@bjoern, very entertaining :)
@bjoern: hillarious!
2night at Schaubude Berlin: Das Buch der Schatten (https://www.schaubude.berlin/spielplan/03/abendprogramm/das-buch-der-schatten) und Zeifenster v2 (Prototyp v1: http://benju.net/zeitfenster)
Hey Guys, are you a Freelancer in Interaction Design or/and VVVV in Germany? give me a call 071155066201 www.17k.de
as you may have noticed, we try to take this seriously: please check the latest candidate for b36 & report: beta36-release-candidate #vvvv
@m9dfukc: afaik it's 'just' moltenVK which translates a subset of vulkan to metal. so no real vulkan on mac
m9dfukc: in fact you already "can": https://github.com/FacticiusVir/SharpVk good luck
Vulkan now available (for free) on macOs! Will we see a Vulkan Renderer in a future version of vl? https://www.anandtech.com/show/12465/khronos-group-extends-vulkan-portability-with-opensource
@joreg, cool! the making-of is insane alright!
@joreg: nice! I am retrieving a 360 camera
patching challenge for @fibo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcRW3FMuttY also watch the insane making-of!
@eno : yes it is possible your way (as yearly version).
intermediate engineering (hamburg) is hiring: Programmer for Media Installations https://dasauge.de/jobs/stellenangebote/fest/e488192
one more release candidate for beta36: beta36-release-candidate please test and report #vvvv
we are offering a permanent position for a vvvv programmer. Main focus is on interactive exhibits. mail: stephan@grosse8.de
@eglod: if not, we're doing something wrong... but did you check any of the other timeline options? animation
Sometimes people finalize a project and can donate a good amount that month, but nobody knows what will happen on the next one :D
@vux as @eno say, I think a 1 time payment of any given value its a good option also
@ggml : binary-search-for-your-keyframes ?
where id the vl search algorythm implementation discussion?
@ catweasel, o.k. may be, I have to learn vl. Thank You catweasel! Is this possible with 84 years, what think You?
I guess part of the issue, is payment is $ which means transaction fees on every payement will add up!
@eno, it is a hassle for us too but its worth it i think.
@vux @u7angel, of course, but an annual fee would be much more convenient for the accounting.
@eno, the idea is to generate a steady income to motivate continious development.
@vux I'd like to become a patreon, but is there a possibility for a onetime donation? I'd rather pay 1x 1000 than 20x50.
There's a really nice 3D text demo with the text being made from lines, anyone remember the name?
@eglod, thats why many of us are working on timelines in VL...
Is there any possibility to copy and paste tracks in timelinerSA. I need it very much, is it very difficult to program this?
wanna make sure your projects will run with upcoming beta36? test them against the release candidate and report: beta36-release-candidate
@vux thanks a lot for the update , my eternal gratitude.@ andresc4 @skyliner very happy you liked it. Big scale coming soon ;D
I just gave my 2 cents tu Vux. BTW Laser things made by colorsound and dominikkoller are amazing!!!
thanks vux
https://www.patreon.com/mrvux/overview lets show some gratitude
big up vux
New DirectX11 build, now on version 1.2 directx11-1.2-update
@colorsound: voll laser wie du abgehst!
better resolution here https://www.facebook.com/colorsoundixd/posts/2016144105080679
and more good news: binary-search-for-your-keyframes
thanks to reports so far we were able to fix quite some bogus. here is another candidate: beta36-release-candidate please test. #vvvv
NDI in vvvv: Is the only option to convert to or from Spout? Is it a real "conversion" or does it add latency or not?
especially @meso: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdOaGU04MyM
@mediadog SkeletalMesh from mp.dx by mighty microdee
@sebescudie Bingo! Thanks! Now to do it for DX11...
adam thanks for the flovvvvers..
@mediadog : Mesh (EX9.Geometry Collada) ?
vvvv is an incredible tool, if any developers see this, thank you for saving my creative life. godspeed and herzlicher Dank
I know I saw an Astroboy animated walking help patch somewhere, but where?
beta36 release candidate nr 6 is out: beta36-release-candidate please test and report #vvvv
someone in vienna this wednesday/thursday wants to meet up?
Blackmagic 10.9.10 desktop video now lets you set default Pal ect on starup... At last..
@ysap try the 'set' nodes, a set is a collection in which every element can be only once.
@ysap I think your question can be interpreted in multiple ways, please make a forum post with your question & a patch 4 illustration
how could i check for double XYZ positions?i know i can check each value for its own, but a sequence of values seems to crack my brain
wanna make sure your projects will run with upcoming beta36? test them against the release candidate and report: beta36-release-candidate
@tonfilm I added the help patch here https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/primes-number-rhythm/16097?u=fibo
@tonfilm: it is a joke, just because it sounds better if you use primes to generate a rhythm (see the help patch linked below)
IMHO number one is prime: https://github.com/fibo/vvvv-IsPrime
@andresc4: there were possibly 100 different a35.12 releases.. it is not good to rely on those. whats your problem with latest?
where are old alphas to download? I need vvvv_50alpha35.12_x64 + addonpack
@SuperflysiNZ I did some years ago. Message me or make a forum post with your questions
Anyone imported kml into vvvv? I'm currently converting to CSV and manipulating...
finally: release candidate 4 for beta36 is out! please give this a spin and report your findings: beta36-release-candidate #vvvv #vl
openpose is 2-5 fps on a high-end consumer PC. researchers achive 15-30 fps with 2 Titan V cards. I guess densepose is similar
and another pose: https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose
http://densepose.org/ next Pose :)
@vueno the video is in the link below, the patches are all in the pack's girlpower folder
@vueno not here what you are looking for I guess?: node17-workshop-material
@marlonossiliere: we don't #slack, we #riot see chat
slack server for vvvv?
does someone know where i can find the node17 instance noodles workshop files? thanks a lot! ♦︎
didn't you ever want to send data from VL to your GPU? now you can! dynamic-dx11-buffers-in-vl
Hello guys! I am new to VVVV, looking for working experiences. First project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Xmrz0gZPSI More on instagram @flpdias85 Thanks!
@evvvvil 360 video please! My head needs that.
@evvvvil: ohhh yeah
@evvvvil: mind bending!
@evvvvil: GREAT!!
hello world! :)
Thankx a lot guys, heart-warming comments, wicked brohs.
@evvvvil: that is by far your best raymarching work ;)
something for the mind and the body https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/parallel-programming/introduction-to-plinq
@evvvvil, vvovv!
@evvvvil wanted it to be longer... pure grandeur!
@evvvvil, great stuff, watched it til the end :)
YEAH BROSKIS! Our new endless procedural real-time audio-visual show made in vvvv, motherfucker. https://vimeo.com/251957445
@Gareth: Sick!!
Hello from #Whistler: https://gfycat.com/ObedientLawfulBluewhale Not mine D;
Announcing a for me personally rare and probably intense workshop in march / Leipzig. workshop-chaos-noise-motion
orbbec astra streams now in vvvv :) orbbec-astra-openni
in your face! nice!
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