@defetto: http://vvvv.org/tiki-gmap_usermap.php
so who's from london here? btw we should make a kind of vvvv user map!
Thank you ;)
Desaxismundi: http://www.vvvv.org/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=1645
UserPagekath http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=UserPagekath looks like a great work - seems to be german though
Where to find Majortom's smooth module?
diploma in the making?
http://vvvv.org/tiki-browse_image.php?imageId=5615 what's that?
@dantist: see the OR node.
kalle are you around? what was the name of the module you used at your dmx workshop that names the io boxes with the connected inputnames?
Ok, so its not? Cause no pin of a FlipFlop is spreadable.
both FlipFlop inputs are spreadable. maybe MultiFlipFlop is for you. please use the forum for further questions.
Is there a way to connect more than one BANG-output to a FlipFlop input?
sure...to check if a pin is spreadable open Her Inspektor!
... every few seconds.
probably the dir-node has rescan set to 1 permanently? if not can you open a new thread in the forum posting the patch which has this problem?
Ops, it really was switch (output).Another question, why is vvvv getting unusable slow when I connect a GetSlice-output to a Switch? The GetSlice gets its information from "Dir". As soon as its connected to the switch, I can only make a click in vvvv ever
@hrovac ah ok. very nice pieces anyway!
@dantist: stallone?
No.. I remember there where 2 versions: multiple inputs and one output / multiple outputs and one input. And one value to chose the active input resp. output.
switch (output) ?
Argh, I forgot the name of the box with one input and multiple outputs where you can choose one output. What was it again?
creapy robots morphing people we are almost there
no its me and a friend
Who made these last screenshot of walls? It seems Blu. Is it? http://www.blublu.org/
@milo: haha great link :D
BigDog...I like animals http://www.bostondynamics.com/content/sec.php?section=BigDog
morph again: http://www.mono-1.com/monoface/main.html
hey desax, thanks for sharing the good stuff - that self displacement trick looks awesome.
No not c64 emulator. Just my little sunday-patch in remembering of my first program Ive written - color changing. Thanks to Kalle for his node.
sorry, ignore that, of course there are some in the bazaar. duh...
hi, are there any shaders that do colour correstions e.g. levels or HSV?
@gallery: C-64 emulator plugin?
inspiring work! thanks for the nice link joreg
i love morphing: http://www.lucyandbart.com/
yes I'm in skype "puigman"
hey puig! yes i'm from wiiwiiwiiwii, we probably met, are you on skype or msn? let's talk soon!
Hey defetto! I'm from barcelona! I think I met you in node.. are you from wiwiwi?
@kiilo: ok good ;] was just wondering where some people hide. so see u next node..?
http://www.flare-facade.com/#video and the softwre: http://www.flare-facade.com/#effect
is anybody from Barcelona here???
with flickrDown you can easily downlaod all node08 pictures on flickr: http://www.greggman.com/pages/flickrdown.htm
@gregsn im here im working in a Univerity - and try to convince ...
@circuitb: i think some of those guys teaching in my school; whitevoid.com, they also wrote a vj interface with a lot of colors
where is kiilo?
where is majortom?
hey michel the link is awesome!!!!!!! future of architecture is now :) let us know if you find more infos about that
is it vvvv on that computer? http://www.flare-facade.com/#effect
@u7angel: Could you give me some more details on the Phidgets crash here? http://vvvv.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=18305&topics_threshold=0&topics_offset=1&topics_sort_mode=lastPost_desc&topics_find=&foru...
looks like it!
@sven: check your inbox ( i hope the message is sent btw )
haha, more pics from vvvvinissage here: http://www.velvet-ffm.de/velvet/component/option,com_ponygallery/Itemid,149/func,viewcategory/catid,25/startpage,1/#category lots of people, don't know ANY of them
the phidget plugin GUI crashed all the time
just had a go with the phidget and wii plugin...very nice, thumbs up
@fox Ahh the weather here is beautiful too! Glad to hear you had a good trip! I was so happy to be home after such an intense trip.
@Kalle Yes its me - your long lost asian brother!
@qwiks: you are the guy carrying my lastname, aren't you ??!?
@qwiks, comfortable weather and much quite comparing to frankfurt ;) nice ppl everywhere
@FoxonFire how was sweden?
@wetterberg-hmhm..the influence-events are maybe hard for the machine. it also crashed when windows useraccountcontrol was turned off
arrive back home safely.. finally.. time to get back on beta16 :)
@joreg, cool thing
kind of bazaar kind of in the making. in the meanwhile: http://vvvv.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/vvvv/plugins/c%23/
what about a Plugins Bazaar ?
flogos - yeah wana have!!!
@apnoe, the Particles node stops vvvv dead when overloaded, for me. I guess my Feature Request for Particles is a "max particles" input....
@velcrome+Arsrobota : Merci!!
@Desax: just seen your cut-up serie... Really nice!!! I have been trying to achieve that for many weeks and you did it. U're the one!
WiiMote Plugin : http://vvvv.org/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=1623 Please test it :)
thx david it worked
@ glenneroo: Awesome ;D
node08 party/visuals pics are for ready download (not on flickr yet) :: http://public.glenneroo.org/?path=img/event/2008+node08/
help patch award cool thing makes node08 longer. pls contribute http://www.vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=node08.helppatchaward&highlight=help%20patch%20award
application crashes, in the failure report is "timeliner" listet.. x(
somebody got experience with bugs on the new particel module?
i wanted to upload a .zip to the general workshop file gallery, but it does not appear in the drop down list on the upload file site. what do i have to do?
I got ill and missed the last few days of the event :( Any chance there will be some videos up soon?
ok thx. try d.brunnthaler@aon.at instead. don't know why my lichtarbeit mail isn't working properly. thx anyway
hi lichtarbeit. your email adress is not valid. that is why you never got an email. please give me your correct email address
die spinnen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPv8PPl7ANU
fears glenneroo's camera*
oh yes and really nasty party pics comin sooooooon muwahaha! :P
woohoooo back in Vienna. deskewing patch is cleaned up hopefully a bit more readable than the original ;) where do i post it??
hi david. my name is lichtarbeit. would be cool if you can unlock me or resend the activation mail
everything you know is wrong: http://www.vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=EX9+Rendering - the all new definite guide to effects/shader coding in vvvv. this is where you get started if you missed the node08.ShaderProgramming workshop
@guest: what is your nickname?
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