kiilo: sorry, I meant FT232... not 323 :-)
kalle: the dongle is surely not designed for professional environments, but comparing the price to other usb dongles, I'm happy with that :-)
kiilo: It is an FTDI FT323B(L|M). You should get a driver from
hhhm...dmx allows ~20fps, when all channels are used. mostly the interface to PC is the bottleneck. you might set your flashlights to startadress 509 and 511 and send full 512channels to get a clue about the performance...
just having some problems with this device under OS X funny :-/ anybody knows which USB2serial ic is used?
kalle: no sorry. At the moment I only use it for two flashlights (two channels each). Performance can't be that worse, DMX is nothing heavily loading, I think.
Hi R0B! How is the performance of that DMX4ALL USB-Device? Did you ever use it with lots of channels?
so better keep on using it for art ...
that's scary
what directX can do:
@elektrom. gonna get one meself :)
deleted that post. smelled like spam.
laughs* there is again something wrong with the forums --> multiply one web camera in many video applications thread
actually it just tripple gpu at the moment:
@u7 yes and it runs very well especially with beta10. with 9.10 i got some bluescreens when switching t o fullscreen. with beta 10 not anymore
oops, can someone plz delete ANewPage ^^
@MrBenefit could you put vvvv files for arduino on your wiki? having some problems :(
@elektromeier, quad gpu ? did u get this gigabyte quad royal board ?
my first module for (4.57 Kb)
im wondering how stable it is on my new quad gpu machine. i test it this afternoon.
ups havent seen that the 9 is missing... its beta 10 yipiee
is there a new version 9.10?
yippie - just in time for the sprinter to berlin!
thx tonfilm. i didn't notice...
yeah fixed, good n8 !
the startup patch work for me
oh, sourcecode included and startup patch dont start !
yea, i am the first downloader ... ätschibätsch
hehe, whats there at the download page gregsn ? :)
je serais la envoi moi un mail
Next 8 April I'm going to the Timewarp, some others VVVV users will be there? I'm disappointed, I think I couldn't see the speech from Sebastian Oschatz :-( too early for me. la mèche.
panasonic interactive wall's+interactive+TV+wall%2C+the+demo.html
thank you morphopeleides :)
hey adel! you find the carot thing on ( CamShiftTracker_ chasing_the_carrot )
hi sebastian, do you remember the patch we've been playin with (crazy carot thing, mixture of color and motion tracking,web-cam involved) what was the name of it?
Ahh.. here it is (english)
Sanch, you got an English Link (or Dutch ;) ) But looks like a nice 'give me give me' !!
modular interface ...
you got mail !
paging for mr tonfilm ... please contact me.
@pan...having v4 now ready to go in the dome makes it amazing...but yeah, it's cool having this playground ;)
@u7: that's awesome, I'm so jealous of your venue ;>
Yeaah coool
Looks great, allbeit flickery!
admin messing with link to the dome video is the video (flash)
and even better: rss feeds on toilet paper:
something for the office
Well Done! Look forward to seeing it!
@catweasel again :) the dome is working !!! video will be online tomozza
@ catweasel: when is there a new version of RGBLumaKey for vvvv9.1 ?? greets
holo moli! the egosoccer-thing is titanic!
hi-all , thnaks2you i finally managed to put a snapshot on my
this one is nice
@woei: fixed !
thanks cat. forum posting issue is fixed now.
sorry, messed the shaders site by uploading a wrongsized screenshot! :(
hello from martha. we're up & running.
Forum bug, I just posted a reply but wasnt logged in, hence no post, should not have a reply button when not logged in?
@u7 look forward to seeing a mov!
Doch jetzt endlich darf auch PC-Hardware ihren trendy Lifestyle leben. In einem Mac-Gehäuse. Man stelle sich nur den Preis vor!
PC-Hardware, jahrelang wurde sie in hässliche Kisten gesteckt! Obwohl sie doch so viel hübscher hätte ausehen können. In billige, langweilige Kisten, obwohl sie doch so viel hipper und teurer hätte sein können.
addon to my xp-mac shout: seems like the graphics driver and v4 are not that far off
@cat...the forest is actually moving like snakes :)
I thought so, the dna title gave it away! They're beautiful!
1915/1916 = me ... the rest is master sanch i guess
Correct me if i'm wrong, but it looks like sanch-style?!?
Great screenshots! Whose are they?
I will, thx for the help all.
@nfms:post a topic in the forum
@tonfilm: if I put the transform directly into the phongpoint it still selects the whole mesh, which is kinda logical i think, there must be someway to get one of the meshes instead of all .... ?
a friend of mine got windows working on a macbook pro and of course he checked v4 and some other shit...unfortunatelly we have to wait for a proper hacked graphicscard driver,
right, but without the GetSlice !!! the GetSlice node makes your spread of transforms to a single transform again ...
@tonfilm: that's what I did, but it still transforms the whole mesh, instead of one object, i got a screenie here: http://
vvvvorums enabled. again, we lost a few topics. from now on. only registered users can post. hope you understand this decision
connect a spread to a transform, and this transform to your draw fixed ...
'a spread of transforms' - I dont really get what you mean by that, I've used a linearspread in a transform, and used getslice to get one of the spread slices out of there, but it still returns the whole mesh (xfile), not part of it...
i confirm that doesn´t work, but you can be able to transform each object like oschatz describe it
might be handy: if I dont use the mesh command, it does work, but then I can't transform the mesh, so that's no option :) And about the transform: it transforms the whole object (putting in in the drawfixed (transform)
this is probably a bug , the spread of the transformation works?
@oschatz: Still not quite working, I've uploaded a screenie here: // I've tried selecting the different slices by the 'getslice' command, but it still selects the whole object.
strange feelin´ - this page without the vvvvorum... the "no spam" screenshots may have endangered the spambots [:
thx man, gonna check it out!
@nfms: they should come out of the xfilereader as a spread - if you use a spread of transforms later on you can deal with them independently
Is it possible to read out different groups of object from xfiles? (exported out of 3dmax/deep exploration?)
we disabled the forums temporarily due to another aggressive and severe spam attack. please stay with us until we cleaned up our database....
who disabled the forums?
me to...
i think the same...
friggin spam, what about restricting the forum to registered users ?
yea, i got one of this: (the red one)
just a video image of my office and some typo particle patch i'm working on...used some shaders to alter the image
u7angel: that's the one, it's lovely
color key shader for PS1.4 cards:
maps on :)
i have add the no !
cool screenshots ...
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