (in the wood)
this year dancing, no more rainfights @sebl which stage? playing with fire and laser ;)? map the fish? others or own installation?
@deru: yes, sunday 1am
anyone doing vvvv on fusion festival?
thanks ;-)
@karistouf: I guess mix of processing & AE, also looks like they used stop motion (over 2500 images in Illustrator).
@urbankind: processing ?
Thanks lecloneur for pointing out UK business appearing as US in businesses
@vux: thanks in advance ... when are you back?
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