@bjoern: for what i know our fellow franzi http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=Userpagefranzi did this. haven't seen him here since node08...
@thiv: i am a bit off these days..next week should be better...
@joreg will you connect to IRC tonight?
@mep: look into your msg box
@all the french guys: somebody located near Gap? I'm at Lac de Serre-Ponçon from Juli 12 for 2 weeks http://maps.google.de/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=de&msa=0&msid=104421000402077954437.000434e8b4a74ec5810b1&ll=44.513155,6.218948&spn=0.422557,0.410614&t=h&z
please if ppl can avoid starting vvvvorum threads in caps it'd be nice !
@fendi see forum
HI anyone can tell me how to do... i want to set the play and stop music. currently i am using FFT and microphone to get the right and left value. how to set if i want to get high value and start the music (ex: if i scream and the music sill start paly
its just sanchs dof shader & patch :) made it work again with newer betas... but theres an update comming, better blur quality
u7angel: cool upload
me too wanna DOF pleaseplease!!!
please share the DOF :)
what happend to my userpages ? did i miss something ?
@ Kalle, I wanne know how you do it since I first met you ;)
@Kalle: Very, very impressive! Like the irregular Layout.
in fact its 2 crates because the previous ironing board which was my laptoptable was stolen few hours ago. the room is a corridor in the cellar, becuase the box is unbelievable heavy.
i'm impressed by the workplace: tight white room, ccfl wall, two crates and a laptop. kalle is hard core ;)
that's what they all wanna know...
I think I can't effort one of these :( but maybe you could sell the knowledge how to control the kathodes like you do ..... hehe (i know "firmengeheimniss")
love the minimalistic aesthetic of those cold cathodes!!!!
@m9: of course ask me..
@kalle - ahhh wanna have one - where can i buy it ?)
please rate: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34Mu2qkVCSw
scrennshoot are from me ...
its in dreams project rock and roll!
have you seen my new adventure storybook engine? its like for gamebooks! check the module!
looks like VA Orbit aka Sanch
yeah awesome screens! unrelated http://www.vimeo.com/1109226
woohoo, black/orange gallery screenshots look nice! who did it?
hi, i can't manage more thant 7000 ode boxes, does anybody knows some limitations like this?
thanks a lot :)
wow diki, the new gesture module is really stunning! (and very well documented)
then give me the new demo already!
fyi, that's the old demo, recorded and posted in march 07 or something.
photosyth is coming along nicely and TED is a friendly place: http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/view/id/129
hehe, ok - shoutbox scrolls so fast ;)
@diki: the one concerning the xml legacy module ;)
you're welcome; but which one are you talking about? :)
@diki thx for the answer
sounds good would be intersting to know the price range and what types of gpu will be available
Too hung over ;(
External graphics cardsLink
cool - looks really nice :)
yes. get it while its hot: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=diki+modules#Gesture_2D_Vector_ ;)
@diki: I am from Gesture (2D Vector) - did you made that one? new gestue recorgnition?
who made these nice vurves?
the legacy module is provided for those old versions whose xml-node is not spreadable.
anyone know what's the difference between the xml vvvv node and the xml (xml legacy) module ?
Thanks Diki!
not really - the solution we found was to force-feed every conceivable resolution via setpatch and see which one dx9 would allow (maybe i can find that link somewhere...)
Someone made a patch to get available fullscreen dimensions?
Ahhh too many beta's on here, I was 13.1...
Anyone else had trouble getting the .avs to work? I'm not getting filestream to do anything?
do they http://freeframe.sourceforge.net/gallery.html work for you?
@systray27 open a tty renderer and see the error message. might help for find a solution
Am i the only one who never gets the 'activemovie' window when connecting videoin and videout ???? :( some help plz
@rrr: GREAT! more expensive but also quite enjoyable: http://www.amazon.com/Triumph-Nerds-Robert-X-Cringely/dp/B00006FXQO
Great Brains Part 1/ 5 http://www.viddler.com/explore/waxpancake/videos/5/
try GridRenderer for Hi-Res export
hello guys, does anyone got experience with high-res renderign?
found... :|
searching for the forum search function...
@franzi: I discovered the dog in the city
sharp angles to recognize a finger????
hm, teased me :) link?
found it :D
does somebody remember this sample patch of joreg about how to get sharp angles to recognize a finger? It wasnt to long ago in vvvormus. Cant find it...
@screenshots: whose dog is this ?
@ colinyell: maybe serach the site first?
Interview with Smalltalk creator Dan Ingalls: http://twit.cachefly.net/FLOSS-029.mp3
I cant get quicktime to work in vvvv. Help!
Kyoteizinc is very inspirational =D
slow day, eh? ;)
Dujo, meet Diki: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=diki+modules#Gesture_2D_Simple_
If only I had more time: http://www.gamedev.net/reference/articles/article2039.asp
héhé nice links
more cool ds music software: http://www.glitchds.com/
touch the ds http://gorgull.googlepages.com/home2
touch the dj http://www.vimeo.com/961877
@tianjin: are you in china? i might need your help on some projects.
@tianjin many thanks for your work on the chinese tranlation! looks great!
@m9dfukc: Awesome interface, man. I like this on their page http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nS3W9YOuh5A
any vvvv guys in Beijing now?
@woei: Check your message! I will be around when you come ;)
hello.. anyone home
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