hello coworkers from vvvv and meso: why do you make it so hard for an old man to make a contribution to your gallery beautiful?
@tekcor: earth cease to exist as we know it. I mean seriously that's scary as fuck news. and I'm not scared easily
microsoft just bought github :X
@Bartuc glad you like it, currently out of stock though..
latest DX11 vpack is now using appveyor instead of github to fetch releases in vpm ;)
A quick 1.3.1 update for vvvv, in order to fix two annoying bugs directx11-1.3-update (and see contrib)
I want a vvvv teeshirt like joreg in vvvvTv ep.3 O_o
vvvv <3 @spektrumberlin https://spektrumberlin.de/events/detail/berlin-vvvv-meetup-1.html
@bo27 wow you've changed..
@joreg reminds me telegram bot + camera capture patch from my wedding https://www.instagram.com/p/BVuohodjs_A/
grab a cool drink and join us live in 10 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-Rx49OH7Ic #vvvv #telegram
the good old dx9 techniques.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRIq-vynlbI
artists wanted: http://join.dronedancing.vision/pages/what-is-this#steps (not affiliated, just got this as an email)
Hi! I've to build a PC for vvvving based on Ryzen. Any recommendations/warns? GPU will be 1050 or smthg with 2gb RAM @>=1300 MHz
reminder: 3 days left to apply for LINK - the vvvv summer camp: http://link-summercamp.de/
particles&splines part(??).. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cL9zNWsOXI&t=6s
"code doctor"/freelancer wanted for a university project! hope to hear from you - https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/code-doctor-freelancer-needed-for-a-university-project/16379
@io sadly i was given for the project 2 x VisionSC-HD4+ and if something goes wrong with V4 they are certified for my other software
@synth: I also vouche for Magewell, better and cheaper than Datapath (got both)
@Synth: Check this http://www.magewell.com/
Multichannel Datapath cards with vvvv anyone? Looking for opinions if they work stable.
still unsure? call for #vvvv LINK Summer Camp extended: link-summer-camp-call-extended
@KT100_: please create a new topic in forum and provide a patch. should be easier to help there than spamming the shoutbox :)
@sebescudie thx 4 reply, but the vertex count isn't right when I connect GeometryFile to it. Or should I use another node with it?
@KT100_ : check out GetVertexData from InstanceNoodle
Hey guys. Any ideas how to emit particles from custom geometry? Working in DX11.I've tried GeometryFile and it's not working.
@Tamoeba odd if so. so you don't have an LFO or MonoFlop node
any vvvv wizardry going on at ADAF in athens this week?
Freshly released, DirectX11 v1.3 directx11-1.3-update
has anyone used avr-gcc with vvvv? thinking about uploading a vvvv sketch to arduino
@udo2013: you can't change the resolution of the standard DX11 renderer (res=window size). use temptarget renderer + preview instead
Is it possible that i am missing thew whole "animation" category nodes? how?
hello. is there a way to change the fullscreen resolution of renderer dx11? found no possibility + can not be opened.
@joreg vl.glTF loader looks intense inside, but is red in b36.
@joreg sure!
@MultiNIL supa! can we have this as a gallery entry? 24
forgot to share: our very first vvvv project, digital-hybrid-airhockey-table: https://vimeo.com/210617286 making of: https://vimeo.com/269974764
looking for a VJ/performer for the 1st of june for 1 hour in Amsterdam for a Conference, Hit me up +649241940
@joreg cool seems like i missed that one. such a good shader resource
does anyone has trouble with the new update of windows ? switching to other app while rendering fullscreen provoks blank output
does anyone has trouble with the new update of windows ? switching to other app while rendering fullscreen provoks blank output
@tekcor for a live demo see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKHbEWaHjcw&t=7099s
I just found a nerver posted VVVV repo - a NRT Path Tracer for SDF's . Looks amazing wtf
6 days left to apply for LINK - the #vvvv summer camp: link-the-vvvv-summer-camp-apply
splines+particles emitted on normals of a cyinder.looks crazy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VJO2eo8MFY
very chill @udo2013
@bjoern : creepy af
Kinect is backhttps://developer.microsoft.com/de-de/perception
@catweasel: yep we noticed. now fixed.
Getting website errors today. Duplicate entry for key primary sql stuff
vvvvTv 2 greatly appreciated!
awesome ¡¡ vvvvTv and dottore,s project
yes, yes the basement dub https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y07dt6XqbZA
Happening #now, vvvvTv #livestream! dottore will tell us about his latest project Mousiké: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbiwuJo__fo
any news on NDI for vvvv?
particles&splines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_ncM4JJVVM
I also wonder, what happened to styler?
@graphicuserinterface: that's just inverted in Photoshop for the pretties, the rest of the screenshots are in joreg grey
impressive work by them!
yah, thanks @tekcor
@tekcor. thats bad news. thanks for putting it together and all the efford though. next time hopefully.
VVVV.js workshop chanceled, unfortunately not enough people. Thanks to everyone who wanted to come and sorry!
@joreg Thank you very much!
@neuston: please check the country list again!
no users in all of Wales!
it's like telling a west-Ukrainian that they're Russians...
@tonfilm: Telling a person from Hong Kong that they're Chinese is a bigger insult than calling their mom names ;)
Patch your own #mainloop with microsecond precision in #reactive #dotNET style. #rxNET #rx #gamedev #vvvv #VL vl-patch-your-own-mainloops
Sad. It hurts.
well, they would even have to choose "united" kingdom..
M... not work emotionally. Like asking a Scotland citizen to pick England
@neuston would it work for you to select "China"?
No Hong Kong in the country list of license page
please excuse me. it works! installed "InstanceNoodles" again. this time via "vpm". good thing :-)
"half-red" nodes? a noob´s question from a not-noob. professionals: please read my question in the forum. thanks
hello shoutbox, anyone knows where I could rent backpack computers and headsets for VR in China around Macau ?
The Parasitic-Design patches are prettified for #vvvv b36! parasitic-design-a-vvvv-beginners-cookbook @gnrtvdsgn #GenerativeDesign #GenerativeGestaltung
who will join the workshop? if you are in doupt about the pro pricing, just pay 50 ;) need to get seats full asap workshop-vvvv.js-advanced-rendering-for-web-and-mobile
vvvv Academy on Tour in London, Berlin, Saint Petersburg, Athens and Linz! http://vvvv.academy/
me on saturday. up for a drink later.
@Stix me on saturday. up for a drink later
Any vvvv boys and girls in Hanover next two weeks? I will be there with 17k looking out for installation,get in touch for beers!
'Ambient Belonging' and Women in Tech https://tll.mit.edu/sites/default/files/library/Cheryan_2009.pdf
and coined the term 'VR' :)
wise words by the guy who worked on a visual programming language for VR in the 80s https://www.ted.com/talks/jaron_lanier_how_we_need_to_remake_the_internet deletefacebook
readme: I think you're right, I interpreted that paragraph wrong Now if it would run on arm/rpi/SBCs...
@beyon, Pure-GPU render got my interest but I see it's not free:(
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