new addition to mp.dx facetracker-(dx11.texture-2d) ;)
@marlonossiliere, Win10 is fine, also see: best practices when using bootcamp
I have a Macbook pro mid 11, 13 inches, what windows is the best for bootcamp installation?
your 2017 numbers have landed: vvvv-in-numbers-2017 #vvvv #vl
final part of "vl for vvvv users" series of video tutorials is now up: #vvvv #vl
kairos report
another one for the weekend: part 4/5 of: vvvv for vl users. all about loops: #vvvv #vl
one for the weekend: rc3 for beta36 is out: beta36-release-candidate #vvvv #vl
Wine v3 has Direct11 support
If anybody wants to see some interactivvvve Tap Dance in Düsseldorf this weekend:
sorry for the long delay, we're back to serious with a new release candidate: beta36-release-candidate #vvvv #vl
Websocket Server clash! Nice work though
@manuelgonzalvez correction: of course: use the Self (VVVV) nodes Caption output and check for the presence of the # character..
@manuelgonzalvez am afraid not
@microdee: I'm afraid even that is not enough. you would need Titan V for best performance
by slow I mean 2 fps on a single gtx 980
@skyliner: openpose unfortunately is incredibly slow unless you have 2 Titan X in SLI
Any way of getting a boolean for "Locked" (Ctrl+E) patch state inside same patch?
thanks J
@mrboni regarding autoevaluate: dynamic plugins reference#evaluate
doh. is it really just the evaluate method? so autoeevaluate just ensures that method is called?
@mrboni: if (FBang[0]) {...}?
december 2017 happened: vvvvhat-happened-in-december-2017 #vvvv
how do I make my dynamic plugin only evaluate on a bang? (in code)
@woei @microdee - the problem came back but enabling Managed Compatibility Mode fixed it. thanks
and woei I'll try that if it happens again
thanks all. so you still use 2015 MD? I used the vvvv editor for a while then tried VS2017 again and it worked... very odd
@mrboni try enable Managed Compatibility Mode
@everyoneishappy thx
@joreg - Should be, I just installed it. Version 15.5.2
@mrboni is this still with latest vs studio updates?
anyone have trouble attaching to process with b35.8x64 and VS comm 17? VS times out waiting for v4 when debugging a breakpoint
@everyoneishappy: thankyou!!!!!
@everyoneishappy: thank you, you are making me happy with your contribs :)
@everyoneishappy Thanks so much!
for your next automotive project ;) 34c3 - How to drift with any car
@everyoneishappy Thank you boss, have a creative 2018!
Enjoy! fieldtrip
happy new year! OT:
Happy New Year to all!
happy new patching evvvveryone!
Happy exiting new year fellows ¡¡
happy new year!
aaand part 3 of the "vl for vvvv users" video tutorials is out now: #vvvv
@u7angel great! read my thoughts)
@u7angel that looks awesome
in case someone desperately needs a gift for xmas, there is a new Store addition. ;)
@gregsn ,thank you , vl rocks ¡¡ , I did in the vimeo description thouhg ;D
@colorsound: you forgot to admit that you used VL for that :D good job by the way!
3 days left to apply for the 6 days #vvvv beginners course in January in #berlin 2018
second part of a series of "vl for vvvv users" tutorial is out: #vvvv
vvvv freelancer with projection experience / softedge in DX11 available for january in berlin ? holla back
@mediadog, YOU lucky dog!
interesting: @colorsound - nice dancemoves ;)
Hi guys some poc of laser and projection ;D
@metrowave I just saw the Wilfred Lumia exhibit in DC - I wept. Pics/videos do it no justice, analog = infinite resolution!
BeatDetector(bass)not working.ErrorCode from red node:"PLUGINS \BassSound dll BassSound Data BeatDetectorNode" is missing.WhatToDo?
Great AV sync:
the vcard page is assembled by personal settings + user page
thank you guys but this is to edit the user data, i don't find how to edit the vcard
@lasal - haha nice - I think it's funny - you should keep it ;) to change - HOME-SETTINGS - PERSONAL SETTINGS
@lasal: here?
who knows how to edit the vcard?
get started with #vl with this first part of a series of "vl for vvvv users" tutorial: #vvvv
speak japanese? this looks like a great resource for #vvvv tipsntricks:
Neural Network Ambient Occlusion:
@Patxi7 Awesome!!!
@boplbopl pretty nice screenshots!
vvvv for drinks (last year):
vvvv for circus!
vvvv for live techno A/V
@joreg thanks, actually I wanted to create patches with instance noodles for a vjing party in december, so the topic is reaated.
@fibo great, could this be somthing for the ?
Hi all, I want to share this minimal deck boilerplate devvvvs, if you want vvvv running with future .NET versions, prepare for changes with null and Ispread ;)
Here you can patch around with deffered shadows in vvvv.js!
Hey guys, anybody from/in Tel Aviv around here wanting to meet up? I will be visiting in January. Best, Flo
@metrowave: no vvvv ;) but very cool project anyway!
@lena post a job description here:
searching a vvvv freelancer - any help?
"Fuck the System" an auto-login bot for #vvvv which takes over your #keyboard and logs you in. Coming soon.
Avoid the link below if you are photo-sensitive
anonymous user login
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