Getting ready to go to the airport, now just wondering how cold is in Frankfurt this days ?should I bring my Surf + bikini?
@bilderbuchi, thanks for checking that all out. i'll try and be conservative with video then! :)
me and dottore are not sleeping tonight, heading to the airport in one hour :) node10 we're coming!
i checked, it's not compatible, sorry. :-( you need charger LC-E6E/LC-E6 for battery LP-E6.
i think the charger for the 30d is more likely to be the right thing. will probably just have to try it (no time to manualise)
i think the charger for the 30d is more likely to be the right thing. will probably just have to try it (no time to manualise)
i think the charger for the 30d is more likely to be the right thing. will probably just have to try it (no time to manualise)
i think the charger for the 30d is more likely to be the right thing. will probably just have to try it (no time to manualise)
sugoku, anthokio: did that charger situation work out? i could bring a charger for 30D; if it fits and is needed tell me.
i wish everyone the best of times at the node :) i'll join you next time!
@NODE see you tomorrow morning :)
@sugokuGENKI hahahahahaha
at the airport, soon leaving for NODE... see you all there!
@liquid I will arrive tonight. arrive @hbf at 19:00 anyone else there?
kinect c#... cough..cough..vux..cough ;)
anyone here in frankfurt hostel?
waiting taxi to airport. frankfurt in 5 hours...
@joreg i did contact david he basically suggested i just ask them nicely..think that'll do?
there are seats free, just register...
I would love to get to math and coding for noobs
Got for EOS 500
anybody bringing a canon dslr charger to node? left my 5dmk2 charger in seoul :(
1 extra space now available on WEB INTERFACES, ADVANCED PLUGIN,VIDEO TRACKING workshops. Only at node for 2 days now :(
why am i getting duration:0 on Waveplayer (DShow9)?
@dot please contact if you need booking help
@joreg...hi, regarding multitouch, see some extra chairs left is it possible to book somehow??
@dottore thx, all works fine now.
I'm on the way to the airport and looking forward to see you all at NODE10!
thks , too bad :(
no, the right way to read it is: there is no further news.
Anyone up for beer and/or dinner sunday eveing? I arrive at frankfurt hostel around 20:00
so , did i understood it right : BeatTracker is coming back in next version ?
thks joreg , i m reading it now.
@gaz use firebug or css injection (if you need persistent change)
@linekernel, please see lib-fftw. no more news than that though..
looks like the help file is here but the node is not , can somebody give me a hand?
hi, there is no more the beattracker node in 45b?
gaz: what exactly do you mean with larger? More chars or more space in the width?
(for the last weekend) Would it be possible to have this shout box made a little larger??
Me too! Flying in for the last week party shenanigans though.
aint coming to node at this rate. gutted
DMiPerformingArts workshop preparation-in- process presentation on 15.11 16.00 @Frankfurt_lab, for eary node10 arrivers!!
why don't we just all meet for many beers and plenty of chitchat for about a week? oh wait..
colorsound: Yeahh, see you in frankfurt ;)
at:lasal , spanish speaker here i,ll be in frankfurt on sunday see you all there ;D
let's meet up for a beer and little chat about vvvv if you want
colorsound va si no me equivoco
matka: just us crazy russians
Any spanish speaker thats going to node?
Any netherlander thats going to Node?
Open Kinect driver(s) released
@joreg - cool, i'll try to be there!
@antokhio what's going on in Barcelona?
@joreg: looks very good, anyone barcelona on weekend?
doing a little vvvv talk warmup for node10 tomorrow (thursday) 7pm at BBK (berlin/kreuzberg) - got it, cheers
>joreg: Page does not exist: contributionsforce directed graph The page contributionsforce directed graph does not exist.
@refuzee it was a wikipedia search and you can download the sample here: force-directed-graph
how did the google search animation work you guys presented at 3Dforum_lindlar
hi , is there something similar to buffer but for sound?
he's not the only one... see
libfreenect - open source drivers for kinnect over libusb:
if you are missing node, but passing in Belgium on 19/11, come and join us at SHARE && TELL:
@sugoku: yes me too. very annoying... should be only on enter. but not possible to turn it off yet afaik.
how to disable CodeEditor from using its own suggestions? currently at the point of pressingescbetween every keystroke
is there any scenario under which a path could be / instead of \ separated in vvvv? just asking if i should check for both...
@theedge quad color pin has alpha value
hi can i change a quad tranparecy... image transparecy? Tks
@dottore thx
file texture...sorry!Noob!
@dottore *bowdown* thank you thy eternal shadergreatness
hi i want to make render that image that have in pc.i made a render and a can i put the image texture in that quad? Tks
@dottore :)+++
@dottore !!!! you feel my wishes !!! not at first time)))
@m4d ;) ahahha
@alg: patches fixed. download again the file.
@dottore: WHAAAA.. :o OMG WTF??!? *head explodes*
@alg ...i'll fix it in a bit
@dottore Just tested one patch and nodes Multiply and Add broken. Where i can download this plugins?
particlesGPU shader library. ;)
@cat if you install 3.5 you may crash win7. i have once mad this error, and i had to recall for restauration point
ah i see the post
catweasel, are u talking about my firmata plugin ?
@rrrr: it sure was :) gogogo, AlexP!
anyone tried this?
@catweasel Win7 shiped with .net 3.5 i think. So, just don't install anything. What with arduino? Can you message me in skype- algariol
net4 includes everything net 3.5 does.
doesn't start that should read. Can't install .net3.5 wont run, is .net 4 safe to use?
WTF! New laptop, win7, beta24 does start, yes I have run as admin. Beta23 no arduino, How can I fix this, 24 hours to deadline...
now this was fast #kinecthack
@xd: you need to set administrator rights to dx9 and .net installers to make clean install
run as admin first time? works on vista for me
uninstall vista?
beta23 text(ex9) works, firmata, doesn't. Beta24.1 no patch window, .net installed. Windows F***ing vista. Any solution? Help!
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