I makes some simple texture streaming modules thats solves some problems of network video streaming. Please test it, it's in this thread http://vvvv.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php
for plugin-devs: http://monodevelop.com/Download/What%27s_new_in_MonoDevelop_2.2
honestly it's the first time i look into this kind of things, so i'm totally noob, i thought it was a kind of application that does all the job automatically. will look into google p.h. thanks a lot
@Defetto, did you look at Tortoise SVN? GIT had troubles with Java and all the work I did with Android wasn't worth the trouble to use GIT , google's P.H.for me was enough
@Defetto: project hosting, DIY type of thing !!
yeah but i don't see any version control system on http://code.google.com/
i figure he means either google code or google docs (this unlikely)
@iamfromchile which tools are you meaning exactly? i'm about to start a project and i'd like yo use something like that to handle it
anyone recommend one of those little external LCD + keypad display type things for use with vvvv?
@Defetto ; I did try out ,but Google's tools where easyer to handle small projects .
sure thing, it's (presumably) PAL after all.
quick queston: it's ok 25 fps with a fullscreen renderer in a S-video out ? First time using it and don't know if its normal...
does anybody use this http://git-scm.com/ ?
damn i thought it was a new feature..
feed nil into the enable pin of an ex9 renderer and start debug mode
@orange nodes how???
http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn18286-lcd-screen-can-recognise-what-happens-in-front-of-it.html New kind o interactive display
Great Karaoke in Processing http://vimeo.com/7881543
...that goes for ShaderVersionTest.zip
hm... why do i get 'You can not download files' when I'm logged on this computer?
just realized that article is taken from shaderx2, which is quite old considering there is shaderx7 out and 8 is on its way..
http://ati.amd.com/developer/shaderx/shaderx2_real-timedepthoffieldsimulation.pdf if anyone wants to give it a try..
@kalle hi carissimo, i have a boy surface shader, please help me improve it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boy%27s_surface
Smale's paradox http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6626464599825291409#
CMYK Xmas http://www.christmasbycolour.co.uk/
this guy made some video tutorials in korean: http://vimeo.com/user295695
thx zepi! headache is gone. got my vimeo: http://vimeo.com/user2778372
Please help! posted question in vvvvorums !
any tutorial to build one? :)
Was just testing a new laser based beamer.. sorry about that...
didi (sinus) seems to have a lot of headace. looks great!!
Thnx Kalle, was just about to make this :) http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=Video+Tutorials
could not create a vimeo acc. for some reasons. so please check my latest 3 vids with vvvv here: http://www.myspace.com/bruckmayr used my 3d scanned head. thx to joreg.
Sound glitches are gone now, but also is the mouse... sigh.. well, nr. 11!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGv_Mg22WhA
ths @joreg
@circuitb: rotating kitchen is great! but i am able to achieve the same result without rotation...
i am really looking forward to the upcoming new beta. the change log promises lots of "tiny" bugfixes and improvements. IMHO better than even more features...
and TimelinerSA_beta9 http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=TimelinerSA
RemoterSA_beta5 http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=RemoterSA testers welcome
is there a way to edit IO-Box x-values manually?
user / pass for svn repository needed...
anyone know of a keyboard patch in the wiki for command promt style input ?
»Pusteblume / Dandelion« http://www.vimeo.com/8030290
microsofts version of processing: http://blogs.msdn.com/martinca/archive/2009/12/03/introducing-the-microsoft-visualization-language.aspx
@tonfilm - Thanks allot for Grouping the tutorials. They have been incredibly helpful.
@circuith, that was really fresh! Newbie here hopes to one day do something that cool :)
compiled a playlist out of wests tutorials: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=E5653092A420C4A6
Anyone used c4d for projection mapping modelling, please help me. Check patching Questions in forum !!! Thanks
@west, thanks for those greats tutorials!
@tonfilm: yes, it is completely accessible as in- & output.
Saw Karl Kliem aka http://www.dienststelle.de/ yesterday @ FH Duesseldorf, he presented his work and shared his career experiences. Was suprised that he used max n not 4v. Was vvvvery intresting! Love his minimal work for the clicks&cuts. Very inspiring s
shit..that link stuff again-.-.sorry mates
Getting Better at this! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zvNKOFTwFY
@ rrrr - thats pretty special
more openCL http://www.vimeo.com/7962992
how to distort image with audio input
@diki, does it work as a midi device in vvvv?
anyone have some trautner example? I want to show some examples of all the freeframe plugins and don't understand trautner to make an app ; (
hahaha nice one bjoern
@tonfilm: received launchpad today
GPU vst plugin: http://www.liquidsonics.com/software_reverberate_le.htm
seems so :-) a pity that i don't have the time to do it. :-(
Is vvvvienna capital of the vvvvorld? :) http://vvvv.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=11&comments_parentId=29492 looks interesting
wewewe lovvvvve that stuff west!
@west: BRILLIANT! and...pouff...there we are. good to hear your voice again.
west! great!
Does XSLT node support XSLT 2.0?
@west: leuk!
Thanks for the motivation :) working on the second one, the basics...
@west: grande
Nice one West, I've been meaning to do one of those myself!
thats great stuff west !!
First one... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPK59gSXs80
hehe, at last a face to the great kalle phenomenon :-)
digital slaves in VVVVinland
@everyoneishappy : great!! based on fluidsolver??
a really interesting way to do panoramas: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-mJG3peIXA
our new site is up: http://www.kimchiandchips.com/ have a look
@lecolneur: tu as skype?
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